How NOT to street fighter you FZ6!!!


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Cardiff, UK
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Rear ended by a Land Rover Discovery on my way home from work last night. I was stopped at a junction and he piled straight into the back of me. Seems the hi-viz jacket and hi-level brake light weren't enough to grab his attention...

Got out of hospital at 1am, right leg in plaster with a busted ankle. Only consolation is, the Police said it appears to be an open and shut case. He failed to stop while I was waiting at a give way for traffic to pass so it's his fault and shouldn't affect my insurance...

I'm guessing it's written off, the labour charges in repairing this alone would be sky high. The rear subframe mounting lugs have been snapped clean of the frame, exhaust, tail unit, top box, wheel, tyre, passenger foot hanger and RHS fairing all shagged. Dont know if the swinging arm is bent but wouldn't suprise me, was one hell of a whack!

I am GUTTED. This has been my favourite bike to date and my local dealer just sold their last one for silly money. What am I going to replace it with? FZ8? Only if they do a full fairing kit!...

One last thing, just after the accident I had an e-mail confirmation that these were in the post! Clutch Brake Lever Yamaha FZ6 R FZ1 Fazer XJ6 Diversion on eBay (end time 12-Jun-10 11:29:45 BST) and Clutch Cable Adjuster - Pro-Bolt - Titanium, Stainless Steel, Aluminium Fasteners & Motorcycle Accessories in black. Typical! Anyway if anyone wants them brand new still in the box they can have them for what I paid, delivery free. I'll post them in the For Sale section and possibly on ebay.
Rear ended by a Land Rover Discovery on my way home from work last night. I was stopped at a junction and he piled straight into the back of me. Seems the hi-viz jacket and hi-level brake light weren't enough to grab his attention...

Got out of hospital at 1am, right leg in plaster with a busted ankle. Only consolation is, the Police said it appears to be an open and shut case. He failed to stop while I was waiting at a give way for traffic to pass so it's his fault and shouldn't affect my insurance...

I'm guessing it's written off, the labour charges in repairing this alone would be sky high. The rear subframe mounting lugs have been snapped clean of the frame, exhaust, tail unit, top box, wheel, tyre, passenger foot hanger and RHS fairing all shagged. Dont know if the swinging arm is bent but wouldn't suprise me, was one hell of a whack!

I am GUTTED. This has been my favourite bike to date and my local dealer just sold their last one for silly money. What am I going to replace it with? FZ8? Only if they do a full fairing kit!...

One last thing, just after the accident I had an e-mail confirmation that these were in the post! Clutch Brake Lever Yamaha FZ6 R FZ1 Fazer XJ6 Diversion on eBay (end time 12-Jun-10 11:29:45 BST) and Clutch Cable Adjuster - Pro-Bolt - Titanium, Stainless Steel, Aluminium Fasteners & Motorcycle Accessories in black. Typical! Anyway if anyone wants them brand new still in the box they can have them for what I paid, delivery free. I'll post them in the For Sale section and possibly on ebay.

Ouch! Not nice! Glad your sorta ok, and sorry about your bike! what a bummer!

Whatever happens, get your aftermarket goodies off the bike before it gets written off...

You might be lucky and get another FZ6 through your insurance, even if it is from another dealer...
god, another like myself. i has hit off last week. some idiot didnt look right at a roundabout. took me and girlfriend right off. bike is still at garge. dont know if they are going repair it or write it off yet. didnt look as bad as yours tho, that is one almight bash. hope you feeling better soon and on the road to recovery. We both might be on new FZ6's before we know it :thumbup:
German style!

Glad you got away relatively unscathed fella.Looking at that you're a lucky guy.
Pretty sure they'll write it off,if the frame has suffered any kind of damage.
You'll get market value for the bike,so should be able to get another and seeings as it wasn't your fault,the twat in the disco's insurance will pay for your excess,injury, bike gear etc

Heal up soon,summer's around the corner :thumbup:
Also glad you are not permanently injured. FZ8 is going to be expensive from what I hear, but sure looks awesome IMO. Thanks for the Pro-Bolt link.
At least your ok'ish and it looks like your topbox and mounting bracket are undamaged, they cost a heap, you should be able to sell them for a fair bit if you don't get another FZ6!

I saw a young lady at my old mechanic come in one day from a similar accident although she was on a smaller bike and it was not quite in one peice like yours is!
Amazing how its done that, definately lucky you where relatively ok!
Holy smokes -- that bike is "jacked up" (no pun intended).

Hey, glad you made it out alive; I hope your injuries heal fast.

I think if there's a hint of the frame bent, it's probably totaled.

Too bad, looks like the whole front end is in good shape.

So the light colored jacket and big brake light didn't work to get his attention? that's just sad. I tell ya, I've been doing more weird stuff to get people's attention -- like nodding, waving my hand, flicking my light, weaving back and forth. At a stop light, I'm going to start waving folks to stop if I see them coming from behind; yesterday, I saw traffic coming when I was stopped and I just kept flicking my brake light.

Take care of yourself,

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm not too down about the whole affair and just keeping my fingers crossed that the insurance claim runs smoothly. If they're as efficient as they sound on the telephone, then my insurers are all over it. Already been offered a hire bike, injury claim in progress and bike been seen by the dealer (although not assessed yet)...

Think I may have found a replacement already, FZ1 with the touring gear!!!:D:D:D
I always wondered how Joker got his bike tail up so high up in the air. Now I know.

Glad you are somewhat alright :) (aside from the ankle.)
Sorry to hear that you got hit but so glad to have you typing about it in the forum! You can replace the bike... we cannot replace Jonno271!!!

Heal up fast!
Hit this jackazz where it the wallet. No excuse for something like this. A personal injury lawsuit to punish an inattentive driver is why lawyers were invented.

New bike, lost wages, etc. etc. the works.

No mercy.

Sorry to hear that you got hit but so glad to have you typing about it in the forum! You can replace the bike... we cannot replace Jonno271!!!

Heal up fast!

Thanks man, pissed about the ankle but kinda looking forward to a new bike, especially if I get an FZ1!

You mean a rental while yours gets fixed?


Yeah that's what I meant Dennis, they said they'd have one to me the next day, shame I couldn't take them up on the offer because my leg's in plaster :(

Hit this jackazz where it the wallet. No excuse for something like this. A personal injury lawsuit to punish an inattentive driver is why lawyers were invented.

New bike, lost wages, etc. etc. the works.

No mercy.


Well J, to be fair I hadn't thought about it but my insurance company had already started the ball rolling with a specialist solicitor! Said they'd claim for everything including all my gear even though most of it's OK. Won't get lost wages because I'm in the Forces and still getting paid anyway. The main claim I think is gonna be injuries, just made an appointment to see the doctor this afternoon because I've woken up this morning with one hell of a stiff/sore neck and back. Whiplash I'm guessing.