I fought the law and the law won

Yeah - these two are my first points ever - and I've been slowing down in general over the last few years so I think I'll be okay moving forward.

Speaking of that.. time for another BRC2! :D
2 point reduction! :rockon:
You guys don't realise how lucky you are regarding speeding tickets!

Over here, we have speed cameras everywhere, some are obvious, some are really well camouflaged and impossible to see...

Their latest invention is a speed camera hidden in an undercover car, which can actually control your speed while in movement. So you just overtake a random car, they control your speed, and if you were going faster than the speed limit you get a nice letter in the mail, nothing you can say or do.

I got caught twice in the last six month by cars like that!

Good thing is we don't have deductible points on our licenses or anything like that, you just pay your fine and that's it, you only risk getting your license suspended if you are going more than 30 kph over the speed limit.

Here is a video showing it in action, sorry it's in french:

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You guys don't realise how lucky you are regarding speeding tickets!

Over here, we have speed cameras everywhere, some are obvious, some are really well camouflaged and impossible to see...

Their latest invention is a speed camera hidden in an undercover car, which can actually control your speed while in movement. So you just overtake a random car, they control your speed, and if you were going faster than the speed limit you get a nice letter in the mail, nothing you can say or do.

I got caught twice in the last six month by cars like that!

Good thing is we don't have deductible points on our licenses or anything like that, you just pay your fine and that's it, you only risk getting your license suspended if you are going more than 30 kph over the speed limit.

Here is a video showing it in action, sorry it's in french:


I hope it's just a language barrier around the word "Control" which translates from french to be more of an enforcement (Like in english we use the word "controls are in place to limit your speed - that would refer to checkpoints, speed bumps, anything to impede your speed) - in (American) English we use 'Control' to mean that you take over something - I control my vehicle on the road using the steering wheel and pedals - (Man - English is dumb!)

If you meant the American sense of control then I'm very worried for the occurrence of skynet in the near future. Police physically slowing down your vehicle when it passes them going too quickly. Yikes!
I hope it's just a language barrier around the word "Control" which translates from french to be more of an enforcement (Like in english we use the word "controls are in place to limit your speed - that would refer to checkpoints, speed bumps, anything to impede your speed) - in (American) English we use 'Control' to mean that you take over something - I control my vehicle on the road using the steering wheel and pedals - (Man - English is dumb!)

If you meant the American sense of control then I'm very worried for the occurrence of skynet in the near future. Police physically slowing down your vehicle when it passes them going too quickly. Yikes!

No way! He definitely meant "check" or "clock".
- I was almost held in contempt of court for asking for a sidebar
sounds like a bit of silliness to me

and i thought speed limits were "suggested?" imo if you're on a bike and you make a decision to accelerate ahead of traffic to place yourself in a safer on road position that is enough of a defense for the law to consider a favorable outcome for you
You guys don't realise how lucky you are regarding speeding tickets!

Over here, we have speed cameras everywhere, some are obvious, some are really well camouflaged and impossible to see...

Their latest invention is a speed camera hidden in an undercover car, which can actually control your speed while in movement. So you just overtake a random car, they control your speed, and if you were going faster than the speed limit you get a nice letter in the mail, nothing you can say or do.

I got caught twice in the last six month by cars like that!

Good thing is we don't have deductible points on our licenses or anything like that, you just pay your fine and that's it, you only risk getting your license suspended if you are going more than 30 kph over the speed limit.

Here is a video showing it in action, sorry it's in french:

Man I could not pay taxes in to such extortionists. I'd cover my license plate up and uncover it when you're safely out of those poachers' domain. Stuff like that infuriates me to no end, you're not making roads safer then, youkre just angering motorists and making the wrong people richer.
sounds like a bit of silliness to me

and i thought speed limits were "suggested?" imo if you're on a bike and you make a decision to accelerate ahead of traffic to place yourself in a safer on road position that is enough of a defense for the law to consider a favorable outcome for you

oh wait, you were driving a CAR at the time, OP?

in that case yeah, get the rope!! :sinister:
Fighting with the law in a court room is like fighting the Devil in Hell! The Matrix has you.

Be sure to bring your own lube because they won't provide it.
Anyway, I represented myself and enjoyed having my moment in court, after all, I'd be paying court costs already, so I might as well have them earn it. After my 30 minute line of questioning/defense statement filled with math, judgement and tons of objections from the prosecution who seemed displeased with my lack of knowledge of legalese and proper question format - the judge told me that the defense I chose only works for something like murder or assault, where the laws are less well defined.

Too bad you didn't win your day in court for the speeding ticket but if ever you are up on murder or assault charges you will be golden ;)
The judge was so non-challante with the alternative of speeding -

"if you had slowed down and gone in behind the truck, you wouldn't have been here"

"you're right your honor - because someone would have rear ended me going 30+ mph higher than I was and I would probably be in the hospital"

"no, I meant that you wouldn't have gotten a ticket, they would have"

"So it's okay that I cause a massive accident by driving significantly below the speed limit?"

"You wouldn't have been written a ticket".

"well, at least Trooper McClain would have been close enough to clean up the mess"​
Man I could not pay taxes in to such extortionists. I'd cover my license plate up and uncover it when you're safely out of those poachers' domain. Stuff like that infuriates me to no end, you're not making roads safer then, youkre just angering motorists and making the wrong people richer.

Driving with a covered license plate would get you a suspended license...
And a nasty fine!

All you can do is make sure you never overtake a car at more than 30kph over the speed limit.
I hope it's just a language barrier around the word "Control" which translates from french to be more of an enforcement (Like in english we use the word "controls are in place to limit your speed - that would refer to checkpoints, speed bumps, anything to impede your speed) - in (American) English we use 'Control' to mean that you take over something - I control my vehicle on the road using the steering wheel and pedals - (Man - English is dumb!)

If you meant the American sense of control then I'm very worried for the occurrence of skynet in the near future. Police physically slowing down your vehicle when it passes them going too quickly. Yikes!

Erci is right, i meant "control" as in check, not as in "i am controlling your mind"...
Driving with a covered license plate would get you a suspended license...
And a nasty fine!

All you can do is make sure you never overtake a car at more than 30kph over the speed limit.
Obviously I was kidding but it's pretty sad you have to live that way, never knowing when Big Brother Belgium's gonna want a hand out.
Obviously I was kidding but it's pretty sad you have to live that way, never knowing when Big Brother Belgium's gonna want a hand out.

It could be a lot worst!

France is exactly the same, but they have 12 points on their licenses, any infraction removes a certain amounts of points, when you reach 0, say goodby to your license for a long time...
It works the same way in the UK.

At least in Belgium all they do is take your money...

I was caught twice in two months, once doing 150kph on a 120kph highway, the second time doing 100kph on a 70kph road.
It cost me 150 euros the first time, 120 the second time, and that was it.

Had i been in France or in the UK i would have lost a lot of points on my license, and probably even would have to pay more insurance next year.
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It could be a lot worst!

France is exactly the same, but they have 12 points on their licenses, any infraction removes a certain amounts of points, when you reach 0, say goodby to your license for a long time...
It works the same way in the UK.

At least in Belgium all they do is take your money...

I was caught twice in two months, once doing 150kph on a 120kph highway, the second time doing 100kph on a 70kph road.
It cost me 150 euros the first time, 120 the second time, and that was it.

Had i been in France or in the UK i would have lost a lot of points on my license, and probably even would have to pay more insurance next year.
I feel for you my friend, I really do.

Kinda glad I'd only ever rent a motorcycle and tour Europe knowing this
Many people don't understand that local gov't entities all are competing to get a bigger piece of the revenue pie. Governments are constantly devising ways to generate more revenue and grow, grow and grow bigger. Your traffic tickets help fund your friendly government programs. So, next time a Snickers wrapper blows out your vehicle window and you get $1,000.00 fine you should cheerfully pay it off. You will feel much better knowing that your B.S. traffic tickets help generate income for a good cause. ;)
Will probably try to prolong my traffic date if i can. Everytime I stop for gas the cop is just hanging out around... Waiting!

There may be a catch on which officer should be there. The one who wrote it or the one who saw it. Either or I have paid too many traffic tickets to not try this one.

It's all about $$$$$$$$ if no one for a ticket for a week, it would cripple the system.
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Many people don't understand that local gov't entities all are competing to get a bigger piece of the revenue pie. Governments are constantly devising ways to generate more revenue and grow, grow and grow bigger. Your traffic tickets help fund your friendly government programs. So, next time a Snickers wrapper blows out your vehicle window and you get $1,000.00 fine you should cheerfully pay it off. You will feel much better knowing that your B.S. traffic tickets help generate income for a good cause. ;)

For anyone who wants a good read about a little speedtrap town tucked inside of cleveland - I have a well written, yet infuritating, article about Linndale, Ohio - a town that has scraped by on its 400 some yards of frontage on I-71.

Greetings From Linndale | Article Archives | Article Archives | Cleveland Magazine - Your guide to the best of Cleveland