I got 2007 FZ6


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Apr 9, 2011
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Jersey City
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Hi Guys,
I recently got 2007 FZ6, only 3000 Miles in great condition.
I am sharing the Pics. This is my first big bike. I am loving it so far. Great balance.I am 5'7" and feel its perfect fit.
I am happy i didnt get the new FZ6R as it looks little plasticky for my taste.
My only problem is the clutch. I have stalled it at least 15-20 times at stop signs and traffic signals so far.I have Pazo adjustable levers short levers. I have small hands.
Any suggestions on the settings that you use. Any recommendation is appreciated.
Jerssey City
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Congratulations on getting a great bike. And welcome to the forum, lots of great people and useful information. Make the most of both. :welcome:

Edit: On the Pazzo levers and stalling problem- I have smallish hands also and I have Pazzo's too. Some of your problem will go away with practice but I also found setting my Pazzo on #2 on the clutch side seemed to help me. I have the brake side set on #1 BTW..
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HI! dhurisunil

Love the pictures:thumbup:
Did you take them:eek:
Looks like pictures off a Yamaha advertisement. nice!!!:rockon:
I was thinking the same thing! Great pics! :thumbup:
The FZ6 is my first ever bike, and my advice on the stalling issue is to go to a level area (your driveway or a quiet parking lot) and slowly let out the clutch until you feel the bike starting to pull forward a bit (inches). Use your feet to pull the bike back, then do it again. This was one of the exercises that I learned at my motorcycle class, and find it very helpful still. (I still practice it when I am waiting on someone, or at a long light.) Good luck, and practice, practice, practice! :D
:welcome:Sunil to the forum! Congratulations on the beautiful FZ6. It looks like brand new! :rockon:
We have a great group of people here. Remember to get good gear for protection and have fun! :D
I am 5'8" and have short fingers and assume you do too. I had the same problem because the clutch engagement is so far out I have less control when my fingers are extended so far. Therefore, I would dump the clutch often. I adjusted the clutch dial on the handle to bring it in a little. It gave me more control. Just be careful not to bring it in too much. Worked for me.
Thanks Guys,
@ Lefty : I will try this setting :thumbup:
@ BamBam77 : Glad that you like the pics, I took it with a Nikon DSLR.
@ Elizabeth : I think I need to practice the friction zone as you mentioned. I am used to much easier clutches ( new Harley Sportster). On the FZ6 the friction zone seems to be too small and towards the end and clutch is very hard( stiff).. me having small hands makes things worse. I will practice on the more.
@ Motogiro: yes got the protection stuff :)
@ jwrider41 : thanks , Exactly that's what my problem is.
@ Yasko: I have done that already and have license too..

I think I should adjust the Pazzo at different settings to see which one suits me :)
Congrates on getting the bike and welcome to the forum!

There is a post (do a search) where someone is modifying the clutch actuation arm (lenthing it) and slightly changing the base (where the outter cable sheath goes). Doing this mod makes a wider friction zone and a easier pull... The last I read, you send in yours and he modify's it. Keeping the clutch cable clean and lubed will also help.

With experiance in the seat, I think you'll find the clutch a non issue. I've never stalled it but I've been riding for quite awhile too..

Ride safe and watch for the other guy.

Found the post I mentioned above,: http://www.600riders.com/forum/fz6-mods/35451-clutch-slave-levers-im-making-them-again.html

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@ TownsendsFJR1300
@ BamBam77

This looks like great , Thanks for digging in the forum to find this one out. I think I will first try practice on the regular clucth. If things look grim then I would definately consider the mod. Thanks Much!!:thumbup:
@ TownsendsFJR1300
@ BamBam77

This looks like great , Thanks for digging in the forum to find this one out. I think I will first try practice on the regular clucth. If things look grim then I would definately consider the mod. Thanks Much!!:thumbup:

Your welcome. With some practice you'll be fine..
You could screw the cable adjuster in a tad too just to get it a bit closer to the bar. Just make sure that when its released all the way the lever still has some tension on it at rest.

You might also want to rotate your lever slightly to give your hands a better mechanical advantage while pulling the levers. Most every bike I've sat on has them rotated up to much which make my hands rise above my forearm to grip them. Try rotating them down so your wrist stays parallel to your forearm. Place the bike on the center stand and sit on it riding style. Rotate the levers so your hands aren't reaching up to them. This will reduce fatigue too!
Note: people with long torsos will notice this more than those with a shorter mid section.

Have fun!
Welcome to the forum. Very nice bike. I live in Passaic County, close to JC. As mentioned by others once you get used to friction zone you will be fine. I stalled couple times during first 50 miles. Have safe ride!
Something else to consider -

What do you know about the oil in this bike? Has it been changed since you acquired it? The reason I ask is someone could have put some kind of additive in the oil which might make the clutch more "grabby" (<new word there) and less friendly. I'd change the oil for starters and go from there.

And welcome to the forum! You have a good eye for photo composition! ;)
I got my bike with 1600 miles and changed to synthetic oil in the first week, it made a big difference in gear changes and the like:thumbup:
Now with over 5000 miles I can feel that the bike has finely broken in and also trained me to be a better shifter:thumbup:

The main problem I see here is you have the faster RED version! :BLAA:

As others have said, go practice in a safe, open area. Ease out the clutch until it is about to stall, or does stall. Practice and you'll get the hang of it.

Take MSF ASAP if you have not already done so. Ride safe!
I never had any issues with the clutch but did find that installing the fake Pazzo short lever made subtle control of the friction point much easier.
