I have never felt so sick in all my life.......I feel like a bad mother.



My kids (7 & 8 years old) wanted to join the "after school program"....so instead of getting out at 2:50pm, they get out at 6pm (if their parents pick them up) and 5:30pm (if they ride the bus). The kids wanted to ride the bus, which my daughter has only ridden the bus twice or so and my son has never ridden the bus, so I let them ride the bus.....BIG MISTAKE! I told them today, make sure eachother is on the same bus and stick together. The teacher for the program told me he would let them know which bus to go on.

So.....the bus leaves at 5:45pm and there was only about 15 kids in the program, so I figured the bus wouldn't take that long. I get to the bus stop at 5:50pm (don't want to miss the bus, ya know) and I'm waiting.....now it's 6:15pm and I'm thinking,"OMG, what if they got off at the wrong bus stop and they're standing out in the middle of hell." sportrider calls me and tells me to go drive around and look for them/the bus. He gets in his truck and is looking too (yeah I know, what if they come home while we're out looking for them) and he's yelling at me,"how could you let this happen" blah blah blah.

I drove around the whole F'ing town....by this time it is 6:25pm and I instantly got sick to my stomach.....I couldn't help but to cry.

Suddenly, Danny spots the bus and he asks if 2 little white kids got off at a different bus stop....he says he dropped off 2 white kids (a girl and a boy) like 4 miles away. :eek: Then he says....oh wait I just dropped off 2 kids on Carpenteria (our street)......we rush home to find the kids standing in the driveway playing with the dog....for clarification, Danny was 1 block away.....I know how bad this sounds.

Anyways....they're home and they did end up getting on the wrong bus and the bus driver had to drive out of his way to bring them home.

I can not imagine what parents go through when their child is abducted or lost/missing.

I will be picking them up from school til they gradute high school!!!!!!!
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Holy cow! Glad everything turned out ok and they are safe. I don't really see how that could possibly make you a bad parent. Sometimes S@#t happens. :rolleyes:
I'd be down that teacher's throat about not getting them on the right bus! Not your fault!!!
The kids said that the teacher told them to get on whatever bus, it didn't matter. I was more scared than angry.....I felt like I was gonna have a heartattack.

I guess I feel like it's my fault because I got yelled at. :rolleyes:
Glad things worked out okay, and kudos to that bus driver.

Don't be so hard on yourself; a "bad Mom" wouldn't be freaking out like you are. ;)
You guys know just as well as I do, that marriage is about each other. Its when troubled times strike, that we as spouses have no where else to turn but to the other. Im sure danny was just worried and was venting. I've done it to my wife plenty of times, and apologized for the miscommunication.

Glad the kids are okay!
The kids said that the teacher told them to get on whatever bus, it didn't matter. I was more scared than angry.....I felt like I was gonna have a heartattack.

I guess I feel like it's my fault because I got yelled at. :rolleyes:

It cannot possibly be your fault and you being yelled at for it is totally uncalled for. He is dead wrong and owes you a huge apology.

sportrider gets the :spank: here!

Glad the kids are OK....:eek:

My son is 5 and started full time kindergarten last week. He is riding the bus and loves it, but on his first day, he got off at the wrong stop on the ride home......I was sweating bullets at the bus stop waiting...the bus was late and then when my son did not get off the bus, I got on it and looked in every seat for him.....I was very scared, my boys are my whole world!

Finally the bus driver told me he had let my son off about 3 stops earlier. I drove to find him and he was walking along the sidewalk heading home.

I was so relieved to find him. Of course he was having a fun walk home:eek:

I was more scared than he was!

Anyway...I can relate....glad they are safe.:cheer:
You are not a bad mother you truly care for your children. It was a stressful moment that you and sportrider had to go through and im sure things were said that werent ment. The kids are ok and thats the most important thing. You and sportrider should talk things out if you feel he truly ment the things he said.
The actions you and Danny took shows that you aren't bad parents. Kids enjoy riding the school bus, it can be fun. Glad you let them ride and hope you still let them ride. I think school bus drivers are instructed and are very aware of not letting little kids off other than their bus stop. Sounds like the driver was ontop of things. If the driver did good, a nice write up on the driver probably would be nice, as well as explaining how F'd up the teacher was telling the kids to go on any bus.
When I was about six years old, we took a trip to a resort in Florida. One day while I was supposed to be taking a nap, I snuck out past my parents and went walking around the resort.

The entire resort staff dropped everything and went searching for me. Eventually they found me walking along the edge of the seawall. It was a three foot drop into the water, and no way out.

If I'd fallen in, I'd have died.

The moral of the story is that kids will always get into some sort of trouble. As a parent, you can try and predict dangers and steer them away. But they will always find a way to put themselves in danger. And they learn from it, as your kids learned today to get on the right bus.

My parents were not bad parents because I snuck past them.

You are not a bad parent because your kids wound up on the wrong schoolbus.
Its all good Janette. It happens untill they get everything figured out. Dont be mad at the school just tell them what happened and get it handled. Once they know the right bus driver/bus it wont happen any more. Give the bus driver your phone number and ask for thiers. That solves the whole problem.

Trin and Haily got lost (wrong bus) when Tiffany and I lived together. I know the feeling. It sucks.
Wow, nasty, i know what it's like when one of mine "dissapears", it's total freak out time! I am so freaked out by the prospect, that when we go to big public outings, i make my kids wear big fluoro orange hats....looks weird, but i never lose sight of their heads in a crowd of kids kicking a football, or something.

The arguement is just human nature, when we are threatened, or going through something we think we cannot control, and are scared, most of us tend to lash out...

I would love for my 9 year old to catch the bus to school, as it would take him door to door. But i cant bring myself to let him, and i am guessing both parents feel that way now too.

Sorry for both of you that you to had to find out the"hard" way (that could of been any of us), so glad everyone is OK.

Kids are the most important thing in life! You both showed excellent parental qualities...you freaked out, and started doing everything you could to find them....some parents would not move from the couch, and would reason that the kids will find their way home eventually. Glad i dont know any of those types of parents.

Thanks for all of the positive replies.....I feel much better.
It cannot possibly be your fault and you being yelled at for it is totally uncalled for. He is dead wrong and owes you a huge apology.

sportrider gets the :spank: here!
He did apologize....it's all good. I know he was really scared.
Thanks for all of the positive replies.....I feel much better.He did apologize....it's all good. I know he was really scared.

Yes, I can imagine he was but no need to take it out on you. I'm glad he apologized. No more :spank: for Danny. Good man! :thumbup:
I am glad that your kids are all safe, but it is part of growing up, soon you will be out of hell and you will not have to worry as much. keep your guard up and try not to panic, kids are flexible and the bounce (or so i have heard)
You guys are both great parents.. both of you had the same concern for your little ones. The bus driver did do a great job for going out of his way to be sure the kids were safe. And he didnt' wait until his route was over and go back to the school making you both wait even longer. Glad it all worked out and you are still whole. :thumbup: