I rode 2,927 miles in a week

Holy CRAP! Wow! What a cool adventure. I'd love to do a road trip with my bike like that. Wait I did but I pulled the bike on a trailer...okay...not the same.

Very cool. Butt still numb???

:rof: Butt was kinda tender yet it did not stop me or even slow me down. I had a great time and can't wait for the next adventure.
Colorado is Bitch'n on a bike.

Keep those pics coming.

How often did you lube the chain?

A few times on the way up 2 or 3. Ran into a lot of rain on the way back so 3 or 4 more times. Was not enough to save the chain. Bike now has 22,000 miles on it and the chain is suffering. Time for a new one :( I took a total of 613 pictures can't post them all. I tried to hit the highlights.... Photobucket is being a pain :spank:
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Wow what a ride! I don't know how you did that many hours nonstop on the stock seat - you are my hero LOL! The northeast is a beautiful area and I am glad to know you appreciated it. As for I-90 - it is not only boring but you even get the pleasure to pay a toll to ride on it :(

I look forward to hearing about and seeing the pics from your next ride. :thumbup:
Wow what a ride! I don't know how you did that many hours nonstop on the stock seat - you are my hero LOL! The northeast is a beautiful area and I am glad to know you appreciated it. As for I-90 - it is not only boring but you even get the pleasure to pay a toll to ride on it :(

I look forward to hearing about and seeing the pics from your next ride. :thumbup:

Yeah, I was surprised to even see a toll road... New York can't get enough money????? Good gravy it cost me close to 30 bucks round trip to drive in that state alone with the tolls :shakehead::thumbdown::disapprove::rant::banghead:
Great writeup and pics, thanks!

My atlas doesn't go down enough in detail, there's a highway south of Dayton OH that is HUGELY fun to drive, I think it's 725 but it's been many years; no need to Interstate it all the way thru.

Oh, and you need to change your handle to "DamnItsIronbuttJeff"... :D
Awesome ride, write up, and sharing. Thanks for all the great pics. I did a coast to coast trip in 85. Awesome!:rockon:

wow i rode from hammond louisiana to biloxi Mississippi (about 100-150 miles) and i thought my butt was going to burst into flame! they have got to do something with these seats.
So you spent all of that time here on Mt Desert Island (I live about...5 minutes from Cadillac mountain) and you didn't give a girl a head's up? :rolleyes:

What a wonderful adventure. I love to see someone else's perspective on this part of the northeast. If you're ever looking for two more people willing to ride hard with you, just say the word. Tony and I are always up for a few thousand miles :thumbup:
Thanks for the pics and write up man. Good job, that was a hella cool trip you took.
Some pics from my Artsy side............







You have artistic eyes and view...
Thanks for the great trip story and photos..
However, Blue FZ6 is faster than Red one... ha ha ha (mine is blue)
Looks great color, never seen one around here.
Thanks again sharing with us.
I can't even imagine. I rode 400 miles Saturday to visit a friend in Oklahoma and my butt was so sore I could hardly stand it. 200 miles up, visited for 5 hours and them 200 back, at speed. My butt and the backs of my knees were so sore I actually had to stop three miles from home and walk around, as I was afraid I would crash the bike before I got home. My hat is off to you.
Thanks for sharing your trip with great photos and write up :rockon:. Your ar*e must have been aching like hell after 1000 miles in one day,was it a case of :spank: to wake it back up again.mine kills after 150 miles :(
Looks like a good trip.

What was with the tripod though.

I think it is a great thing to carry, mainly because you can get yourself in the shot....so where are you???
