Ice Storm


Junior Member
Nov 28, 2008
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Huber Heights, Ohio
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I know a lot of us have been getting pounded by snow and ice. Here are a few pictures of my truck as a solid block of ice. The road is solid ice as well. What are you guys sporting?



Hey this is your friend to the north. Keep that crap. Why are you sending it our way.:BLAA: Stay safe:thumbup:
Just tons and tons and tons of snow in Boston, not really any ice. Every sunday I look up the weather forecast for the coming week, and sure enough there's another foot predicted for wednesday or thursday. 4 or 5 weeks in a row like that. And another 20 inches coming down right now. This won't melt until July.
I know you all have been getting pounded with the snow. At the moment I think I'd take the snow over the ice rink that is my street. The ice is about a quarter inch thick. Totally sucks, we're supposed to get more.
Yeah I do NOT want to trade. I can walk, I can even ride my bike to drop my daughter off at the nanny's place up the street. And I can go skiing every weekend. But ice...
Getting hit with that storm cell tonight and tomorrow, but it's all snow!
Bring it on, I've got 150HP of sled waiting to rip in to some fresh pow!
Dudes! Your weather is REAL! :rockon:
Over in the UK we occasionally get the kind of snow that might just cause a cat problems finding mice.
Seriously though, while you guys get 'industrial size' weather, and we get a couple dozen snow flakes that bring our entire national transport network to a halt, the net result is the same. We can't ride.:(
Here they chuck salt around like its Thanksgiving because the weatherman 'thinks it might snow', then it rains instead, washes the salt away and snows the next day. Cue more salt! Nice.:rolleyes:
I learned my lesson over Christmas between 3" snowfalls when I needed to go into town to drop off dry cleaning. The roads looked OK but I decided not to take any chances so walked.
This involved a hard steep path with steps and slopes between.
And, yup, you guessed it, I slipped and went down so fast I got serious concussion!:eek:
Would have been safer on the bike!!!:Sport:
Same here.. waiting till tonight and into tomorrow to see what I get.. I'll post up some pictures of it after.. but its been crazy, the snow on the side of my deck (where a fence is anyways) is just as high as the top of the fence (prolly easier to explain with pics).. and the snow pile in my front yard is about even with the middle of my first floor windows.. nuts..
35c (mid 90's f) here in Brisbane today & 98% humidity :eek: I'll gladly swap with anybody in the icey parts of the world :D..... Just one hint , its to hot to ride....:spank:
We've gotten lucky with this system here in Kentucky. We're about a hundred miles or so to the south of the line between rain and snow/ice. It's all just a good soaking rain here (thank goodness!)

My buddy at work has family in central Missouri and when he talked to them around 2 o'clock today, they already had 10 inches on the ground and expected another 10-12 inches tonight! Bah!!! I'm so done with snow for this year that's it's not even funny! Bring on the riding weather, already!
We're getting pounded here in Chicago! Schools are closed, my work is closed. Good thing I already stopped at the liquor store. :BLAA:
And on the other side of the US around Seattle the weather has been good around 45 during the day and mid to low 30s at night and dry the hole time . I was just reading a friends post on Facebook that said he had icy conditions just north of Dallas,tx so I guess that half of the contry is geting screwed
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