If it had to go down at least I wasn't on it.


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Mar 16, 2009
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Well...it's been about two weeks since I bought a new battery for her. And one week since I put a new front sprocket and chain on her. So long to do without riding while waiting for parts. So excited to take her out on my first weekend off in about a month.

Some idiot in the parking lot at work backed into my damn bike. I was parked in an obvious place where I wouldn't be hidden by another car and "not seen" and thus hit. Apparently rather than turning right and driving around the line of cars, the vehicle parked in front of me decided to back up (thus running my bike over) and turn left to get out faster. No cameras in the parking lot, no witnesses, nobody came forward of course. I initially thought the damage was pretty minimum. A scuff on the front fender where their bumper hit, a small piece of plastic snapped off where the fender hit the left fork. A small scratch on the end of the left handlebar from when they finally pushed it back so far the kickstand dug a huge hole in the asphalt and then snapped in half. That deserves repeating.

They snapped...my kickstand...in half.

That was the only thing wrong that I noticed. Later when I was about to head home We squared my handlebars up and took a few steps back to make sure it looked okay and noticed that the wheel looked ****ed to the side. My handlebars point straight and my tire points left, Hooray! Thats a nice neat new mod huh? :Flip: So now it's sitting in the parking lot waiting to be picked up by my moto dealership. Here's hoping that the damage is fixable. We have great insurance but worry that if it is serious axle/fork/suspension etc damage I will be looking for a new bike.

...the owner of my dealership is selling his FZ1 >.>
That's terrible!

...unless you get an FZ1 out of the deal ;)

Sure, join the other defectors.... :thumbup:
Bummer, but sounds like you have your head in a good place.

Sorry for your loss and yeah, maybe it's a step up!

Sorry to here about the bike......nothing agrevates me more than people who are so shallow that can't own up to a mistake. I would still be mad about it, but I would at least have some respect for the the person who did it if they came forward.

FZ6 I hope it is totaled...FZ1...now your talking...I am always drooling over FZ1inNH's bike....lucky bas***d!:D
So sorry Sara! All I can say is karma....what goes around comes around. I will be so jealous if you get the FZ1. I hope it all works out for the best.
This was at work? That kind of damage to the bike is going to leave a mark on the vehical that did it. Keep your eyes open, you may be able to ID the driver by the damage to his/her tailgate and bumper.

Sorry to hear about the bike.
Sorry to hear that someone did this and didn't own up to it. People are creatures of habit and it's my experience that people tend to park in the same spot alot at the placed I've worked. I'd look for the person parked farthest from your bike for a few days. I hope you can figure out who the loser is, but you'll probably not be able to prove it, but more importantly, get the bike fixed and keep riding.
sorry to hear about your bike, i can only hope that they get over run by guilt and turn themselves in. doubtful though.

Good luck with the insurance and if it all pans out enjoy the FZ1 :rockon:
Jeez Sara! That really sucks! Sorry it happened to you. Just glad it wasn't an accident with you on it!

It would be nice to have it work out to get that FZ1 though! What year and price is the FZ1? National Powersports here in Concord has two '06 FZ1's for sale, both $5,995! National Powersports Distributors Current Inventory- 1-603-410-4120

I hope you can spot the car that did it! They HAVE to have damage on it. I'd get a cop and circle the lot for a couple days inspecting cars WITH the cop.
Geezz that sucks

Ar**holes like that should take a bus :spank: :spank:

Good luck in tracking down whoever did this and I hope it all turns out good for you :D