I'm a girly man and need your help!


Former '04 FZ6 Rider
Aug 14, 2007
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San Francisco, CA
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So my helmet's chin strap causes me a fair amount of irritation. This is probably somewhat unique to me as my neck does not take well to shaving. I'm at the point where I make sure I have not shaved 2 days prior to going on long rides. Tomorrow is going to suck as I'm rubbed pretty raw right now.

I've got an RF1000 and the chin strap is pretty soft but I still get pretty damn red/raw under my chin to the point where I cringe at putting on my helmet some days (especially the first two days after shaving) and turning my head is pretty uncomfortable (I even half-a$$ed a head-check on the way home today which was my signal to find a solution once and for all).

What a puss....

Thoughts? Please feel free to make fun of me.

Solutions? I have this image of soft chin strap covers but can't find them anywhere.

I don't wear my helmet too tight...it's a skin issue. :surrender:

Thanks all :thumbup:
Try a neck tube or bandana round your neck in between the strap and your skin. I always wear one of the other to stop bugs/cold from hitting my neck and they're very comfy.
Get someone you know to sew together a soft, polished cotton, or silk, as Mick suggested, helmet strap cover....i also suffer from the dreaded shaving rash from hell...bloody irish skin!

When i had a Shoei RF200 with the tough old strap, i had the same problem....my mum came to the rescue, with the "polished cotton strap sheath"....sounds almost kinky!

Have you tried decapitation? Actually Micks suggestion is a pretty good one. Unless you are willing (or more importantly the wife) doesnt mind you growing full time face fluff. ↲Nelly
Real men wear beards. LOL LOL

Yeah man, the strap cover sounds like the way to go. That has got to suck.
Helmet strap cover.... seems like the way to go...

You are not really from Saratoga are you?? Because Mountain men from NY have no "skin care sensitivity issues" You are a:cheer::cheer: girly man:cheer::cheer: from the Hudson Valley

good luck:rolleyes:

Doesn't your helmet have the inner lining part that comes down under your strap keeping it from actually touching your skin?
Most expensive option but both my helmets have had that in the main contact areas, maybe see if you can find one like that when you upgrade next?

A nice pink scarf around your neck might work too :p I jest I jest. :D
Pink bandana....:thumbup:

Bandanas work great, they help with in-grown hairs under the chin, keep the sound down a little and keep your neck and face warmer.

Just get a regular one, fold it in half long end to long end, and wear it bandit style.

I can see it now in the news: "Bandit with pink bandana gets away on FZ6".
Also my Suomy has the softest helmet strap I have ever loved.

Like a firm breast carressing me under my chin. Just horrible for earphones though. Shaped wrong for them.
Pink bandana....:thumbup:

Bandanas work great, they help with in-grown hairs under the chin, keep the sound down a little and keep your neck and face warmer.

Just get a regular one, fold it in half long end to long end, and wear it bandit style.

I can see it now in the news: "Bandit with pink bandana gets away on FZ6".
Or Bandit with bandanna trades in FZ6 for new girly man Hog lol.
Gawd... this is so simple, get strap extensions and wear the strap on the back of your head like a construction helmet rachet, or better yet yank the liner and install a construction helmet rachet support system......problem sloved and your welcome...:D:D
Move to Florida... no helmet needed. Problem solved :D

I'd try the bandanna solution, and if not a strap cover...
just buy a cage you're giving all us macho biker warriors a bad name.

:justkidding: :D
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Or just duct tape it to your passanger seat and wear some aviator goggles. Now that would be cool!
try a full bike helmet. The helmet goes over the entire bike and rider...like DarK Helmet from Spaceballs. j/k

It's a common problem actually. All of the above (well most of the above) are good solutions.