I'm off again...Wolfman goes bush pt.2! More photo's of Oz!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Yessirree, i am off to the country again...Tomorrow night i am doing a night run to Loxton (250km's), before riding through to the Grampians on Monday, and back home, on Tuesday morning....i think this time it will be about a 1000km round trip.

The "Mystery Pillion" will be along for the ride again, so it's probably a good bet we will get some decent photo's this time as well....

This is all good practise for the "Big One", the ride to Phillip Island for the World Superbikes at the end of February, where will be staying on after the racing is done, hopefully to do a track day at the circuit...how cool would that be...if we can still get a booking...which i anticipate, might not be so easy.

Anyway...just thought i would share!

Hmm, sounds like fun.

You gunna wear out those pipes of mine before you get the 2 Bros back on :rof:

When's your inspection date??? Tuesday???


Oh gosh, yes it is!!!! Aarrgh, have to come back very early on Tuesday morning...like leave at 4am!!!! :eek:Am booked in for the inspection, early on Tuesday, i hope they dont mind bugs!!!!

As for your Pipes Dave, I will be glad to give them back ASAP, like Tuesday afternoon! Nice and clean and shiny too.

No hurry for the pipes. When-ever you are ready. (Although, I know you want the 2 Bros back on... lol)

I thought you'd mentioned that the inspection was Tuesday, don't wanna miss that.


thanks dave! I would of remembered eventually.... When exactly, would be anyone's guess! Freakin...mugga, mugga, stupid defect notice.... Spoiling my fun! Stupid people! Mugga, mugga....:(

Will leave early Tuesday and ride straight to regency!
Does the Mystery Pillion like the bike?

the mystery pillion loves the fd, even more than my ducati, which she has spent many thousand kilometres hanging off the back off... Fz is like a much faster, more comfortable option as far as she is concerned!
thanks dave! I would of remembered eventually.... When exactly, would be anyone's guess! Freakin...mugga, mugga, stupid defect notice.... Spoiling my fun! Stupid people! Mugga, mugga....:(

Will leave early Tuesday and ride straight to regency!

You could take the mystery pillion along with you...LOL.

They'd pass your bike with flames shooting out the exhaust...LMAO:thumbup::D
You could take the mystery pillion along with you...LOL.

They'd pass your bike with flames shooting out the exhaust...LMAO:thumbup::D

Mike just went to the top of the mystery pillions Christmas card list!

Am having a great time away....again!

Ride down here last night was a bit hairy scary.....8 rabbits, 3 foxes, and 3 Kangaroo's tried to playt skittles with me....dont think i will be riding up here again at 3am in the morning...was sorta happy to arrive alive!

Just about to go get Beer! Not riding to the Grampians now....have decided to have a lazy day of beer drinking, cricket & food...lots of all!

Im with ya on the cold beer ,and good fun!! Take life as it comes no worries!!! Let it roll............ Baby Roll!!You only Get ONE spin on this Ball Of Mud Enjoy it!!!:rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon:
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Mike just went to the top of the mystery pillions Christmas card list!

Am having a great time away....again!

Ride down here last night was a bit hairy scary.....8 rabbits, 3 foxes, and 3 Kangaroo's tried to playt skittles with me....dont think i will be riding up here again at 3am in the morning...was sorta happy to arrive alive!

Just about to go get Beer! Not riding to the Grampians now....have decided to have a lazy day of beer drinking, cricket & food...lots of all!


Aww Carp. that backfired...lol...now I'll have to go get some chrissy cards:spank:...lol...Doh!

You know what you need. You need a roo scarer...lol...oops.:spank::spank:

So just a normal day then?...LMAO:Flip:

Glad your enjoying yourself.:thumbup:

Sounds like a great little trip mate , the Grampians are awesome.....Stay safe and i'll see the pics when you return a guess :thumbup:

LOL...you're outta luck mate. Somebody put a beer in his hand and surrounded him with nurses and a mystery pillion:rockon:. He won't be going anywhere:eek::D...LMAO.

Good to hear you made it in ONE PIECE....Sounds like you dodged the twelve days of christmas, just need a partridge in a pear tree....Get home safe and good luck with those Regency tossers
LOL...you're outta luck mate. Somebody put a beer in his hand and surrounded him with nurses and a mystery pillion:rockon:. He won't be going anywhere:eek::D...LMAO.


I dont think i'd go to far if i had rum :drool: and nurses either :D....Lucky Mrs Humps is a nurse , it saves money on the "mystery pillion" :thumbup:.......As long as he's back for the inspection......
Re: I'm off again...Wolfman goes bush pt.2! More pics Of Oz!

Well Kiddies i am home! Just in time to avoid riding through the swelteringly hot country area's of SA in the stinking hot heat of the day! Am glad i left Loxton at 6am this morning..just as the sun was raising it's angry face! By the time i got to Elizabeth this morning, it was already starting to get a little "kinky" inside my leathers!


Anyway, had a great little trip, short, but sweet, and very chilled out (even if it was freaking hot up at Loxton). Ended up adding about 670 km's to the tacho, and apart from the Wildlife assault in the early hours of the morning, on the way up there, it was incident free...till i got back to the city, and was riding home from the Regency Inspection (details in another thread), and some idiot on South Road pulled out across 3 lanes, right in front of me, while i was travelling at 70km/h in a 70 zone.

Had to pull on the anchors hardcore, whilst also trying to ride around him...Fortuneatly i missed him...but i did give him the spray from hell, and may have "accidentally" knocked his mirror...:eek:

I am starting to like riding in the Country more and more! City Roads are a lottery...with your life and limbs!

Anyway, as usual i am drifting off topic...but i just had to share that one!

Ok, yesterday, as i have said previously, we did not end up doing the Gramps...not enough time really, and a tad hot to be riding all that way in full leathers!

So instead, i put on the Kevlar Jeans, and my jacket, and me and the mystery pillion, went for a cruise from Loxton to Berri, Renmark, Barmera...ended up stopping at Lake Bonnie in Barmera for a quick pint of Ale at the local footy club, which overlooks lake bonny....top spot, great "beach", nice clean water, lots of watersports enthusiasts out there...tinnies, dragging "biscuits", jet ski's, etc...

Got some decnt photo's, and some vid, once again, thanks to the Mystery Pillion for riding shotgun with the camera....photo's are getting better and better! :cheer:

Then it was back to Loxton for a decent feed at the Loxton Club...Fillet Mignon, about 450grams in size for $21, and it was sensational...:rockon::cheer:

Drank a bottle of red, more beer, & some bourbon back at Nurse central, whilst playing Wii very badly!....before retiring for the evening at about midnight...great night had by all.

This morning i was up and on the bike bright & early, and left Loxton right on 6am..rolled up at Mc Donalds at Enfield for brekky at 8.15am after a straight run through with only a 2 minute stop to top up on juice!

Anyway, here's a few pics from the trip, all from Yesterday, when we went cruising around the Riverland District.

Bike parked on the "shore" of Lake Bonnie.
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A photo of an Aerial Photo of Lake Bonnie.
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"Vino" Grapevines, just outside of Berri.
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Stuff to make "Vino" in! Berri Estates.
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House Boats on the Murray at Berri.
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The "Desert" just outside of Renmark!
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More photo's to come....

More Piccies!

A particularly nice little "Oasis" in the middle of drought hell...a small creek, running off the River Murray, near Loxton.
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Another "Oasis"...this time, same area, different creek....
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Same Creek, but with the foregound showing just how dry it is around the creek!
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The "Blazing" Aussie Sun!
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Anyone up for some scrub....Kangaroo Country!!!! :eek:
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"Crop"...just add water! :(
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More piccies to come.