Is this guy a squid?

he was doing fine up until the crocks, im ignoring the motorcycle, crocks are just gay for any man to wear.
he was doing fine up until the crocks, im ignoring the motorcycle, crocks are just gay for any man to wear.

Now I love my Crocs, most comfortable shoe I've ever worn. They're perfect for my canoeing trips I take because they're light, don't get weighed down when wet & float when you lose them. I wear them almost everyday I'm not working or riding (although not with socks, that's just stupid). But they are definately NOT gay! The heels on mine get worn out just as quickly as the toes! ;)
He only values his body above the waist.

Only males (notice I didn't say MEN) that I've seen wearing Croc's are obese. When you can't see your feet it's easy to feel around and slide into them I guess. I associate them as fat guy footwear because you don't need to be able to reach your feet with your hands to wear them.
He only values his body above the waist.

Only males (notice I didn't say MEN) that I've seen wearing Croc's are obese. When you can't see your feet it's easy to feel around and slide into them I guess. I associate them as fat guy footwear because you don't need to be able to reach your feet with your hands to wear them.


Around here it's just the opposite, or at least some what opposite. The only guys I've noticed who wear crocks are in fairly good shape but most of them look all preppy, they have chick hair, all kinds of other stuff on like necklaces, wrist bands watches so basically I guess you could say they are metrosexual.
I had my mine blown yesterday when I was out on my bike picking up a few things. A dude rolled up on a custom blue R6, it looked pretty cool. We exchange hellos and the light changed so we went off only to meet at the next light. As I tell him his paint job is nice he says, "too bad I am selling it. I got in a wreck and had to get surgery on my shoulder."

What was strange to me was that he was still riding with just a helmet, gloves, a tank top, shorts, and each their own, but if you have already needed surgery then stop riding with no gear!

I wished him the best and went on my way.
Only males (notice I didn't say MEN) that I've seen wearing Croc's are obese. When you can't see your feet it's easy to feel around and slide into them I guess. I associate them as fat guy footwear because you don't need to be able to reach your feet with your hands to wear them.

That's brilliant! Need to go shoe shopping now:D
Now I love my Crocs, most comfortable shoe I've ever worn. They're perfect for my canoeing trips I take because they're light, don't get weighed down when wet & float when you lose them. I wear them almost everyday I'm not working or riding (although not with socks, that's just stupid). But they are definately NOT gay! The heels on mine get worn out just as quickly as the toes! ;)

They have their uses, and they are great for canoeing!! but just not for me.... :p