it would be funny if it wern't true



bout picking veggies

I was listening to Sean hannity about the mexicans picking vegetables, and some guy said it wasnt fair that usa folks cant get a job doing that. However, when asked this guy said he wouldnt pick vegetables for 3 bucks an hour, but he probably would do it for 50 bucks an hour. Sean said the guy wouldnt last 1 week picking them at 50 bucks an hour cause its back wrenching work. Thank god for mexicans picking vegetables, now go HOME.
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This is true. I joined a grape picking crew in the vineyards once just for the experience. We started at first light. I worked my *** off to keep up with these men and women. They get paid by the amount they pick, so most of the crews decide not to take breaks so they can pick more tonnage. By about 1 pm (after picking for 8 hours mostly in direct sunlight) I had to quit. I was so dehydrated and exhausted. My hands were like claws. I could hardly make them function. A member of the better crews can make $100 a day doing this. They have my respect because they work their fingers to the bone and never complain one bit. I have a good work ethic, and like to work hard. Maybe I would be able to hack that job over time, but boy was it hard work trying it as a rookie!

So knowing how lazy most people are, I doubt that guy would pick vegetables for $50 an hour. And he would be complaining about it all day long if he did!