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Junior Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Richland, WA
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Well it's that time again when people show their true colors. This was some guy hopefully going to a halloween party, you really can't tell in the pic but he was wearing high heels and yes he had trouble trying to shift gears. He was an accident waiting to happen.
Well it's that time again when people show their true colors. This was some guy hopefully going to a halloween party, you really can't tell in the pic but he was wearing high heels and yes he had trouble trying to shift gears. He was an accident waiting to happen.
Well it's simple ...this guy was makeing a Bee line to a fag party .....!
Well it's that time again when people show their true colors. This was some guy hopefully going to a halloween party, you really can't tell in the pic but he was wearing high heels and yes he had trouble trying to shift gears. He was an accident waiting to happen.
I got a real BUZZ from this one.....
Looks like there's a fair bit of "buttock" protection in that could catch on!

Great comments, that is why this site is so great because of the humor so many people have. My wife actually took the pic and sent it to me, she knew it was a guy becuase she saw his face through the front of his helmet. At least his outfit matched his bike.