Laid my bike down...going .1 mph


Junior Member
Nov 15, 2010
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upland, CA
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Have had my bike for 9 months now and 18k miles, finally decided to spend some money on fun parts;sliders, fender removal kit. The day before the parts come in I make a u-turn at work same as always when at the last minute I noticed a bunch of screws and crap on the road. Tried to turn even sharper, was going to slow, put my foot down too late to help, and laid the bike down...a day before i was to put the damn sliders on.:spank:

First of all to my amazement it was surprisingly easy to right the bike...maybe I was just so pissed at myself. Either way all that happened was my mirror took a 90 degree turn which went right back into place and a few 1/2 inch knicks on the fairing which you can barely see. God's got a sense of humor apparently. Lastly I noticed some green fluid (radiator?) on the ground where i laid it down. Any chance I did any internal damage to a hose or something, or is there just an overflow that allowed it to leak out?

Drove it home 50 miles anyways, seems fine.

Been so busy with work havent been on the forum in months. Good to be back.
Mate, sorry to hear of the drop.

The green fluid would be coolant, and I doubt you would have damaged anything without causing more than few knicks to the fairing. It would have come from the overflow or fluid tank... Nothing to worry about (unless there is another puddle under the bike after you've parked it at home overnight).

That really sucks man, sorry to hear that. I did the same thing the first week that I had my bike. I was turning around in a wide spot in the road, and locked up the front brake...down she went.
My only lay-down was at .1 mph too, that seems to be when it happens. Glad the damage was minimal, and you're gonna love your sliders all the more! ;)
Good to hear that it survived most of the drop. Timing is everything - i laid the 'ole Nighthawk down
the day AFTER mounting chrome case guards :spank:
That really sucks man, sorry to hear that. I did the same thing the first week that I had my bike. I was turning around in a wide spot in the road, and locked up the front brake...down she went.

Me too, except the same circumstance as the OP... I think my foot caught on the pavement or something while I was turning around in a parking spot. Oops. :rolleyes:

I got incredibly lucky and didn't do anything besides add a few more small marks on the turn signal and bar end.
Damn I know how you feel, slow speed drops seem to be the worst, I posted this on an aussie forum a week or so ago after I did my first drop
(worst for the ego, coz you feel like it just shouldn't have happened)

Most fortunately I dropped the bike in my drive. Going from a grassy patch onto concrete and caught the slightly higher concrete lip, front wheel out from under me.Bang.
So I didnt have my gloves on! I didnt have my helmet on!, coz I was just taking it out beyond the gate so it would warm up while I donned my gear.

What I really did learn was that Oggy Knobs are a fantastic investment in this type of drop, saved lots more scrapes. Lifting a fz6 is pretty damn easy using that system of facing away from the bike and lifting with your legs shown recently on the FZ6 forum site the other week.
Now I gotta get a sharpie to touch up the cover.
Bugger! my pristine baby isn't anymore, at least now I'm not worrying about the first time I drop it
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I dropped my bike backing it out of a garage and put a dent on my gas tank. I was mad at myself but the dent gave the bike some 'character', LOL. At least that's what I told myself....
My one drop was also at very low speed while making a sharp left turn...gave it too much throttle and the rear end lost traction and down I went. Frame slider saved most of it, just a small scrape on the edge of the fairing and on the tip of the clutch lever.

A few scuff marks add "character" and reminds me to be more careful.