LASIK Vision Correction and Motorcycling



Was wondering if any riders have had the LASIK vision correction procedure performed. Several of my friends have had it done and they seem pretty happy with it although a few complain of dry eyes and light sensitivity at night. I've worn contacts since I was 17 and even with a full-face hemet and visor have had to wear either sunglasses or clear safety glasses when I ride to keep my contacts from drying out.
I've been contemplated this procedure for years but was worried about my eyeballs accidentally getting fried. It seems pretty safe to me as it's been around a while. Just looking at it now from a rider's point of view.
Thanks in advance for the input.
I had the Lasik done about four-five years ago.
I had the dry eyes problem at first. My eye doctor recommended an acupuncture treatment, and even told me my Blue Cross insurance would cover it! I was extremely skeptical of acupuncture, but since it was free I decided to try it. The doc said it would take a week to take effect, and would last two months to two years before I'd have to get another treatment.
Well, it did take a few days to take effect. Never had a dry eye problem since! I'm sold, at least as far as the acupuncture goes. The "halo" effect that some people experience with bright lights at night, I never experienced.
The one beef I had with Lasik was the loss of my near-sight. If the ambient light is bright I can still read a newspaper/mag/ etc, but I often need reading glasses, especially for menus in dim-lit restaurants. I can deal with it; the one part of my life it really screws up is my woodworking: I now need reading glasses to mark from a tape measure or mark dovetails; and plastic reading glasses collect dust like nothing else. It's kinda frustrating.
But, for motorcycling, Lasik was only a good thing. Hope this helps!
I had Lasik almost 7 years ago and went from coke bottles to 20/30 in one pass (they were expecting to do an immediate touch-up, but got "close enough the first time). Had a touch-up three years ago to nudge me back to 20/30 or better. Now 43, I am close to needing a third touchup, but if I fix my distance vision, I will be in reading glasses immediately. Decided to stay with current slight myopia and use glasses (maybe) for night driving.

After each procedure, your eyes will feel dry because you are severing much of the lubrication system when you cut the flap. Got better for me within a couple months (with no acupuncture!). You only have to wirry about the halo effect if you have large pupils (they open outside the corrected area) and a good doctor should be able to assess your personal risk. You also want to get your corneal thickness checked as this determines how much correction is possible (mine were fairly thick).

Bottom line: great procedure. Find a reputable doctor who performs the proper checks and you should have a good experience.
I've been thinking about this for a while but hadn't really thought about it specifically for the bike - guess it's probably a better beginning of the off-season procedure for me if I decide to actually do it.
I had lens implants earlier this year & am just about to have some fine tuning with lasek to the cornea.

Cost me a big wedge, but worth it. I know a few folks who have had treatment & none of them regret it. One or two have had a bit of post treatment trauma of some kind - dry eyes being most common - but even they will tell you the benefits outweigh the side effects.
Well, I had the LASIK procedure done 2 days ago and I have to admit it's pretty impressive.
The whole process took about a month. First thing was to dump my contacts and wear my coke bottle glasses for two weeks. That allowed the corneas to return to their natural state. Next was an eligibility exam (checking corneal thickness, pupil size etc...) and a regular vision test. Then came what is called an orbiscan. This scan makes a 3-D "map" of your eyes and also makes a "fingerprint" of your iris that is used by the LASIK machine to calculate how much lasing needs to be done and where. All these tests were repeated 3 times over two weeks to ensure accuracy.
The procdeure itself wasn't bad at all except for about 8 hours of discomfort afterwards. There were a lot of tears, a runny nose, and a decent headache but all in all I would put the pain level about the same as getting a tooth filling.
My vision was immediately improved but my eyes were very light sensitive and the doctor recommended just napping the rest of the day.
I have to take antibiotic and anti inflammatory eye drops four times a day for the next week and lubricating drops every hour until the flaps heal.
I went for my one-day post op visit yesterday and my vision was 20/15. Pretty awesome after having 20/400 vision since I was 10.
My reading vision is fine but since I'm 40 now I'll probably need reading glasses in 2-5 years since that is caused by your lens becoming less elastic with age and LASIK modifies the cornea only.
Anyway, we've been getting a lot of snow here lately so the bike hasn't been out in 2 weeks. The roads are clearing up now but the bike is going to stay put while I heal up a bit. Also, due to all the snow the elk have come down from the mountains and into the valley and are grazing along the interstate so I think I'll let them migrate back to the hills before I start riding to work again.
Well, I had the LASIK procedure done 2 days ago and I have to admit it's pretty impressive.
.....My vision was immediately improved but my eyes were very light sensitive and the doctor recommended just napping the rest of the day.
I have to take antibiotic and anti inflammatory eye drops four times a day for the next week and lubricating drops every hour until the flaps heal.
I went for my one-day post op visit yesterday and my vision was 20/15. Pretty awesome after having 20/400 vision since I was 10.......

Great to hear it went so well, definately sounds worth it :thumbup:
I had LASIK done about 7 or 8 years ago. I wore glasses since I was 6 years old and by age 35 I was completely fed up with glasses. The procedure was very quick, about 30 to 45 minutes. I went home and slept that afternoon and the next morning I went for a 5 mile run. I was amazed at all of the leaves on the trees and the bright colors! WOW! I went from about 20/400 to 20/20 and 20/15.

The best part was I could FINALLY shoot a basket! Inside the key, three pointers, etc. It also helped me a great deal in the military. I could get my eye closer to the gunner's site on the M1 tank, my M16 and M9 shooting improved, and I no longed needed silly glasses inside of my gas mask.

My eyes are a tiny bit dryer, and I still have just a slight halo at night around lights.

All in all this is the best money I've ever spent on myself.
I had LASIK done about 7 or 8 years ago. I wore glasses since I was 6 years old and by age 35 I was completely fed up with glasses. The procedure was very quick, about 30 to 45 minutes. I went home and slept that afternoon and the next morning I went for a 5 mile run. I was amazed at all of the leaves on the trees and the bright colors! WOW! I went from about 20/400 to 20/20 and 20/15.

The best part was I could FINALLY shoot a basket! Inside the key, three pointers, etc. It also helped me a great deal in the military. I could get my eye closer to the gunner's site on the M1 tank, my M16 and M9 shooting improved, and I no longed needed silly glasses inside of my gas mask.

My eyes are a tiny bit dryer, and I still have just a slight halo at night around lights.

All in all this is the best money I've ever spent on myself.

Ya, I did 20 years in those gas masks. I used to cheat and wear my contacts in the mask during exercises even though they said not to. I used my inserts for the first gulf war but HATED the distortion (and fogging) those inserts caused.
My eyes are a little dry now but I don't really notice it that much. I'm taking the drops as directed by the doctor right now and will probably keep a bottle at home, one at work, and one in my saddle bags for when I need them.

I agree with you. It's the best money I've spent on myself also; unfortunately though, my 2 Brothers exhaust will have to wait until next year.;)
how much is this procedure?


My procedure cost $2,595 which included all pre-exams, the procedure, post-exams (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 month), and the medicated eye drops. The lubricating eye drops are my own cost, which will be about $100 for a 6 week supply.
Had mine done in 06 went from Coke bottles to almost perfect. need a touch up. I would say go for it, there are risks like with any thing but life with out glasses ( for the most part) is awesome. I have to wear "driving"glasses at night to have crisp vision.
The best thing I ever did!:thumbup: Went from not being able to see the alarm clock in the morning to going swimming in the ocean and being able to see the girls on the beach.

I have a little problem now with reading in low low light now but it is probably old age setting in.

I paid a whopping $5,000, but went to the best, supposedly.(or I just got ripped off)
I had it done about 1.5 years ago and I can't believe I waited as long as I did.

I have needed vision correction for as long as I can remember and I wore contacts for about 20 years.

When I had it done, they said that one of the factors for getting halos (rings around light sources at night) was not only the diameter of the pupil but also the flatness of the front of your eye. Mine was borderline for having enough curviture to still allow room to make it flatter yet with the vision correction. I went for it and did not have any halo effect at all.
The procedure was very intense, not that painful, just intense if that makes sense...something about this big machine above you and the only place it is touching you is on the eye...added to the knowledge that movement of the eye could be a bad thing.
As for the impact with riding, my eyes dry out less now w/o the contacts than they ever did with them - so no concerns there.
I still see pretty well at night as far as low light is concerned as well. Rarely ever remove my dark smoke shield.