Looking for a flat black helmet.


2009 Buell XB12Scg
Feb 10, 2008
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Any of you guys out there know of a nice (shoei, hjc, icon, etc...)helmet that comes in flat black? I've been looking around on the internet reading reviews, but I trust you guys more.

Just get a helmet that you like and using plastic safe spray paint, paint i flat black yourself

Just a thought here. I put my brain, what's let of it at my age, into that helmet and I wouldn't care how the paint manufacturer labeled the paint in regards to being plastic safe, if the helmet manufacturer didn't agree that painting their helmet would have zero effect on the integrity of that helmet, painting said helmet would not be an option.....

HJC makes a few. CL-SP, CL-15, AND AC-12. I bought my wife the CL-SP in flat black from newenough for $99, but they are out of the black. It is a nice helmet though.
The G-max modular helmet that came with my bike is flat black. They're inexpensive and comfortable.
I eventually replaced it because it was flat black. One, it's a cooker in the hot sun, and two, I can't get a Tall jacket in anything other than black, so I wanted something bright for cagers to see.
I bought this Shoei helmet for my husband in the colour "Matte Black":

Shoei 2008 (check this link)

He really likes it.

I personnally got the Shoei RF-1000 (I got the Artifact TC-2 colour, but they also offer a Matte Black) and I love it.
Very comfortable, very quiet, well ventilated (better than the Simpson I had before). Well worth the expense.

Hope you find the perfect one for you. I think a helmet is a personal thing, where a model will fit someone perfectly and it could be awful for the next person, no matter how much you paid.
Good luck !
I bought this Shoei helmet for my husband in the colour "Matte Black":

Shoei 2008 (check this link)

He really likes it.

I personnally got the Shoei RF-1000 (I got the Artifact TC-2 colour, but they also offer a Matte Black) and I love it.
Very comfortable, very quiet, well ventilated (better than the Simpson I had before). Well worth the expense.

Hope you find the perfect one for you. I think a helmet is a personal thing, where a model will fit someone perfectly and it could be awful for the next person, no matter how much you paid.
Good luck !

That helmet looks great. Thanks for the link. I'll definitely be heading to the store to try some of these shoei helmets on.

Shoei RF1000 comes in flat black. I had bought it but returned it a few minutes later for a glossy black :)
Most riders I know that buy from this company ride cruisers but my first helmet was a Fulmer Modus. It is a modular helmet which seems to turn a lot of people off but now that I am borrowing a KBC full face regular helmet I really miss being able to flip the front up. My Fulmer was matte black and TONS of bikers always asked me where I got it but then turned their nose up because it was modular. Go figure! It has already saved my life once. I am trying to find a good source for another one.
The G-max modular helmet that came with my bike is flat black. They're inexpensive and comfortable.
I eventually replaced it because it was flat black. One, it's a cooker in the hot sun, and two, I can't get a Tall jacket in anything other than black, so I wanted something bright for cagers to see.

That is something to keep in mind. I got myself a flat black helmet and that SOB is HOT in the mid-summer Carolina sun. The only saving grace was it's a skull cap, so I didn't totally overheat. I just recently got the GMax GM68 Crusader Helmet, which I haven't been able to even try on yet (stupid Iraq). I hear those helmets are uber comfortable, it has the LEDs on the back of the helmet so cagers can see you better at night (in theory) and I really liked it because of the little piece of plastic that helps keep your breath off the visor. That was something my HJC didn't have and HJC doesn't offer it unless you buy their premium-priced helmets (the last I checked).

I'll have to let you know how I like it when I get home....which should be quasi soonish. :rockon:

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I have this Icon. Very comfortable and affordable. It is a little hot in the sun though. Overall I like it though. :thumbup:Here is a link...

Ride Icon
