Mac or PC

Mac or PC?

  • Mac

    Votes: 44 40.4%
  • I own a Mac, but I'd rather have a PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I own a PC, but I'd rather have a Mac

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • PC

    Votes: 64 58.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Excellent argument, you just pwned me!

How is my post "ignorant"?
This is exactly why I posted what I did, mac users are intolerant of any opposition to their platform. Why? I have no idea. Are you a part of an Apple cult or something?

If you don't know anything about computers and don't want to bother learning, go ahead buy a mac, I don't care.

The FACTS remain: They are overpriced. They are oversimplified. They are TRENDY.

For those concerned about hardware, realize this: Macs are proprietary hardware with software. MACS ARE JUST AS LIKELY TO HAVE HARDWARE FAILURES AS PC'S. So don't use "oh every pc i had broke" as an arguement for macs.

I called your post ignorant because it was at a 3rd grade level. it broke down to "I like PC's and if you like mac's then you are dumb".

I have no issues with anyone having an opinion, but yours had no basis. It was as if i were to say "Yamaha's are the best bikes out there, they do the same things as Ducati's, so all Ducati owners are stupid for overpaying for things that they don't need."

Have you ever used a Mac? I was a PC user since i was 11 and my paren't bought their first computer, I had owned a new PC every 3 years since and never thought i would be a Mac guy. the appeal to Mac's is the software since they litterally use the SAME hardware as PC's (and i know that PC is a generic term and is being used incorrectly) They use Intel chips, non proprietary RAM ane Hard drives, so i agree that on a hardware standpoint there is no advantage other than MAC's are not targeted for viruses and that fact alone makes them less likely to have problems.

The Mac software is lightyears ahead of Microsoft, there are no Bug fixes every 12-24 hours, it is intuitive, and has amazing integrated programs that you do not have to go out and buy to have added functionality. In addition to the added software bonuses that you get with a MAC, the software simply runs smoother, faster, and looks cleaner.

I say all this as a 17 year PC lover reformed in the past year to leave that love behind and move on to something that i belive is better, and therefore i have no problems paying for what i belive in.

an Opinion that is based on experience is credible. A opinion simply stating:
Macs are for stupid people who don't know how to operate a regular computer and are willing to spend 2-4 times as much money on a trendy piece of crap.
Same goes for ipods/iphones.

That is simply an ignorant statement, I don't dissagree that is your opinion, but it was stated as ignorantly as i could imagine.

If this makes me a stupid person, then so be it...
I'm not against people using macs. .

Really? It sure sounds like it. Calling Mac people stupid makes it sound like it. By the way, to balance out for my ignorance, my husband (who you also called stupid because he owns a Mac (with Windows, BTW), and then had the nerve to say this: "If you don't know anything about computers and don't want to bother learning, go ahead buy a mac, I don't care." just an FYI, he works for a hugely successful IT company as presales support, building systems for companies. So I guess there goes that theory....
I'm not against people using macs. People can buy and use whatever they want. I'm just sick of the blind faith people put into Apple and belittle anyone who doesn't follow their reasoning.

And what exactly did YOU do? Certainly didn't belittle any of the Overpaying, low powered, Stupid, slow MAC people.
I am right you're wrong blah blah blah I can't hear you! :D

I think we covered all bases on this topic and can agree that neither Mac or Windows OS is better... it might be better FOR YOU, for what YOU use it for, but we all know trying to convince ppl that what you use is better than what they use will get you nowhere...

On a side note, my cousin who's visiting from France is a HUGE Mac fan and swears by all Mac products, so we had a little conversation about Mac vs PC last night.... it was similar to some of the stuff said in here, but what was hilarious is when a few minutes later he was showing me pictures on his top of the line Mac laptop, and showing off all the wonderful things he could do to the pictures using his sleek, easy to understand user interface and software, along with all its options... after cropping a couple of pics and making some editing changes, I ask him to show me where the actual picture files were on his computer as I wanted to make a couple of copies of the same file do try different effects/crops/etc without affecting the original file... at that point he looks at me with a blank look in his face... he starts to scramble trying to find a way to do what I asked, but ends up giving up buahahaha It was so awesome I was laughing my ass off...

Of course I am not criticizing the software, I know you can do that very easily on a Mac, but I am laughing because while he could spend 2 hours telling you how MAC is better than PC, how Mac does everything and more compared to Microsoft, and in a much easier way etc etc... he has absolutely NO idea, I mean ZERO idea about how his computer works, or where files are on his computer, or how to do ANYTHING else than the options clearly showing up in front of him on the screen... as soon as you ask him to do anything that is not a direct option in whatever mac software he is using, he is completely lost.

To me this summarizes the situation in a perfect way. Of course you can do all these things using a MAC OS, but the typical Mac user (imho) doesn't care and actually doesn't WANT do know how it all works, they don't want to mess with hardware, or software, they just want to use it, which is great!

Again, to each his own.
It seems as if this site has it's heated moments. I can remember not to long ago someone was banned in the political forum for less...hmm??? Anyway, lighten up people!!! Computers...not Life or Death!!

See attached pic of what my choice is when I log-in at work and my MACbook Pro. My work involves me having to have access to both environments at a touch of a finger. Life is good when you have choices!

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It seems as if this site has it's heated moments. I can remember not to long ago someone was banned in the political forum for less...hmm???

The political forum has a different set of rules. i am not trying to get anyone to switch to Mac by any means, i just encourage everyone to voice their own opinions intellignetly and without insult.
I have been a looong time PC user because of gaming. It was just too much of a hassle to try and load all the "fixes" necessary to play games on Macs. Yes I know you can "make it work" most of the time now but it used to be a lot more difficult and a lot of games just wouldn't work.

So now that I don't game much on my computer... I don't give a crap. I hate computers, I hate the internet, and I hate YOU! But hey loud pipes save lives, dont use synthetic oil, Obama is really Bushes son, and pencils are much better than pens!

I grew up using PCs and always had up until the past year. I remember my grandparents getting a Commodore when I was a kid and I loved playing games on that thing!

Hubby still uses a desktop PC for his gaming needs and also has a net book (eeePC). Last year I switched from sharing the PC to getting my own MacBook. Thought the offer of $100 off and a free Touch was worth making the switch. I really like it and love having my own even more!
This poll needed another option...Mac or PC? How about both? I'm a bit of a computer nerd, I have 1 PC running Windows 7 RC, 1 running XP, 2 Macbooks (one running tiger and one running leopard), and a laptop and desktop running Ubuntu Linux. Of all my machines, the Linux desktop its the most rock solid of all, runs for weeks on end without a reboot, and is running on an older Pentium 1.8 Ghz Dell Optiplex thats like 5 years old.
This poll needed another option...Mac or PC? How about both? I'm a bit of a computer nerd, I have 1 PC running Windows 7 RC, 1 running XP, 2 Macbooks (one running tiger and one running leopard), and a laptop and desktop running Ubuntu Linux. Of all my machines, the Linux desktop its the most rock solid of all, runs for weeks on end without a reboot, and is running on an older Pentium 1.8 Ghz Dell Optiplex thats like 5 years old.

I'm waiting for the "PC vs. Linux" threads. :D
I voted Mac because my primary computer is a MacBook. My wife however has an HP laptop for her college classes.

Both computers have their merits, and downfalls which brings us right back to the classic Ford Vs. Chevy debate.

Buy what you like!