Marvel Mystery Oil no longer a mystery!


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Jun 20, 2011
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Hi Guys,

I just got done with an oil change at 41k, since I have had the bike I have been a seafoam fan, I stopped using it when I found out too much use fouls your plugs. Fast forward a few months to using Lucas Oil in my gas tank and a bit in my oil, while I had no complaints and noticed increased lubricity I found a few people pushing MMO hard so I did my research and couldn't find hardly anyone using it in their oil but could find many using it to get cars running again that wouldn't start. I then looked for people having issues and or problems with it and couldn't find none of that. Sure I could find lots of people saying not to use it based off of their own theory's. So after many raves reviews from all kinds of motor head sites I bought a 16 oz bottle and have been using it every fill up in my gas tank.

At first I just noticed the smoother ride, but then I noticed it fixed an issue where my bike ran like azz for a few miles until it was warmed up ,this would only happen in 80+ degree weather. After running a few tanks of that through the problem went away.

I then decided to use a bit in my oil while they claim you can replace up to 20% I rocked maby 5% not enough to tell that time. After a few more bottles I decided to take the plunge despite everyone and their dog telling me not to and I put it in my oil, not the 20% I just rocked about 15%. Wow it's never ran this good ever, well maby the first month I had it. Right out the gate you can feel it's so much smoother, and no it's not the new oil change feeling. The exhaust sounds better and louder. Acceleration seems to be increased and much smoother.

It also fixed an issued I've been having for at least 20k where if I was in 1st gear at low RPM she would jerk and sputter and chug, I believe it had something to do with the clutch plates slipping, well after the oil change it went away and I can only barely replicate the problem 95% of it has gone away and is smooooooth.

Hope this helps :BLAA:
LOL. I remember a can of that stuff on a shelf in my grandad's garage, next to his 1960 Rambler.

It's been around since the 1920s to remove varnish and crud from carbs and whatever. According to teh interwebs it's composed of solvents like benzene, mineral spirits, naptha, plus some lightweight oil.

I can accept it might have a cleaning effect when running some through the fuel lines, like Seafoam or Techron, but it isn't something I'd put in the crankcase to dilute normal oil. But if it's working well for you, that's cool.

[ame=""]Young Frankenstein - Sweet Mystery of Life - YouTube[/ame]
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There one of two ways this makes sense.

One - Your observations are correct. This Marvel Mystery Oil provides all or most of the beneficial effects you describe. People don't use it more because it's an unknown brand. Big brand companies don't sell anything like it because they either can't figure it out, or they don't think people would want it, or they want people to sludge up their engines prematurely so that manufacturers can sell more vehicles (they must get kickbacks from Yamaha and the rest of them swindlers).

Two - It's all in your head. The improved operation that follows the use of Marvel Mystery Oil is actually undetectable (exactly like a standard oil change). Any actual improvement, detected or not, comes at a penalty in another attribute like cost, engine wear, protection from moisture build-up, or anything else that is not instantly detectable by the operator. This would explain why reputable companies don't put their brand names on these products.

I don't see any middle ground explanation. Everyone can believe the most sensible answer between these two. Choose wisely.
Hey, if it works for ya cool. I'm not sure I'd necessarily try anything like that because I believe those kind of additives are like drugs for your motor... they feel all good and nice at first but then the motor will be dependent on it and then suddenly you're spending tons of money just keep the "high" going.
Had to post back this morning I'm so impressed. Had a sweet ride home and to work this morning and I'm no longer back firing while down shifting, so that plus the jerky 1st gear issue has gone away. It's not in my head I've had these issues for thousands of miles and they are now gone.

To be clear I understand the placebo effect of thinking its smoother, smooth is hard to judge.

After one ride it fixed -

1.) 1st gear jerking at low speed's
2.) Running poor for the first few miles when it's 80+ outside
3.) Backfiring/poping while downshifting

I can't recommended this enough, riding in this morning was awesome this baby jumps around like wildfire now, it's so much smoother it makes the whole ride 10x more enjoyable. I understand not wanting to add it to your oil, but in the end I have not found anyone that regretted it. I will be doing this on my car next.

My Dad a mechanic for 30 years has recommend I use it, last month he used it to turn over a old Impala that wouldn't start, he poured this in the tank and some in the oil and waited two weeks and bam it fired up.

Magic Bike Sauce!
How many miles on your bike and do you get fuel from the same place always??

The reason I ask is that some products tend to separate water actually dispersing it such that it no longer sits at the bottom of the tank (its heavier than gas), thus, while in suspension its burns off with the rest of the fuel eliminating these issues:
1.) 1st gear jerking at low speed's
2.) Running poor for the first few miles when it's 80+ outside
3.) Backfiring/poping while downshifting

In states our fuel has ethanol in it which attracts moisture. Anytime the fuel is exposed to moisture (open lids) moisture from the atmosphere is pulled into the fuel. In volume it goes from a vapor to solid and settles in the tanks bottom. During temperature swings, it condensates on the tanks walls (think production, storage, transport, ground storage, and your fuel tank.

Most of us do not appear to have drive-ability issues of these kinds so I speculate you may have fuel quality issues coupled with a tune issue which makes your engine susceptible to misfire. Treating the fuel, keeps it running well enough to mask the underlying issue.

Above is all just speculation on my part. This is first hand experience from my own car on the TOPIC OF FUEL QUALITY: I own a car which clearly performs BETTER on some fuel brands than others. The ECU loves to advance the timing on this engine. When it can't its because of the how the brand X fuel burns. In short, it retards the timing to protect the engine and its performance suffers. Adding fuel treatments OR switchings brands restores its performance.

Just an observation, change fuel brands....
When I was a kid I remember the old guy at the gas station would try it in engines (oil) that had a hung hydraulic lifter and he had good success with it.

I've used MMO as an additive when I would use kerosene as a cutting oil when CNC machining sheet aluminum with router. That tool rotates at 18,000 rpm and the combo worked great for cutting and keeping the bit from loading.

I have to say MMO is the best smelling oil. It smells like Dr Pepper or Wintergreen or something. :rolleyes:
Here's what's in the stuff:

"The product is composed of 74 percent mineral oil, 25 percent stoddard solvent, and 1 percent lard.[1]

o-Dichlorobenzene (1,2-Dichlorobenzene (ortho-dichlorobenzene))0 - 5% , Fine White Mineral Oil 70 - 100% , Mineral Spirits 20 - 30%"

Baby oil, paint thinner, and bacon grease. I'll pass.
Had to post back this morning I'm so impressed. Had a sweet ride home and to work this morning and I'm no longer back firing while down shifting, so that plus the jerky 1st gear issue has gone away. It's not in my head I've had these issues for thousands of miles and they are now gone.

To be clear I understand the placebo effect of thinking its smoother, smooth is hard to judge.

After one ride it fixed -

1.) 1st gear jerking at low speed's
2.) Running poor for the first few miles when it's 80+ outside
3.) Backfiring/poping while downshifting

I can't recommended this enough, riding in this morning was awesome this baby jumps around like wildfire now, it's so much smoother it makes the whole ride 10x more enjoyable. I understand not wanting to add it to your oil, but in the end I have not found anyone that regretted it. I will be doing this on my car next.

My Dad a mechanic for 30 years has recommend I use it, last month he used it to turn over a old Impala that wouldn't start, he poured this in the tank and some in the oil and waited two weeks and bam it fired up.

Magic Bike Sauce!
You don't happen to work for MMO do you???????

Come on guys don't hate on me because I had a good exp. No I don't work for MMO. I get gas at one of two places and 90% of the time it's at the same one a Chevron. I have 41k on the bike.

Again I've yet to see anyone having problems based off of this product. I don't really want to get the "bla bla bla this is what's in it" posts. I've tried this and it did fix three issues so I don't see what the problem is, again I can reference post after post of this stuff working wonders but have yet to find anyone that has MMO damage their ride, car or bike.

I'm not asking anyone their opinion if it works was just putting it out there in case anyone has been thinking of trying it.

Baby oil or whatever I'm damn thankful to not be dealing with the issues that it fixed.
Come on guys don't hate on me because I had a good exp. No I don't work for MMO. I get gas at one of two places and 90% of the time it's at the same one a Chevron. I have 41k on the bike.

Again I've yet to see anyone having problems based off of this product. I don't really want to get the "bla bla bla this is what's in it" posts. I've tried this and it did fix three issues so I don't see what the problem is, again I can reference post after post of this stuff working wonders but have yet to find anyone that has MMO damage their ride, car or bike.

I'm not asking anyone their opinion if it works was just putting it out there in case anyone has been thinking of trying it.

Baby oil or whatever I'm damn thankful to not be dealing with the issues that it fixed.
I was just messing with you. It's such a subjective thing isn't it? I haven't experienced the issues with the bike that you have so I can't say for sure what you have experienced is there or not.
Fair play to you for taking it all in good spirit, its your bike and if it works for you, that's good enough.

Come on guys don't hate on me because I had a good exp. No I don't work for MMO. I get gas at one of two places and 90% of the time it's at the same one a Chevron. I have 41k on the bike.

Again I've yet to see anyone having problems based off of this product. I don't really want to get the "bla bla bla this is what's in it" posts. I've tried this and it did fix three issues so I don't see what the problem is, again I can reference post after post of this stuff working wonders but have yet to find anyone that has MMO damage their ride, car or bike.

I'm not asking anyone their opinion if it works was just putting it out there in case anyone has been thinking of trying it.

Baby oil or whatever I'm damn thankful to not be dealing with the issues that it fixed.

No one hates you, it's just that anecdotal stories are not empirical data.

Frankly, I wouldn't put baby oil and lard in my fuel, nor any of that similar stuff.

Finally, if you put something like this out here you will get people's opinions. Put your big boy pants on.
Sensitive are you?...I've got mine on, now you put yours on you mad cause I responded to you? First you come in here asking me if I'm putting oil in my gas then you go off and google what's in it to discredit this thread, "haha look at this nub I'll show him". Come on dude. Really what do you think I'm going to say? I just took the time to write a post about my experience I'm very well going to reply to any posts. No one is mad here and I didn't think anyone was picking on me in the way you bring up my big boy pants.
I've never tried MMO but do use other additives. If your bike runs better with it in, that's fantastic!.. Thank you for the post. Perhaps it loosened up some crap and you got the improvement! :thumbup:

No one else has to try it..

Yamaha makes "Ringfree", a fuel additive, extremly popular in the marine world(not cheap either). It cleans the fuel system and the top end(2 and 4 strokes). I use it religiously in my built in 50 gallon fuel tank in the boat as well as occassionally in the bike (as well as Seafoam and Techtron, again on occassion).

With that said, my bike idles dead smooth at 1,000 RPMs (set low on purpose), idles dead smooth with NO variation in the RPM's and will pull from 2k RPM's to red line, power wheeling at about 11k with stock gearing. Yes, I keep the manitainance up to snuff, fluids changed but also credit those fuel additives as well.

Fuel nowadays is crap, anything that helps is fine in my book..
Just to be clear I wasn't asking anyone to try it just putting this out there because I couldn't find any reports from a FZ6.
Just to be clear I wasn't asking anyone to try it just putting this out there because I couldn't find any reports from a FZ6.
I appreciate it and like you I've heard good things about MMO. Luckily I don't need to run any kind of cleaners yet.

I do like to run Seafoam....if only for the fun smoke screen it makes :D