More Power

Well i dont know if im gonna be racing my bike at this Lapeer Dragway because all I hear of the place is bad things. Its all dirt except for the strip and they take the timing lights down every night so I hear that they are always off on the timing. Might just go to watch I guess.

Went up the bike night tonight in my area. One of my buddys was up there with his gsxr and we lowered my bike about 2inches so it looks pretty fkn sweet now. Not as low as the R6 still but hey its good enough for me.

what did you do to lower your fz?
Ahh yes. lol

Here ya go... Simple as FuDGE!

1. Loosen both the front bottom fork bolts all the way til you can basically loosen by hand.

2. slowly loosen the top bolts on the forks and they will slide down slowly. If you loosen them too fast your bike will just drop. You can only lower it till its right about touching your bar.

Tighten and loosen to let it go down and youll NEED TO MEASURE!!!!
Make sure both forks are the same!!!

Thats it... All you need is an allen wrench.


well just went cruising around for a bit.

First off. After riding for a while it seems like when you shift from first to second it clicks 3 times and you hear it pretty good.

Second. I cant get this thing to wheelie at all and I dont really want to clutch it.
I go from a start. Keep it in first its screaming at 6000-6500. I go OFF-ON and nothing. Just jerks me around. And im letting throttle totally OFF and about half throttle or maybe a little more ON. Maybe its just me but it doesnt seem like the bike has much power. Eather that or everyone I know just makes it look so damn easy.

Third. Ive had blue lights under my rear tail light for about a month now and havnt gotten pulled over going by any cops. I just put lights under the front end and you can def see them from far ahead. 1 cop was in front of me and he took off and didnt do anything but is this legal or not???
There not flashing and the point of lights is to DISTRACT people... Obviously so they dont hit ya.
Re: Arg!!!

I'd guess that you're instinctively leaning far forward over the bars. This shifts your weight forward.

Make yourself sit in a more upright position and try it again.

Plan B, fit some V35 saddlebags and pack them full. Now your FZ6 will do power wheelies in second gear too!

alright. obviously Just dont wanna flip the bike but I cant even get it a inch off the ground. Ill try it next time I go out. Any other tips.
Foot Position ect.
Also. What fingers do you use to shift when your gonna wheelie so you can hold on while you do it. My clutch handle seems so far out.
Ahh yes. lol

Here ya go... Simple as FuDGE!

1. Loosen both the front bottom fork bolts all the way til you can basically loosen by hand.

2. slowly loosen the top bolts on the forks and they will slide down slowly. If you loosen them too fast your bike will just drop. You can only lower it till its right about touching your bar.

Tighten and loosen to let it go down and youll NEED TO MEASURE!!!!
Make sure both forks are the same!!!

Thats it... All you need is an allen wrench.


Seems easy wont all the ergos of the bike change? does it feel better now, this might be a reason why you cant get it up as easy. :Sport:
Being lower I can feel a huge difference in turning meaning its actually better but at the same time its like your always sliding forward. I figured id just need to get used to it seeing thats how all most bikes are. As far as getting the front up a lil it feels exactly the same. You would THINK that since it had less suspension travel you should be able to get it up a little easier..
so any more tips on the wheelie??? Ive running the bike on reg fuel since ive gotten it and i put some mid grade in there today just to see if there would be a dif n there actually is but its gonna rain all week here in michigan so I wont be trying it anytime soon.
Wow...this thread took a sharp turn...

Like everyone else said, change the sprockets for more thrust...and with regard to loosing top end, are we talking theoretical top end or what?....because I've still never been able to hit top gear redline even at Road America.

Get off that short track and hit the slab. You'll find your top end no problem and if you are lucky there maybe a guy waiting to give you a piece of paper to certify the run...he,he,he
It's ironic I ran across this post today. I just popped my wheelie cherry! Man...the I can say there should be no problem gettin the front end up even on a "roll on" wheelie. I did about 20/23 mph and off/on while pulling up on the bars. Only did it twice so far but more will be comming my way! (I was on my way home from work in the early a.m.) I've been riding my fz as long as I've been riding motorcycles....almost 3 weeks now.:thumbup:
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I went down a tooth in the front on my bike it made a difference I could feel but I think I'm going to go up 2 in the rear for some more. if you decide to change the gear ratio i would suggest doing them both at the same time.
I went down a tooth in the front on my bike it made a difference I could feel but I think I'm going to go up 2 in the rear for some more. if you decide to change the gear ratio i would suggest doing them both at the same time.

Hey Clevic where did you buy your spockets and how much $? I'm thinking about it, no need to max it out on the top end again so why not.
I've been considering dropping 2 teeth on the rear instead of doing the front sprocket. It would allow me to keep the stock one with the rubber insert and it would be slightly less of a change to the final ratio since a 1 tooth change on the front = 3 teeth on the rear.