My first track day!!


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Los Angeles, CA
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Today marks the special occasion of being my very first track day. This has been a long time coming, but I'm glad the FZ6 made it into my stable just in time to tackle the big track at Willow Springs.

There was a group of seven of us, two of which I ride with regularly. I was a bit nervous since this track is fast, my buddies are really fast, I only had 2 weeks with the new bike, and it was the one year anniversary of me ending a ride with the same guys with a helicopter ride and a broken collarbone. So, yeah... wasn't sure how the day was going to go. :)

Wow! What a freakin' blast! The FZ6 was great, I was feeling great despite my lack of sleep and excess of worrying. The weather could not have been more perfect. By the end of the first session, I was pretty comfortable -and it only got better.

Said hello to forum member marke14, who was gracious enough to let me sit on his bike to see how the set-back plates for the pegs and the suburban machinery bars felt. Pretty dramatic difference if you ask me. I bet I would have been way less paranoid of dragging pegs if I had those brackets!

Worked on my lines throughout the day and was moving fairly well through the pack. I was a bit intimidated passing in most corners since I was still learning what I could get away with compromising my lines. Exiting turn 2 was challenging, since I always carried a lot of speed, but felt like I was running out of track. I think it's partly because of me rarely getting a good apex on the eternally-long right hander, but also the terrain played some weird optical tricks with me. The elevation change and its effect on camber was challenging, but rewarding once I got confident and relaxed into a nice pace.

There were two times I remember where I panicked since my speed carried me too close to the dusty/pebble ridden side of the track while coming around the outside of people exiting turn 2.

While on the topic of dicey moments around the track, every time around turn 9 it was a game of chicken. How late can you wait to turn in? how early can you get on the gas? how wide are you going to drift on the straight? do you even have a chance in hell of passing that dude on a literbike in front of you down the straight? Fun times :rockon:

Blasting down the straights was awesome!! When I had a good run through turn 6 into the back straight I would hit 130+ and often used that part of the track to get around people before turn 8. Turn 9 is a tricky decreasing radius turn leading into the front straight. A lot of times I didn't carry enough momentum and then ended up watching the people I was trying to reel in walk away for me... forcing me to be patient and/or pass on the outside of turn 2. When I got the corner right (-er, right enough ;) ), I could keep the bigger bikes within reach and would try to out-brake them on the outside before turn one. That was so fun!! Braking from ~140mph to 90 into turn 1 was crazy... I can't imagine how much harder real racers slow down though. Those GP guys must be nuts!

Overall, I thought it was a great introduction to the awesomeness that is a track day. Glad I had the FZ, as my old ninja 500 would've been a rolling speedbump in many parts of this track. It was an eye-opening experience to see how poorly the blind-corner ridden canyons have trained me to look far enough through the turns.

I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna eat some pizza and crash now... -but not before posting a few pics :thumbup:
Marke14 on his red '07 leading me through turn 5. We def had some fun out there!

A few times I had the chance to chase my friend Mark on his Zx6, but once he cleared traffic I rarely got through fast enough to keep him within reach. He had his GoPro camera on the whole time, so hopefully we'll get some good videos out of it!

I think this is form turn 3. Lots of camber and elevation change that lets you throw the bike into it. Got my knee down a bunch of times, but it also claimed the most riders today :(

Not sure where this is from, but it's got some motion to it :)

I think this is coming through turn 4. Reeeeeally wanted to get my right knee down for the first time here. Reeeeeally came close once or twice, but didn't want to force it.

This shot is cool, but it looks so posed! I think this is turn 4 again. Probably one of my slowest parts of the track since I was constantly experimenting to get a good line over the hill into the twisted entry of the downhill off-camber turn 5 :eek:

Amazing day!!! I need to save more money so I can do more of these track days... so cool.
Fantastic,,,just got back from a track day myself...exhausting stuff! Nice pic's.

looks and sounds like you had a greta day! i can't wait to get out for a nice weather day on the FZ on the track. the ony day i had on the track with this bike was with brand new tires and in the pouring rain... do you know that brand new tires will never scub in on a rainy day? it is sketchy
Sweet!!!! I'm glad you got to get out to the track. I work way more overtime now than I used to so that I can get more cash and buy bike stuff along with track days. Want me some tire warmers for my next track day :)
Lots of great pictures from multiple locations, who took them?

I loved your description of the turn-in point of turn 9, it seems to catch a lot of riders reducing speed too much, allowing for a nice passing opportunity on the front straight. You just have to ride the outer 1/3 of the track and dive at the orange cone with throttle on and you'll blow by everyone.

As far as turn 2, the exit is not as cambered as the rest of the turn and the apex is blind. I constantly spin up the rear on that turn and just hold my breath as it straightens out...

Join us on May 25 there, it's going to be fun.
Thanks guys!!

The pictures are from the track's photographer. Cali Photo or something like that. He's got a deal with the track so all the riders can buy a CD with all their shots for about $60 at the end of the day. He only shot 3 (of 7) sessions, but still got enough to make it worth it for me.

Cali, turn 9 is exactly that. I would always wait and then dive in right when the curbing started and usually nailed the cone for the apex, but it took a lot of balls to stay hard on the gas while drifting further and further towards the edge of the track. I wussed out more times than I'd like to admit, but when I was confident it payed off down the straight!

(And thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one tripped up a bit by turn 2 :) )
Hey man - good to meet you!

Powell is fast, ladies and gentlemen! Or maybe I am just really goddamn slow! Powell makes 2 forum members who kicked my ass at Willow Springs, along with MarinaFazer. :)

Nice write up and nice pics - I'll have to sort through to see if there are any good ones of me - I saw them up in the Omega, there should be at least a couple of decent ones.

I'll post up some pics - I am still getting used to my new camera and I f-ed up a bunch of pics.

Good to meet you, thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like you had an awesome time :steve:, glad to hear you had the opportunity to get out there.

I have been thinking alot lately about making a track day and your pictures along with the detailed and enthusiastic description were great. Now I am really getting excited about making a track day as well.

Thank you :thumbup:
I attended my first here in TX last week as well and it was everything I could have expected and more. SHould he pics and video later this week to share. The best part for me was not worrying about anything but riding fast and pushing my comfort zone. Found my rev limiter a few times and was shocked how much fun the FZ6 can be flat out in 3rd gear at 12k-14k rpm, total kick in the pants that you just cant get (safely that is) on the street. Here around dallas for about 120 bucks I got a full track day with instruction during every break, individual on track instruction a couple of times to work on specifics (instructor following and leading and then discussing), lunch and a video of three of my late in the day laps! Pretty good deal all said, great fun, great people and safe fast day. I will be back a few more times this year for sure. Look for pics and video to come!!
Hey man - good to meet you!

Powell is fast, ladies and gentlemen! Or maybe I am just really goddamn slow!

Haha, you are NOT slow... I had to earn those passes ;)
Thanks for chatting with me, and next time I'll bring some stuff to throw on the BBQ, hehe. :D

jtarkany said:
I have been thinking alot lately about making a track day and your pictures along with the detailed and enthusiastic description were great. Now I am really getting excited about making a track day as well.

No prob, jtarkany!! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I was so excited I had to tell someone before the enthusiasm gave way to fatigue. I kept rambling and didn't realize how long the post was until I finished typing. Honestly, I could keep going on and on about it, it was that good, haha.
You NEED to get out to a track. :rockon:

kellybt1052 said:
I attended my first here in TX last week as well and it was everything I could have expected and more. SHould he pics and video later this week to share. The best part for me was not worrying about anything but riding fast and pushing my comfort zone.
Kelly, sounds like you had as much fun as I did! You are totally right -being able to go all out on the bike in a (relatively) safe place is key. I ride the canyons several times a week, and despite rave reviews from friends, didn't think the track would be much different.

I couldn't have been more wrong. :(

Being able to repeat corners in quick succession and not wasting concentration on all the variables that come with shared public roads lets you work on your lines and riding in general in a much higher capacity.

I really wish I took more advantage of the instructors. It sounds like you got a GREAT deal for the amount of time you spent with knowledgeable riders. I never sought one out, but next time I think I definitely will. I already know a lot of mistakes that I made, but I'd like to hear which ones I'm making that I don't know, hehe.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for those pics!!:thumbup: