New guy on the forums, bad & good news


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2009
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Hinesville, GA
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Hey FZ6-Forums,

My name is Robert and I'm a new proud owner of an 2007 FZ6. I bought the bike yesterday in FL and rode it back to GA. This is the most modern piece of equipment I've ever owned. I've been riding dirt bikes pretty much all my life. I started riding street on a old dual sport XL185. Than my uncle gave me a 1973 BMW R75/5 that I started to get my chops down. But I only get to ride that when I'm home on vacation ("leave.") So anyways long story short. I bought my self a FZ6.

I've never had a speeding ticket, but today I got one, the day after I bought the bike...Err... I was following my room mate on his FZ1 (which he tried to convince me to buy one) and he was hauling ass going about 104 I was in the mid 80's. A cop comes head on flashing his lights and decides to give us both a ticket for 104mph, after a long discussion he drops it to 81 in a 55. I feel like a dumbass. But I'm not going to let that bumb me out about my purchase. First day with the bike and I get a ticket. Typical.

Anyways I took some pictures of it and the fleet.





:welcome: and congrats on the new bike! Sorry to hear about the ticket though. Is this a good time to preach about keeping speed and stunts on the track? ;) Lesson learned and now you can move forward and enjoy the bike.

Ride safe!
Welcome and nice bike...sorry about the ticket...but the Fizzer will do that to ya...if you get over zealous with the GO GRIP!:D

Post often...lots of great people on this forum!:Flash:
Easy to speed on this thing man and the worst part is the cops will usually pick you to pull over before anyone else. I got a ticket on my fz a few weeks ago in a herd of traffic; I was in the far right lane behind a big old white work truck just keeping up with traffic and got a ticket for 84 in a 65. I was so pissed he picked me out.
Congrats on the purchase and :welcome: to the forum,bummer about the ticket,but just be happy you didn't buy a blue would have been going MUCH faster :D
Congrats on the purchase of the bike. Too bad about the speeding ticket. If your buddy wants to play speed demon let him, it's his ass in the long run. Remember....Ride "your" ride and not his.
Enjoy your new ride and take it easy, you'll enjoy the surroundings better if you can actually see it rather than blazing past it. That's for the tracks.

:welcome: to the forum Robert. You'll meet a lots of fine folks here on the forum with lots of great collective experience and fun. The search section is a great way to glean lots of info on mods and data for our bikes.

Clean and lube that chain!

Have fun with your new ride!

Congrats on the new FZ and welcome to the forum. Be sure to watch your speed on this bike, it can get to illegal speeds very quickly!

I like your fender eliminator, but if you're anything like me, it's the first mod of many that you'll want to start doing. The easiest for me was painting various parts black, i.e. windscreen, radiator covers, and rear pegs.

On a side note, you might wanna consider cleaning/lubing your chain. It's looking a bit rusty.:thumbup:
Yeah I would never run from the police, but I thought so hard about it this time since I was less than a 1/4 mile from my exit, he was stopped on the side of the road, would have had to get up to highway speed and get around 8 or so cars and there was room to split in front of me. It was one of those moments where there was no doubt in my mind that I would have gotten away, but stopped anyway out of principal. God I hate cops sometimes; not all cops, just the ones that pick me out of a huge group of people for no aparent reason...
:welcome: from :canada:

Obviously I love the bike :D - good choice!

Pay the fine and forget about it. As mentioned, ride your ride. You sound like a sensible kind of bloke. Tell your buddy that he'd better slow down.

Good to see frame sliders on the bike. You never know. The FE kit is cool.

+1 on the chain...looks kinda used.

Enjoy and ride safe!!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been lurking around the forums for some solid info and have found a lot. It's kinda' a bombardment when getting a new machine and figuring everything out. Especially with a large database like this. I know this forum will come in very handy. :thumbup:

As for my chain I'm going to use a wire brush and some WD-40 and scrub it down. Till its nice and clean. Ride it and than use more WD-40 till all that crap is off. I haven't had any good experiences with chain lube, because it gets all gunky and dirt sticks to it.

Anyone got any suggestions on that?
Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been lurking around the forums for some solid info and have found a lot. It's kinda' a bombardment when getting a new machine and figuring everything out. Especially with a large database like this. I know this forum will come in very handy. :thumbup:

As for my chain I'm going to use a wire brush and some WD-40 and scrub it down. Till its nice and clean. Ride it and than use more WD-40 till all that crap is off. I haven't had any good experiences with chain lube, because it gets all gunky and dirt sticks to it.

Anyone got any suggestions on that?

Follow the Yamaha manual and use Kerosene and a rag to clean the chain. Some folks swear by WD-40 while others say it hurts the O-rings inside our chains. I don't have any proof either way, but Kerosene is easy to get and a gallon jug will last for years of chain cleaning.

Regarding chain lube, I like the wax type lubes. Bel-Ray makes an excellent product that dries to form a non-sticky barrier that protects your chain. Just make sure the chain is clean and warm before applying the lube. This will help it stick better, and allows the lube to soak into the chain to protect even better.
Good news: You bought the right color FZ- the ticket proves it:)
(Damit we hate tickets)

Bad news: A wire brush, it will damage the rubber o rings in your chain
Stay with a cleaner but use a rag and nylon brush or Grunge Brush comes with a cleaner and brush in one package.
Check that chain and sprocket for wear if it hasn't had the best of care.
Welcome and congrats on the purchase.

Bummer about the ticket. Don't ya just hate it when you get busted doing something you just knew you shouldn't be doing..? I know that feeling.

As redwasp said, don't use a wire brush on the chain. We can't see them, but there are o-rings in the chain that will get munged up from a wire brush. +1 on the grunge brush and straight kerosene. You can use it on your entire stable. Nice collection by the way. What's that black one there? By the handlebars, it almost looks like an fz1.
I usually use kerosene to wipe down the chain or WD-40 if I'm on the road. After it's dry, use a good wax lube on the rides. I like BelRay Superclean (some bike shops have it - does dry white though) or Dupont (available at Lowes stores and it's cheap - I also like the smell :eek:).

WD-40 probably isn't the greatest thing on o-rings, but it's likely not going to do much harm (few people who lube the chain ever keep their bikes long enough to need a new one!). It's a lot better to use it than to skip cleaning.

I've never used a brush on any chain. Maybe I should get off-road more!