New Life for Me

You know that you are amongst friends and that you are loved and respected here my friend. It sounds like you are truly getting it together and I am very proud of you, (along with many others of your friends here)! Take good care and stay in touch with us please?
Donny, you've been through the wringer...... but you've come out the other end with a great attitude.

Chin up, enjoy life and think there are ALWAYS others worse off than you.

BTW, I love your new home - F R E E D O M :D
Hey Shreve I totally get it. Once I knew my marriage was over it was like billion, trillion pounds was off of me. I totally get it.

I think you are doing the right thing too; get some space, breathe deep, and take your time. Sort your head out and focus on YOU.

If you come through Austin look me up, seriously.
I went to church today with my brother who showed up unexpectedly this morning!! last time I saw him was Friday when he quit the shop we are working for and I helped load his tools.he has been having alot of problems pop up from nowhere too!! well He is all straightened back out now and i'm gonna help him unload his tools in the morning and we can get back to work!! lol I can't seem to go more than a day or two without someone close to me bursting into super drama mode!!! and the entire time i just remain stable and continue to support them all and it seems no one thinks hey Donny might need a little help until the knock on my door to go to church that is and The kind words and support from you guys realy lifts my spirits!! It's not easy being a rock all the time!! :rockon:
Sorry to see a rough path as this - All I can say is, take care of those kids as best you can especially if the other party lacks what it takes. Been there and am doing that. And yes, we've been dealt some ugly blows but putting the kids first is what matters. . .

Hang in there Shrev . . .
Hey Donny,
glad you can see your way forward, its a bummer when there is so much to get through to see clearly ahead , but that saying "what doesn't get you, only makes you stonger" is pretty much on the money.
safe travels into the future
best ade
Fella's I am serious!! i'm gonna get the fund's together and get this baby on the road!! :rockon: :D I made a promise to myself if things went bad this last time i was done trying to be a family man,at least it seems its just not in the cards for me anyway I have always been an adventurer so im realy going back to my true nature..hey Dan this song fits... Metallica - Wherever I May Roam - YouTube :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
I am sorry to hear your story mate, I honestly wish you every success with finding your way back to the top. lots of us have similar stories. I won't bore you with mine, but I am glad my life had a bit of a nose dive. I now have 4 great kids and a great wife.
Just reading your first post, your wife moved your son away from you. Maybe you can put some miles on your new baby and pay him a visit? It sounds like you were actually pretty good at being a family man.
Good luck with it all.
It's a good oportunity to find yourself and focus on what really matters in life.
Here in Greece we say "every obstacle is for something good"...

So the only thing you have to do, is to keep your optimism und your positive way of thinking, and everything around you will sort it's self out.

PS: Congrats on quitting drinking and smoking, it proves that you've got inner strength that will help you cope with future challenges.
That's some heavy stuff, Shrev.
You're doing the right thing by sharing this with friends and with time these wounds will heal. Keep the faith and keep sharing and I hope things will keep getting better for you!
Your story first touched me, so I continued to read through the comments and support from our FZ community. Your inner strength is amazing and it appears to be growing. You did say the rock needs some support and you can always come here. Life, I have a feeling, is going to work out for you.

PM me if you just need to talk or vent anytime! If that RV gets to Chicago, let me know!

Cheers and hang in there!
Well today has been going pretty good so far !! :BLAA: got my brother back at work with me and got a call from my ex .. her mother is going to buy my house from me!!! this is excellent news!! I will soon have enough money to hit the road and just wait tables for gas and expenses!! No more turning wrenches on greasy engines killing my back!! well lunch is over gotta get back to work. :rockon:
Sorry to hear about the rough times, had some similar ones myself, glad to hear you are coming through them and getting closer to God. When you are in California, my door is always open :thumbup:
Oh heck yea you know i'm coming to see you J.T. !! We gonna have to dream up some kind of a contraption to build whilst i'm there !!! LOL :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon: [ame=""]Tenacious D - Tribute - YouTube[/ame]
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Life can hit very hard at time, but don't let it destroy you.
As long as you want to improve yourself and be a better person, you have many opportunities.
Keep your head up and best of luck.
You will need a lot of gas to come this way, but if it happens keep me posted.
This may have been posted already, but It takes a true Man of GOD to go through all of this and still have a drive to move forward. You are a stronger man than most and pray you to keep your head up!
you re a tough guy shrev. having had to endure all this and still look positive to improve your well being and your life in general.

kudos and goodluck too you things are already getting better.

i wish i had a little of your inner strenght.. i know i don t have if i have to endure such harshness
Don, We all are proud of you taking the bull by the horns and taking control of your life. With all the friends here on the forum if there is anything you would ever need you know you can ask anyone on this forum and we would all be right there to help. May the good lord look over you on your journey which I am sure will be fantastic. Thanks for being the person you are and a friend to all on this great forum.
Sorry to hear your story fella. I wish you all the best in your new plans and hope you achieve all you want to and have many happy days in the future.:thumbup: