nice 2nd 3rd gear FZ6 wheelies

So who can get it up this high?


I think a fresh pair of shorts would be in order after doing something like that.
That's so cool, I can't even see the wires, seriously, wow, nice skills.
What is that square bar on the left by the exhaust /seat?
Getting the front to lift is easy on the FZ6, not sure about the faired though. Just practice, practice, practice. 25mph, second gear, start by snapping throttle to half way, then gradually add more accelerator if it's not coming up, with 1 finger dip the clutch then release. Start of by quickly dipping clutch then letting it out, if you still can't get it up, leave clutch open for a tiny bit longer so the revs can get higher. Sitting back slightly on the seat really helps too. Make sure you got a smooth road surface, no bumps, straight line. Listen to video's on-line of people popping wheelies, and you'll be able to make the comparison and know you're doing it right by the sound.

I'm no wheelie, expert, my bike is completely stock with 10k miles on, stock tires, stock exhaust, stock sprocket and chain. There's no reason why people shouldn't be able to pop them up. I've had my Fz6 for 3 months and never ridden a big bike before but I can get it up and at the moment I'm mastering balance point. I've never had top use the rear brake, simply just let go of the throttle, that brings you down VERY hard, I can't imagine what the rear brake would do. I have **** myself a few times where I've been trying to learn too quickly and not got used to the front end coming up as high, so gradually kept popping them up and getting used to the feeling of being lent back.

So to re-cap:
1). 25mph, 2nd gear.
2). snap throttle on to halfway
3). dip clutch with 1 finger and release.

If it didn't come up, more accelerator, if it still wont come up with more accelerator, leave the clutch out for just a tiny bit longer. If you still can't get it up, maybe it's for the best.
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is popping the clutch really the "easiest" way to get the front end up..i've still yet to even try it on either of my bikes i'm i have the worst luck and don't feel like loosing a bike haha

Yes. I don't do power wheelies because they're just scary, simple. There's no way if it went wrong I'd be able to think quickly enough to recover, and doing those sort of speeds when the front lifts is just dangerous imo. Plus power wheelies look gay.

If anyone fancies learning but wants someone to show 'em in real life and give 'em tips/tell 'em what they're doing wrong, I'd be more then happy to meetup.
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the uk has wheelie schools where you can go and practice on their bikes. don't know of any in oz.anyone know if they have them in north america?