Novelty helmets & Harley Riders = Death

Colorado doesn't have a helmet law. It drives me crazy seeing all the riders without helmets. People at work cringe when i tell them what i paid for my helmet but i feel that my head is worth it :D
I know what you mean.

I paid AUS$740 for my Shoei XR-1000 (RF-1000). Hubby paid AUS$1295 for his Shoei X11.

I wouldn't feel safe wearing a AUS$99 helmet, even though the meet the same "minimum" standard.
This makes me think of the booth at a motorcycle show that has the novelty helmets for sale and the "DOT" stickers as well. I've never figured that one out.. why fake the sticker?

They are hoping to fool the cop who pulls them over in to thinking it is an approved, and therefore legal, helmet. I had a friend who had removed the sticker from his legal helmet, and got a ticket for not having an approved helmet. He beat it in court, but what a hassle.
My first helmet I got off the internet, I got really lucky because it fit me like a glove, then I dropped it off my seat. :spank: I bought an Icon helmet to replace it and I had the money to spend at the time. I really liked it and was upset when I lost it. When I got my current helmet I starting to think of the brands I see racers use, I got an HJC. I like it but I got the discounted previous year model rather than the new one. It fit well and that was my main consern right after trying save some money as well.
why does one wear a novelty helmet, it makes very little sense.. why wear one at all if its fake?


So they can be a FAG!

[ame=]YouTube - The F Word (South Park Commentary - Season 13)[/ame]

And they want to be a BAD ASS!!!! because their *****' are small.

[ame=""]YouTube- Honest Harley Davidson Commercial[/ame]
Last edited: the challenge to make them as uncomfortable as possible. that was hilarious.
There really is a huge cultural difference between motorcyclists and bikers. You could call it a family feud, and I say family, because at our cores, we are all people on motorcycles...Both groups share a love of bikes, but that's where the similarities end. I don't want to turn this into a harley-bashing rant, but the truth is that most motorcycle fatalities are of a >40y/o man who is riding an over-weight, poor handling, poor performing cruiser-style bike, and has been riding it for less than five years. A biker rides with an emphasis on status and image, whereas a motorcyclist rides for potential performance and personal improvement with an emphasis on safety. The sportbike crowd has their fair share of idiots (squids) too, but these tend to be young people (and all young people of any demographic are, well, idiots) The cruiser crowd with their constant unnecessary revving, wanna-be bad-a$$ persona, and general lack of good moto sense, give motorcyclist a bad name. But like I said, we're all family, and who doesn't have a dumba$$ uncle in the family? I have two.

It's just a matter of what's important to or image/status.
I try to put those who ride without or ride with a novelty helmet into their perspective.

Biggest complaint, it feels constrictive and uncomfortable, and it gets too hot. Yes, if you're not use to wearing a helmet, it going to feel all of the above. No different than wearing your seatbelt. If you were use to driving without one all your life, you would be saying the exact same thing about the seatbelt. But like everything else, if it's something you wear on a daily basis, you get use to it.

It's similar to those riders who decide to ride without proper riding pants with armour, except that there are no laws. Many will ride without them for many of the same reasons mentioned above about the helmets. Even though head injuries account for the majority of deaths.
Like sideshow_downs said, we don't have a helmet law here and we are also a very heavily populated military town. Now all these bases & posts require at least: helmet, gloves & a vis vest. What confuses me is if you already have all this on when you're on base, why would you stop to take it off as soon as you left ?? I've seen too many riders in town with their helmets locked on the side.
And I have this i-dot neighbor who thinks he can put his kid on the back of his Harley "if it's just around the block"! WTF?!? We do have a law that states that "under the age of 18 is required to wear a helmet".
Harley riders are this society's original and genunine riders. They represent the trailblazer, "bring-it-on" attitude that got this country to where it is today. They're a tough, rough bunch and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to get the job done. The deafening and distinctive roar of their bikes lets others know Harley riders are coming down the pike. These are the last honest MEN still riding around on two wheels. They don't care about fads, about "looking good" or "image." They're a breed apart from all the others. So, the next time you see hear that Harley rider roaring down the street and see that peanut, teenie bopper, novelty helmet, remember, they're not about "image." Now, back to the thread (and reality), has anyone EVER seen a sportbike rider wearing one of those useless novelty helmets? I can't remember having ever seen such.
(stuff snipped)...remember, they're not about "image."

And so too do the squidlies have an "image" to maintain

Now, back to the thread (and reality), has anyone EVER seen a sportbike rider wearing one of those useless novelty helmets? I can't remember having ever seen such.

Why yes, a few times. Recently was driving through downtown Worcester and had a squider in shorts, "muscle T-shirt" and a (plastic) chrome Germanic style (with the point on the top) so-called helmet (no chin strap...have NO idea how it stayed on his head) doing quick/fast take offs, on what looked like a 'Busa, between lights that were only a few blocks apart :confused: :eek: I eventually took a turn and he took off going straight.

KARMA baby...gotta love it!! 3 hours later on my way home driving through another part of the city, guess who's pulled over with a city police officer :D :D on the opposite side of the rode...naturally, I had to voice my approval of the squid's superior riding skills (window down and moderately loud "WOOhooooOOO" as I drove by) and attention to safety - the officer was examining the "helmet". :spank:
I get the satire, now...rant removed...
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Tailgate: I'm starting to get your humor...

I believe the only guys that really fall into the catigory you described are the 1%ers.. beyond that they are all about image, but then squids are all about image as well. I'd almost say we are all influanced by image just look at all the mods we do. :spank:

I really understand where Vagas is coming from too. I have ridden with ATGATT that if I forget to wear gloves or something I feel naked, just like if I go to move a car without putting on my seat belt, in my mind something is missing. I could understand it if you were on the other side of that mindset where your not used to doing those things and the thought of wearing gear would be like putting on a suit and tie. It just doesnt' let you breath as well or move around as much. And no, I don't like wearing a suit and tie.
Full face or nothing.

In any sudden stop, you're going face first.

Not to mention the bits and pieces thrown up from the road, i regularly hear the *clunk* of some high velocity object hitting my head.

I hope the guy survives. :(
When I was 21, I was in a coma for 3 days due to head, face ,and neck injuries after going over my handlebars on my mountain bike wearing a bicycle helmet. I never remembered the event (a few days before the accident got erased too) but I am sure I would be dead or maimed if I did not have that little bike helmet on. I would never dream of riding my bike without being covered head to two in the best gear I can get, full face helmet being number one. It is a shame that most Harley riders prioritize looking cool over their health and their loved ones
I am a big nerd anyways, so I enjoy looking like the Red Power Ranger on my bike. :D
I think those who wear fake helmets do so in order to avoid being pulled over and given a ticket for not wearing a helmet. If they lived someplace that did not have a helmet law, most likely they would have a bare head, or just a bandana/ball cap/etc.

i have talked with some of these guys and this is true. only for the law.

and i agree, if i for get any peice of my gear i feel naked, (even though i dont wear riding pants YET, i can live with a skin graft, but not a busted skull), then i ran the bike inside the other night naked and i felt really really naked.:spank:
I heard a motorcycle instructor once say, If you have a 5$ head get a 5$ helmet...

local riding forum here have a comment about helmets, some rider said something like the above, he replied "what if i have a priceless head? there's no priceless helmet around."

anyway helmets are compulsory here (with exception to a particular religion which doesnt need to wear them), but alot of riders choose to wear half face helmets without the chinbar. i will awkward wearing 1. the minimum i wear is a modular for daily. when i hit the tracks or touring i will wear a full face.