NSW CTP Price Increase Protest Rally (Aug 31st 2010)


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Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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Well today was the CTP Protest outside parliament house in Sydney, and while I don't have much experience with this kind of thing there was definately a pretty good turnup!!!!

Not everyone may be aware but the NSW Labor Govt recently green lighted increases of up to 105% in the cost of CTP green slips, which are obviously compulsory! (Allowing insurance companies to totally rip off riders)
This flies in the face of all current statistics which show motorcycling is getting safer despite huge growth in the amount of riders!
For a 250cc scooter my missus's quote was almost 400$, an increase of about 180$ compared to this time last year....
Certainly not a good way to encourage people to take a more environmental and congestion friendly method of transport. Also doesn't do much to encourage young people to get something learner legal....
That being said if Labor doesn't lose the next state election we will know they are cheating somehow (or people really are retarded), and they are obviously trying to wring the state dry before they get kicked out.

Anyway was a good event, and I managed to get some photos which I thought I would share!
Was some cool bikes there, but had more important things on my mind!


The parking was unfortunately at a windy road, but as you can probably see there is alot of bikes there, all the way along, and there was even more around the corner, and more again facing the other way along that same road. Was an impressive turn out! They even ran out of parking space!!!


Didn't see anyone getting booked, and despite a VERY heavy police presence it was pretty friendly.


Australian wisdom.


Was some very good signage representing! Shame the useless State Labor Govt was hiding somewhere else.


Riders represent!!!!
Really no one interested at all?
Did I insult someone with my obvious distate for the worst state government in the country?
Or is this just a case of the well known Australian political apathy?

(Appreciate the thanks Nobby!)
Good to see folks standing up for themselves. Tell them to bash it up their:eek:...whatnames:thumbup:. Not sure if I agree that your state Gov't is worse than ours though...lol.
Really no one interested at all?
Did I insult someone with my obvious distate for the worst state government in the country?
Or is this just a case of the well known Australian political apathy?

(Appreciate the thanks Nobby!)

No worries mate,couldnt make it myself.I work out near the"creek".The funny thing is the bracket(226cc to 725cc) the fz6 is in has actually gone down.The greenslip(ctp) I just got in the mail(gio)is almost a $100 cheaper:rockon:.But pretty sh1tty if your bike is either side of this bracket:(

PS::ban: the state gov
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I didnt log in last night :eek: :spank: but i've seen it today :D Great to see a big turn out to fight the good fight :thumbup:

Your right NSW is a basket case politically but man QLD has to be a very very close contender :(
Yea I assumed the Fizzer would be in the middle so I'm hoping for a pleasant suprise, but the missus's 250 cc SCOOTER CTP insurance literally doubled from last year. (Its more than I paid last year for the FZ6)

To me its a pretty terrible way to rip off the new riders, who realistically get no direct benefit from the CTP anyway, I mean its meant to cover people YOU injure, but what your really paying for is the liklihood some idiot is going to run over the top of you. Correct me if I am wrong but the government levy is the only part that really has any relevance for a motorcycle rider, unless you hit a pedestrian, or somehow manage to injure someone in a cage, and yet we have been targetted using figures which have obviously been generated of skewed to represent what the insurance companies want.

I'm just wondering if they'll try and do the same in other states however...

If it had been 300cc+ then sure, your letting learner riders make the choice of a 250cc or the 500cc+ varieties that have a bit more life in them, and rewarding people for doing the environmental thing by staying on a 250cc (which is realistically the lowest CC scooter you would want for all uses) Obviously there are some of the 125's available for leaners like the CBR but I'm going to be honest its built for someone who is about 12. The missus's scooter looks like a harley next to one.

The problem I find is that realistically a 250cc scooter is needed for any kind of proper riding, ie if your going on any main roads that are 80km/h up to 100km/h.

I have to admit the whole issue just reeks of absolute discrimination, and I'm actually going to be looking into this a bit further and seeing if I can't find out what is really going on here. (Going to try and get something published if I get any worthwhile info as it will go well with my Journo course)
The media apart from M/C Mags has been almost silent on this as well, and lets be honest there is nothing really good in the papers atm anyway, so how hard is it to give some coverage. It just seems that the state govt is using its connections to keep this quiet.

My final real concern is that this is actually NRMA's doing, and since they are well known for hating motorcyclists, and literally rip off anyone silly enough to get MC insurance with them anyway, and it wouldn't suprise me if they didn't decide to expand this to CTP's for the largest group of riders. A bit alarmist maybe but it makes you wonder..

BTW we can't really argue over who has the worst state govt.... NSW's is currently being lead by a bloody useless american! Do i need to say anymore? Hopefully the opposition deport her if they win for crimes against NSW.

Oh and whats the State of Origin?
Hi Kris,
Logged in late & Missed it. Damn.
Sounds like an a punch in the guts with a baseball bat and a phone book.
Just didn't see it coming!

Oh and whats the State of Origin?
Its like the Bledisloe.
(Denial is a wonderful place - This coming from a Kiwi expat)