Ohhhh that sound!!



It's back! That familiar sound of motorcycles roaring through the streets and neighborhoods. First truly nice day today, almost 70 degrees. I hurried out of work today just to get home and break out the bike. Couldn't get home fast enough. It seemed as if everyone had the same idea. All makes and models making there grand appearances. After my ride a sat down with the family and had dinner and that sound of spring came just about every other minute. My wife just gives that look...I think she;s finally getting the point. It's a way of life!

Just wanted to share...Happy riding everyone.

This weekend, it is finally suppose to be nice - maybe hitting mid 60's. I can't wait to finally get out and take a nice ride. The wife is ready for me too. That way I might finally stop complaining about not riding.
It's back! That familiar sound of motorcycles roaring through the streets and neighborhoods. First truly nice day today, almost 70 degrees. I hurried out of work today just to get home and break out the bike. Couldn't get home fast enough. It seemed as if everyone had the same idea. All makes and models making there grand appearances. After my ride a sat down with the family and had dinner and that sound of spring came just about every other minute. My wife just gives that look...I think she;s finally getting the point. It's a way of life!

Just wanted to share...Happy riding everyone.

Thats a great yarn, I was with you there for a minute. What did we have for dinner?

it was a splendid day yesterday, the sun was shining, the bikes were purring, i have been nearly the only bike on the roads for the past month, but i was suprised to look in my mirrors and a few other bikes had joined me and were riding along behind me.
you mean there is a time when people dont rider their bikes? :Flip:

j/k congrats on riding season finally being there for you!
I know, I know, people here dont ride for part of the year also...... Its called summer and its too hot for gear! thats when the squids come out in flip-flops and tank tops (with corona logo's)