Our 2,300 miles long adventures

WOW what an adventure so far! I'm glad I got to ride with you guys back in NJ, cause now looking at this thread I find myself saying "Hey, I know those guys (a lil)"

Cant wait for the rest :popcorn:
Road from Quebec City to Bangor Maine

Just before leaving our motel


As we were going on route 173 we ran along a river for few miles. we decided to take few pics.



right next to we found a farmer's field with some hay :)



we decided to take a rest and have some fun




Since Daniel was about to ship off to boot camp I convinced him to keep up with his daily exercises even during our trip so he wouldn't lose his form.
well take a look yourselves at this hardcore Quebecois farer who doesn't even use any machinery, lol.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvU1qZeHvHo]Hardcore Quebecois Farmer - YouTube[/ame]

Soon we entered the United States from route 173 to route 201 (Maine)

First town of Jackson, Maine.



we had to stop for gas in Jackson, Maine.


we had a chance to spot a rare creature that rode on a motorized bicycle/scooter type of thing.


Also to my surprise this particular gas station was famous in the whole town haha


Just outside of Jackson. One of MANY scenic outlooks along route 202


I freaking love Maine!

OMG, I think we got lost! How the hell did I we end up in MOSCOW. those sneaky Russians!! I knew that I shouldn't have listened to their driving directions!


More photos to come soon.
Next batch will be from Bangor and Acadia National Park.
I am running out of photos unfortunately. The Trip is nearing its end. But I still have few more pics to share so STAY TUNED.
Just makes me want to load up n ride into the sunset here ... asuming we get any sun in Plymouth ;)
Nice to see a old Landrover in the pics also ...

Looked like you guys had fun ...
Acadia National Park

Alright so as we were approaching our hotel I hear a laud screaming coming back from the pick up truck standing at the intersection next to me.


I knew that my tire is pretty square at this point so I just nod and give him the thumbs up sign!

I proceed in a nonchalant nature to drive onto the parking lot of our hotel.

As I get off my bike Daniel, my bro, looks bemused and points to my rear tire.

I take a look the tire is down to the mesh wire!!

So this being a Friday evening, I was a bit scared that we might have to stay longer in Bangor if some motorcycle dealerships are closed on weekends.

Fortunately we found on close buy and visited him in the morning to get a new rear tire.

There were 3 naked strips like these around the tire.



As my tire was being changed we decided to stick around for a bit and check out some bikes etc.

I wish I could mount up the rifle carrier on my Bike! I bet my traffic problems would quickly be solved in the city!


We were lucky because the dealership hosted a get together of a local VStar touring club. Free BBQ!!


Riding towards the Cadillac Mountain Peak.


Top of the Cadillac Mountain!





I can not even begin to describe how beautiful it is up there. It's one of my favorite parks in the North East.

On our way down from the mountin.




The Reflective Pond


Since Daniel was shipping out to the boot camp he had to keep up with his daily workout routine. This place is as good as any, lol!



more push ups!

pull ups!


We dropped our GoPro camera into the shallow water of the pond to get a portrait of both of us.


group shot

It started to get dark really quickly! So we decided to head for some late dinner.



On our way back to Bangor, we stopped for some food! of course it had to be a fresh main lobster for me, lol.


For a dessert we ate home made still hot blueberry pie with a scoop of a vanilla ice cream on top.

Heave in my mouth!


We had to take Route 1A to Acadia and back to Bangor.

Jesus Christ it was scary to ride at night! Roadkills everywhere. Woods on both sides of the road. We could constantly see just beaming eyes from the bushes! It's a miracle that we go back to our hotel safely!
Cape Cod!

Next day we had to head back to Boston!

We took the I95. my plan was to take the Route 1A, but we were looking at about 7 hours of riding.

We stopped over in Boston for a quick burger and few minutes of rest. Then we headed to Cape Cod (Yarmouth)

Sorry no pics for that day.

the next day our goal was to ride from Yarmouth to Province town. Get some lunch there and head back to NYC.

We reached the sand dunes!



We headed to the beach. It was so amazing! the pictures don't lie. the deep blue color of the ocean is just mesmerizing.






We stopped to grab some lunch.

I got myself the "Monument Burger" and Daniel got himself a a personal pizza.


The burger was the biggest one I have ever eaten. I pretty much got sick just trying to finish the whole damn thing!


Daniel's pizza.


We had to rest for 40 min. I couldn't move after eating that burger.

Last pic of the trip. :(


After eating lunch we got on our bikes and headed back to NYC.

We took the I95 home upto the New Haven.

There we took a newly paved historic route 1A. We had few close encounters with baby deer . Thankfully we got home safely.
Little update on my brother Daniel

As I have mentioned int he beginning, this trip was mean to be our last adventure before he shipped out to the Basic Combat Training.

I am happy to give you a little update on how he is doing.

I went down few weeks ago to Fort Jackson, south Carolina for the family day and graduation.

Daniel became a United States citizen.


He graduated as E2.


I am super proud of him!

My next trip will be a cross country this summer. Hopefully he can at least join me for few hours if I get the chance to ride close to his base. Mind you, the Army wouldn't give him a leave for 3 weeks to tour the country haha.
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That is great news! I bet he is super excited to have completed boot camp and to be a citizen:thumbup: Do you know where he will be headed for his first unit?
That is great news! I bet he is super excited to have completed boot camp and to be a citizen:thumbup: Do you know where he will be headed for his first unit?

Right now he is at Fort Lee waiting to begin his AIT.

He mentioned that for the stateside bases he chose Bragg, Hawaii and Alaska.

For his sake I am hoping he gets to be stationed in Hawaii.:thumbup:

he is coming home this Monday for the Christmas break.

Maybe I will manage to squeeze in a a quick run to Bear Mountain.:D
Thanks for the pictures and the ride report. Congrats to you brother on his graduation from boot camp also. Please tell him: from an old Soldier to young Soldier...thanks for serving our Country!
