Passing Etiquette


Mostly Harmless
Apr 19, 2010
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Hurricane, WV
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Hi All,
Just wondering what passing etiquette everyone has when passing a slower bike.

The other weekend I was out with some of my friends riding around. There is a stretch of Route 34 that is about 10 miles long and has no passing sections do to it being 10 miles of 30 and 25 mph curves. So there we were, riding along, about 60 or 65, (was on the Harley, so was running slow), and came up on a bike riding two up, going 40 mph at its top speeds. The three of us tucked in behind and followed for a couple of miles. Finally, there was a long left corner that allowed us a good 100 yard view across the mountain ridge and we could see no vehicles were coming the other direction; so, we passed the slower bike. But it was in a corner and on double solid yelllow lines.

Would you have passed? Or would you have followed at 40 mph for 8 more miles.

If you were a slow bike, running 40 mph, and were holding up traffic, do you pull over?

Just curious.
Personally I tend to pass as soon as it is safe to do so, with little wave or nod as you pass.

Having been overtaken by larger bikes before, there are no hard feelings, although I do tend to pull across to let them pass as soon as I see them coming up in the mirrors.
As long as you pass the other guy in a safe area, I don't see the problem. If you know you're going to be going slower than most traffic, you've got to expect to be passed as well. In that case, I usually give faster traffic a clear path.
We have some awesome twisties here along the coast, but they are ofter 'clogged' with slower traffic. Sometimes ever the 'sportier' cars have been known to hold up motorcycles. :banghead: I usually pull-over to allow the slower traffic (motorcycle or cage) to build a lead on me, and then have fun playing in the twisties until I catch up to them, or there are no more twisties in the stretch I'm on (allowing a safe pass). I feel a moment on the side of the road to clear my head, mentally ride the next section, or take a leak is usually beneficial. :Sport:
both riders, slow and the fast one are equally responsible..for example the cool crowd i ride with will often pass my slow ass..but they usually wait until i wave them to as soon as i feel like they want to pass, i go far right and slow down and wave them to go..same thing when im passing gotta make sure everyone knows whats happening then execute it at the safest straight possible..
I couldn't be doing with following slow traffic for 8 miles :eek:
I pull behind and move towards the centre line,be it cars or other bikes.If they move over for me I go with a thumbs up as I pass,if not then I use the bikes power and go anyway when there is space to do so.

My favourite is the twats,that see you coming,then drift across to force you into on coming traffic.Quite a few have lost a mirror that way ;)

As for being overtaken,hand on heart,I haven't.Not on the bike.
PASS and be passed. :thumbup:

Just be safe and courteous.

Absolutely. I (and I'm not bragging) am seldom passed, and when I pass, I try to do so with zero cause for the other rider to change anything.. In other words, I'll pass (double yellow, hill, etc.) as long as it's safe and I can pass without the other rider needing to do anything he wasn't already doing.. Actually, I do the same with cars..

I occasionally get a pissy car driver who CAN'T BELIEVE I'm passing in a double yellow.. Of course they don't realize that we can pass a car safely in less than 100 yards or less. (Ok, I might speed a bit, too)

I try to remember these things, and also remember what bike I'm on.. The KLR and BMW take some time, and maybe a gear drop.. Fastest bike I own when it comes to passing?? The Wing!!:eek: Top gear, grab throttle, and you're at 100 in no time. Over 100'# of torque will do that.. I don't care if it's a 800# bike, when you twist the throttle on that 1800 Six banger, it gets up and MOVES!!

And yes, the Wing is faster at passing (at the same speed) as the FZ6 is.. Then again, the motor's 3 times bigger..

Pass and be passed as DI mentioned. :thumbup:
Only one bike and you had to pass on double yellow? I'd call that one helluva road hog. They should of shared the lane with you guys and let you by without crossing the center line... but that's just my opinion.
Only one bike and you had to pass on double yellow? I'd call that one helluva road hog. They should of shared the lane with you guys and let you by without crossing the center line... but that's just my opinion.

I guess it depends on the person. If someone's passing me, I expect them to use the other lane. Whether I'm on a motorcycle, or in a car or driving a semi, my lane is my lane.. Feel free to use the other one..

If a squirrel/dog/child/deer happens to jump into my lane, I want ALL of it to get around it, and I don't want someone passing me to be a part of my lane if I need it..

I've been riding motorcycles for 30 years, and more than once, I've needed my entire lane to go around something.. (usually horse crap from the Amish);)
Passing worries me though....only because so much can go wrong and I do it so often. I do my best to be vigilent about it, but its like riding at dusk, the more you do it, the more likely you are to hit a deer no matter how smart you ride.

If nothing else, I'm going to get a ticket for passing on the double-yellow once of these days.
Your asking about passing etiqette?

The slower rider should show some etiquette by acnowledging you and signaling you to pass when it's safe to do so or just pull over or at least move over to the right so you can pass without crossing the double yellow. He's creating a hazardous situation for both riders, as now he has to worry about the faster rider who's behind him, and the faster rider has to pay attention to the slower rider that's ahead of him causing both riders not to enjoy their ride.
Your asking about passing etiqette?

The slower rider should show some etiquette by acnowledging you and signaling you to pass when it's safe to do so or just pull over or at least move over to the right so you can pass without crossing the double yellow. He's creating a hazardous situation for both riders, as now he has to worry about the faster rider who's behind him, and the faster rider has to pay attention to the slower rider that's ahead of him causing both riders not to enjoy their ride.

Couldn't have said it better myself, Vegas.
I like to downshift twice, pin it, and flip them off as I fly by. Typically they are a slow ass/dumb ass HD rider on FM 337. :Flip: Bastards!
I like to downshift twice, pin it, and flip them off as I fly by. Typically they are a slow ass/dumb ass HD rider on FM 337. :Flip: Bastards!

Well, on this occasion, the slow ass/dumb was a red 2007 FZ6 and it was the fast moving ass/dumb on the HD doing the passing... :rockon::rockon:

Not all HD ride like old men...:BLAA: