Poll: Do You Hate Your Job?

Do You Hate Your Job?

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Mines not so bad. Gettin up at 4:30 and leaving by 5:30 for a 70 mile commute to work kinda sucks. As does the 70 mile trip back home. Putting me back at the house around 7 or 7:30
I really enjoy my job , its never the same any 2 days in a row & gives me time to spam this place :D but I dont like the people I work for :( so where does that leave me :confused: promised me the world when I joined the crew but havent delivered any of it yet :shakehead:
it's not so black and white

sometimes it's really enjoyable, othertimes boring. I'm not enjoying it too much at the moment due to the commute (from england to holland), as I only get to go home every couple of weeks and have no bike here :(
i really enjoy my job , its never the same any 2 days in a row & gives me time to spam this place :d but i dont like the people i work for :( so where does that leave me :confused: Promised me the world when i joined the crew but havent delivered any of it yet :shakehead:

snap !.............
I like my job. It also is never the same two days in a row. I also just moved from practicing medicine to instructing medicine, so there are a whole new set of challenges to overcome. :thumbup:
I'm grateful to have a job in this economy, but it is stressful as we've cut many positions (given the economy) and that has left quite a load on the folks remaining.
Sometimes yes, on the whole I like the people I work with, I know my job inside out, so when a challenge comes my way I'm all for it.
Give me a winning tatts ticket, and I'll find new challenges...guaranteed
Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat fingers...you know!
I like my job for the most part, i get to play with fire all day and fight pipe. But there are some days that i have to do the same thing all day wich gets real boring real quick. But my job also leaves me lots of "down" time for posting on a ridiculous amount of topics lol

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
I love my job, look forward to going to work every time i have to! What's not to like, i am a Club DJ who gets to play to 1000's of people most weeks, i get paid well, i get to drink as much as i like...for free, and i dont have to work too many hours, other than when i am behind the decks...

The people i work for in my main gig are amazing, treat me extremely well, and have done for over 5 years now! Most of my other gigs are pretty decent, but can be slow to pay my invoices, but that makes me no orphan...

I've had many great jobs over the years, both as an Air Force officer and as a civilian engineer and supervisor, working on electronic warfare systems, ejection systems, nuclear weapon safety, both field and depot maintenance for the Minuteman ICBM, and even the Space Shuttle boosters for a couple years.

Now, I'm working depot maintenance at the HQ level and I absolutely hate it, very high-stress, was on medication for depression and still having ulcer problems, came way too close to suicide last year (the org has 6,000 people, and there have been 14 suicides in the last 2.5 years). The people I work with presently are fine, but the job itself is too high-stress and yet meaningless at the same time.

I keep applying for different jobs on base, and something will open up eventually; I don't want to spend my last seven working years in this position... :(
Hate mine.. always, but one thing I have to keep reminding myself.. it allows me to do all the great stuff outside of work.. volunteering, cycling, motorcycle riding, MSF coaching.
I love working with people, but I stare at the monitor 8 hours a day for a living :rolleyes:
I enjoy my job as I own the company (all 5 of us) but in secret I must tell you the owner is a sh*t head for making me work when I should be riding.

Started my Pest and Weed control business in 1987 and did it all for 12 years before hiring help. I still work out in the field most everyday as the office work sucks. The hardest part is when I have to let someone go due to poor work preformance, until your on this side of the check book it's hard to understand all the stress and worries an employer has. I do try to be a good employer.

Riding is such a great stress release from working no matter what we do.
Hate mine.. always, but one thing I have to keep reminding myself.. it allows me to do all the great stuff outside of work.. volunteering, cycling, motorcycle riding, MSF coaching.
I love working with people, but I stare at the monitor 8 hours a day for a living :rolleyes:

I have you beat Erci, I stare at a monitor 10 hrs a day plus some on Saturday.

But I have to say I enjoy what I do to the point of if I hit the lotto I'd still be working :)
I LOVE my job, its called RETIREMENT!!!!!
Play with my dogs, pick on my wife, go riding when ever I feel like it, work in my shop, sit on my butt, write stupid stuff on the internet, too much fun
