Post your Bike of the Month Pics For Feb Here!!

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I have a cunning plan..... As a mod I am gona :ban: all the members who are better than me for three days. That way I can get more votes.


[did I just say that out loud?]

The quality of the pictures are excellent, well done guys.

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This is going to be the toughest month to vote ever! Seems everyone brought the best to the table all at the same time! And we have to pick only one!?!?!?

Great photos people!!!
This is going to be the toughest month to vote ever! Seems everyone brought the best to the table all at the same time! And we have to pick only one!?!?!?

Great photos people!!!

+1, The only reason why I waited to submit mine all these months because I thought the previous months pics were so great that I had no shot, so I waited until now. Now look...LOL
Nice bikes!
I have one more mod I am waiting to arrive. I'll submit my reborn '07 Fizzer pic hopefully before the end of the month. If it does not arrive in time, there is always next month's competition.

Whats the prize? Ipod? Iphone? $1000? A new Ducati? :spank:
when do we start voteing and where do we vote. I see the last day of the month is tomorrow and i see no voteing area????
Thread closed... no more entrys alowed Let the voting begin......

We are doing it a little different this time... Click HERE to vote

The tne with the most votes wins a lic plate frame and braggin rights... Good luck!
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