Really didn't want to ever make this thread...


Elite Member
Jun 15, 2009
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Monterey, CA
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Went down today. Was going around a corner I've been around a lot of times..was leaned over pretty far, either hit some gravel or oil (probably no gravel there..) or just gave it a bit too much throttle.

Either way, I high sided and rolled down the road for a bit. I'm alright...a little road rash on my lower back and knees. I had full gear on other than riding pants..was just wearing some dickies pants. The jacket I have came up a little bit, so I got a tiny bit of road rash on one side of my lower back just above my belt line. Thankfully I had my helmet on (always do!) because it got a bit banged up. My left knee hurts and my calf is swollen..wrist hurts a little but I think at worst I sprained it...if that. I was able to get up right after I came up a stop.

Now for the bike. :( On the plus side, the first OPTEST of my Shogun frame sliders was an awesome success! haha Unfortunately, the throttle got stuck wide open and the bike ran to a stop while on it's cut off before I could get over to it. My main fear is that the engine is done due to running wide open for at least 10 seconds while it was starved for oil. The body work got a little damaged..the tank cover is dented, right side foot peg is no longer there...found it are a bit roughed up..especially the rear from running on it's side... really no major mechanical damage to the outside.. The bike started up once or twice.. it shut off when I gave a little throttle. Now it won't start at all, so I am worried the engine is gone.

Long story short... WEAR YOUR GEAR! I've only been riding about two months...just long enough to feel fairly comfortable and apparently get a little over confident. Will drive like a grandma for a bit now! I am less than happy with myself..but at least I was able to walk away from it...even if I have a little hobble to my step.

Going to have the insurance company take a look and go from there.. I hope I the FZ still has some life to it! Won't be able to find another one around here unless I got a brand new one..

..and I still haven't had any lunch yet!

Oh, before I forget..the best part. A guy I met and rode with once happened to be riding by on his 'busa and pulled over to help me out. He called a friend with a truck and we got the bike loaded up and back home. I owe those guys big time! I bought them some drinks (non alcoholic) while we were out there and filled up the guys gas tank...we exchanged numbers and I'm going to take them all out for dinner once I'm back up on two wheels. Gotta love the comradery (how is this spelled? spell check isn't helping) of bikers!
Glad you are OK and hopefully your bike will be as good as new again.:thumbup:
Glad your OK... hope you and the bike heal up soon, I have this feeling when its my turn to go down it will be on a familiar road as well. Funny thing about confidence, we are supposed to ride and build our confidence.. without it you can't truly enjoy riding but too much of it and you may not ride again. Funny old thing life?
Went down today. Was going around a corner I've been around a lot of times..was leaned over pretty far, either hit some gravel or oil (probably no gravel there..) or just gave it a bit too much throttle.

Either way, I high sided and rolled down the road for a bit. I'm alright...a little road rash on my lower back and knees. I had full gear on other than riding pants..was just wearing some dickies pants. The jacket I have came up a little bit, so I got a tiny bit of road rash on one side of my lower back just above my belt line. Thankfully I had my helmet on (always do!) because it got a bit banged up. My left knee hurts and my calf is swollen..wrist hurts a little but I think at worst I sprained it...if that. I was able to get up right after I came up a stop.

Now for the bike. :( On the plus side, the first OPTEST of my Shogun frame sliders was an awesome success! haha Unfortunately, the throttle got stuck wide open and the bike ran to a stop while on it's cut off before I could get over to it. My main fear is that the engine is done due to running wide open for at least 10 seconds while it was starved for oil. The body work got a little damaged..the tank cover is dented, right side foot peg is no longer there...found it are a bit roughed up..especially the rear from running on it's side... really no major mechanical damage to the outside.. The bike started up once or twice.. it shut off when I gave a little throttle. Now it won't start at all, so I am worried the engine is gone.

Long story short... WEAR YOUR GEAR! I've only been riding about two months...just long enough to feel fairly comfortable and apparently get a little over confident. Will drive like a grandma for a bit now! I am less than happy with myself..but at least I was able to walk away from it...even if I have a little hobble to my step.

Going to have the insurance company take a look and go from there.. I hope I the FZ still has some life to it! Won't be able to find another one around here unless I got a brand new one..

..and I still haven't had any lunch yet!

Oh, before I forget..the best part. A guy I met and rode with once happened to be riding by on his 'busa and pulled over to help me out. He called a friend with a truck and we got the bike loaded up and back home. I owe those guys big time! I bought them some drinks (non alcoholic) while we were out there and filled up the guys gas tank...we exchanged numbers and I'm going to take them all out for dinner once I'm back up on two wheels. Gotta love the comradery (how is this spelled? spell check isn't helping) of bikers!

ouch... high-sides are not good... glad you're here to tell!

You may want to see a doctor...

Good luck with the insurance....

Sorry to hear about the wreck...sux big time.:(

Glad you are doing OK...good luck with the insurance company.:rolleyes:
I am very sorry that you had to make this thread, too. :( I hope you heal up quickly, and you really should get checked out by a doctor. I hope your bike isn't as bad as you think it may be, and you are up and riding again soon.
Ouch! Sorry to hear about the mishap. I agree with Elizabeth - you need to see a physician - even if it is to to hear that you are ok.

Good luck with the bike - keep us posted!
Sorry to hear man. I did nearly the same last weekend. I over breaked the rear instead of loosing it in a corner but the result was the same. Less rash becasue I went down the road head first, jacket didn't ride up.

Left wrist and elbow strained. Ice that puppy. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, for the first 24 to 48 hours. Seems like a lot of effort but worth it. Keep an eye on the leg. Mine was messed up worse than I thought. The bruising and pain didn't really start for the first day or so. It has been a week since my accident. My wrist is almost strong enough to ride again. The elbow is great. The elbow was iced, the wrist was not because the ice pack wasn't large enough for both.

Keep on anti inflamitory meds. Aleive works the nuts. Because it lasts 12 hours, it is easy to remember to keep the dose up. These help for pain but more importantly the reduce inflamation of the damaged areas and allow healing. Advil works great too but you have to take them more often.

Congrats on surviving your first flying fall. Gear rules. I remember my head hitting the pavement and thinking "This helmet rocks!!!" seriously. That was the first thing I that went through my mind. I've set that one on the shelf and bought myself a nice new Shoei.
Thanks everyone. I'm trying not to get mad at myself and the whole situation, but I just have to keep reminding myself that at least I was able to stand up on my own and walk away from it.. I'm going to see the HMs on my ship tomorrow morning (they are corpsman/medics) and they might just refer me to the Naval Hospital.

Congrats on surviving your first flying fall. Gear rules. I remember my head hitting the pavement and thinking "This helmet rocks!!!" seriously. That was the first thing I that went through my mind. I've set that one on the shelf and bought myself a nice new Shoei.

Hah I was thinking "am I ever going to stop rolling??"

I'll post up some pics tomorrow...gonna clean myself up again and probably go to bed.
Glad to hear you're okay dude, and kudos to the guys who stopped to help! :thumbup:
Glad to hear you're alright! Very sorry about the bike- I hope it turns out better than your original assessment. Big time +1 on the ATGATT, as well as on the camaraderie of the biker community! I was fortunate like you in having a fellow biker pop by right as I was sliding to a stop during my date with the pavement. Hope the healing process treats you well and a trip to the DO's office probably wouldn't hurt.
Wrightme43 beat me to it, but i was going to say that bikes usually have a sensor that when you crash or lie it down it shuts the fuel pump off and then that sensor has to be reset. I know when i crashed my 05 FZ6 it was throwing an error code on the gauge cluster which was that sensor. so may try unhooking the battery to reset it.......can anyone back me up on this......BTW glad you are OK and hope you heal up soon!
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

I am glad you are Ok. My other biker friends laugh "newbie" that I wear GEAR in the heat and sweat!

Hah yea, I always wear the gear, even if it is really hot out. As my Dad told me, "dress for the fall, not for the ride."

glad to hear your ok man. Did the fuel pump reset get reset?

Wrightme43 beat me to it, but i was going to say that bikes usually have a sensor that when you crash or lie it down it shuts the fuel pump off and then that sensor has to be reset. I know when i crashed my 05 FZ6 it was throwing an error code on the gauge cluster which was that sensor. so may try unhooking the battery to reset it.......can anyone back me up on this......BTW glad you are OK and hope you heal up soon!

Hmm I didn't unhook the battery or reset anything. I'll give it a shot tonight. Some green anti freeze liquid leaked out too..a decent amount..could that be brake fluid?

I also realized what caused the loss of traction...a combination of a little too much throttle and this pedestrian crosswalk that is made of a smooth red brick to look "pretty". I think once the rear tire hit that, it was all over.
Thanks Brenda. I keep telling myself whenever the whole thing starts driving me crazy.

Well I tried disconnecting both the positive and negative battery terminals but it didn't work. Now when I turn on the does the diagnostic check fine, then I hit the ignition and it shuts the power down instantly and then goes back into the diagnostic check like I just turned the key. Also, the headlights aren't getting any power and the front right turn signal isn't working, though most of the LEDs are gone or partially missing.