Ride Safe NC


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
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Lexington, NC
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So I am taking a break from my exam studying. I really hate finals...grr. So I figured I would go ahead and share this with you guys/gals.

Recently, last year or so I believe, the NCSHP has started a Bike Safe program which is modeled after a similar program in the UK somewhere.

This program is taught by the NCSHP bike officers! Which is awsome, espically if you have seen some of the skills they learn in their training. The class is a one day event which consists of riding and class room work. The day starts with a short ride where the do some brief evaluations followed by classroom ed. They end the day with a "long" ride which goes through highways, back roads and city roads.

The class is set up so that there is no more than two "students" per officer so the training is very one on one with the officers. At the end of the day a certificate is given and your on your way.

The best part is that it is free! For now at least.

I got the last spot open for this coming Friday (5-8-2009) in Raleigh.

I think it is open to all NC residents, and there are some other stipulations I think. All this information can be found on their website....


I am staying with my girlfriends Sister and her b/f up in Raliegh Thursday night, since the class starts and 8:45. They ride rain or shine, so its a go either way.

I am looking forward to it and I will be sure to post up once I get back late Friday evening.

Wish we had a progam like that here... I'd love to have some professional input on my riding characteristics.

Good luck on your finals, I know I'm going to need it.
Damn. I hate you got the last spot, but thanks for letting us know about the class. I have a professor friend who teaches the MSF Experienced Rider Course, and it is only $50; do you know how that compares to the NCSHP course?
Damn. I hate you got the last spot, but thanks for letting us know about the class. I have a professor friend who teaches the MSF Experienced Rider Course, and it is only $50; do you know how that compares to the NCSHP course?

There are other classes available throughout the year. Just sign up early, they seem to fill up fast.

I have not taken a MSF course, so I have no clue how they compare. From what I am gathering about Bike Safe it seems to be more of a one on one info session that offers suggestions and tips on improvement along with some skill building. But not 100% on that.

Well I am in Raleigh. Got here this afternoon and then took a short ride over to the test track. From the entrance gate I watched some troopers run some drills in squad cars which was pretty cool. At the gate they had a big waterline that looked to wet the skid pad for some wet weather testing?

I am looking forward to getting out there tomorrow!

Just got in a bit ago, went out for a ride after the class was over.

It was well worth the trip let me say that!

I will be doing a write up about it in my blogspot and posting it shortly.
