Saw this outside my local bike shop

hmmm...very interesting! I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for the pic. lol! What is that supposed to be, guy girl?

I'm pretty sure its a hairdresser's manequin head. The rider was a dude in his mid 40's w bleach blond shoulder length hair w/sunglasses. The whole scene was kinda wierd.:don'tknow:
Looks like cop-bait to me. If they don't think you've impaled someone on your forks, they may just ding you for unsafe something-or-other. I knew a a guy who got a new truck jacked up a bit, and he got a large mesh bag that had two basketballs in it. Hung that from somewhere on the rear axle. Hung down between the wheels, looked like testicle. "My truck got balls" he'd like to say to everyone within ear shot. Then it got neutered when the cops gave him a ticket. Wouldn't like to be behind him on the freeway when that bag ripped apart.
That would scare the life out of me if I passed it late at night. I'd think it was some nightmarish hallucination.
Maybe he was a ship captain and the woman on the front was for good luck?

Either way it is F-ed up looking and i would probably poop myself if he was coming up behind me for a pass...:eek::eek::eek:
Today I was riding behind a car and the driver stuck something out the window, so I got in the other lane and passed so he wouldn't drop it right in front of me. It turned out to be a head, similar to that one, but on a stick. He was turning it so it was "looking" at me as I rode by. It's a mad mad mad world.
I love it, too cool.

I had a track coach way back in high school who had an old BMW 2002. He had a naked Barbie doll on the hood, like how a sailing ship would have the woman on the bow, it was great! But at age 15 any naked joke is great!
That's hilarious. Yes it's Mad Max-ish but so are helmet mohawks. To each their own I guess, looks better than neon lights!
Forget the one with the head on it. I want the pearl white 1200 custom Sporty in the background of that one picture.