So how hot is too hot?


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Redlands, CA
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i've read threads before where the question is asked "how cold is too cold?". i understand that many find the lower temps to be uncomfortable to ride in but i'm on the other end of the spectrum. i HATE the heat. in my opinion the only redeeming quality of summer is that women tend to wear fewer clothes. :jawdrop:

so i ask you fine members of these forums, how hot is too hot for you? assuming you wear at a minimum a jacket and helmet, how hot does it need to be before you say "screw it, i'm staying indoors"?
I'd say 90+ then I'm driving. Monday was near 100 and I just about had a heat stroke.

Oh... my ideal riding temp, 60... nice and cool with all the gears.
My bike is my daily ride so in summer i regularly ride in the 40 - 45 c ( 100 - 110 f ) range......Then add Queensland's 80+ % humidity and :eek:.....Its a tough life but its great for your waistline and it sheds enough kg's for that extra coldie when u get home :D :iconbeer: :iconbeer:
I ride all summer and the low to mid 90's are fine(80's are better). Its when the temps get in the 98, 99 100's it starts to become a problem for me.
If it's too hot for gear, it's too hot to ride. I thinkt hat's usually int he high 90s for me, with high humidity....

Basically when you feel like your jacket has become part of your skin, because you are sweating so much.....eeeewwww.....
my fav riding temp is mid-80s to low 90s.

Too hot? Hmmm...Haven't gotten there yet. Although I become :squid:like and ride in my T-shirt when it is about 98+ :D I hate sitting in traffic when it is that hot though, my skin on my arms feels like it is boiling :Flash:
Never been anywhere that was to hot for riding ........ and that includes places like India, Thailand etc.. ...
Been to lots a places where it was to cold though ....
i got a black helmet thats like 15 years old (older than me :( ) and its a black shoei and the screen thing wont open so the black in the high 90's a actully start sweating and it just poors after 3 hours !!!!!!!so 90 degrees is to hot for me
I haven't found a temp too high or too low to ride in yet. My thick black Power Ranger suit gets uncomfortable when I'm sitting in traffic when it's 100F+, but I rarely have to sit in traffic.

I'd say that traffic makes all the difference. Either way, ATGATT!!!!!!! and open up the vents. If it get's too bad, try evaporative cooling -- wrap a wet bandana around your neck or something.
i feel that almost any temperature is bearable with a 60 mph breeze :)

also wear gear all the time, i just switch to mesh gear
Crossing the panhandle in July on the K-75RT, wearing an Aerostitch, and the dashboard thermometer said that the air temperature was 130. My knees were catching the hot air from the radiator, so the temperature there was more like 150.

That was pretty close to "too hot".

I pulled into a gas station, found a garden hose, and used it to soak myself. After that it was a good day for a ride.
Summer in Northern Michigan doesn't get as hot as some places, but it can get downright sticky with the high humidity. I've ridden in 90+ degree temps with 100% humidity. Once you're moving down the road, it's all good.
I'm a wuss, once it gets over about 95° it's too toasty. Back in the day I would have gone for the shorts & T-shirt and not cared how hot it got but I've been beaten down by the ATGATT folks to the point where I don't get much less clothing than jeans and my Cortech mesh jacket.

Life was just so much simpler when I just didn't give a damn...