Specs of black stuff in oil???


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2009
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Temecula, CA
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My fz6r has been sounding pretty funky lately. Sometimes I'd here a clicking as I accelerated, but it would stop after reaching about 5-8 mph. I checked my oil levels and found black specs of something in the oil. The oil still looks good but it's just the black specs. Should I need to change the oil soon... I rode it 800 miles from CA to NM for college. It's been about 2 months since that trip. Please help, I don't want to cause any further damage if there is any. Thanks.

If yourengine is abnormally loud, or "noisy", the first point of call, is an oil change...everytime, but make sure it's a decent oil, replacing old oil, with crap oil, aint gonna do you any good...

If it's still noisy after changing to new, and, or better oil, then get it to a trustworthy mechanic for further investigation...

good luck.

What do you mean by "funky sounding"? Just little "clickety" sounds at very low speed below 5-8mph?

How did you find "black specs" (I assume you mean little pieces of metal shavings? is that it?) by checking oil levels? You mean you had metal shavings on the oil dipstick when you pulled it out to check the level? That would be pretty bad as these shavings would normally find their way to the bottom of the engine or in the oil filter... these are normal for a new bike btw.

More details would help :)
What do you mean by "funky sounding"? Just little "clickety" sounds at very low speed below 5-8mph?

How did you find "black specs" (I assume you mean little pieces of metal shavings? is that it?) by checking oil levels? You mean you had metal shavings on the oil dipstick when you pulled it out to check the level? That would be pretty bad as these shavings would normally find their way to the bottom of the engine or in the oil filter... these are normal for a new bike btw.

More details would help :)

thanks for all the replies. I will change my oil ASAP. Yes, "clickety". I just noticed that even when riding at higher speeds, any speed really, the clicking sound is still present. It kind of sounds like if you were to take free weights and lightly tap them together, but with a higher pitch. I guess you could say my engine used to sound "smooth", less chopper like, but now it now sounds like a lawn mower but not exactly... it's hard to explain. I've had my bike for about 4-5 months now... in the beginning I had the shavings in the oil and figured it was normal... but is it normal even after half a year? Could the clicking be associated with my clutch not being adjusted or something? i noticed that when I have it in neutral it sounds one way... but when I pull the clutch in, while in neutral, it sounds slightly different. Maybe my clutch isn't fully disengaging when I have it in.... but then again... that wouldn't explain the clicking when I'm riding.
Some FZ6s have a "clicking" sound as well... I remember both my FZ6s used to do it every ones in the while and I know other owners had the same issue. I am not sure if anybody had even figured out what the root cause was... I am now wondering if the FZ6R has the same symptom...
My advice: take it to your dealer and have him ride the bike... also, create a thread in the FZ6R forum to see if other owners are experiencing the same symptoms...

About the metal shavings in the oil, I would not worry about it on a new bike (4-5months is still very new), unless you see a lot of them (you should not get more than about half a tea spoon worth) during your oil change. The shavings should also be quite small, like 1-2mm in length max and very thin...
My bet is that the shavings have nothing to do with the clicking sound...

Sorry I could not help more... and good luck.
It might be the cam chain tensioner guide that is generating the specs AND the clicking noise you mentioned. You (or your mechanic) needs to inspect the spring-loaded tensioner unit and remove the guide to look for wear. Not difficult to do, but you will need to remove the camshaft cover to extract the guide.

Do not wait on this, if the cam chain slips on the sprocket or breaks it will destroy your valves and pistons!!