THANKS! Really, i am humbled!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Hi everyone,
Well as a few of you know, and it is quite well documented, i had a rather nasty little encounter with a 4WD (SUV) on Sunday.

Wont go over the detail again, no need, but i am now home from Hospital for the second time, with my left leg & foot in a plaster cast, as the result of a couple of very small fractures in my foot, which is just fine with me, as it was initially thought to be a listfrank injury...which is quite a bit more serious.

In fact, Bike & me have come out of this one pretty well off considering the nature of the impact.

The reason though for this thread is that i just want to say thanks to the many people who have wished me well, and shown concern for my situation.

So many of you posted well wishes, some of you sent me Profile Visitor messages, and some of you even PM'd your concern.

I hopefully have thanked you all, and if i missed anyone, i did not mean to!

There are a few people i have met through here, who have very quickly become great friends, but i must single out 2 people in particular for special they have gone way beyond the call in the last couple of days.

Ozzieboy & guys have truly blown me away with your compassion, friendship, & willingness to help me in anyway you can.

I think everybody else needs to know what sorta blokes you are.....BLOODY DECENT!

Both of these guys stayed with me at the scene of the accident, till transport arrived for both me & my the form of another great Mate....Mad Matt.

Mike (Ozzieboy) rode off to get help, as there was no phone reception where i crashed....and Dave (Stumbles), stayed with me while Mike was gone, regardless of the fact, he needed to be elsewhere.

In fact, once Dave did leave upon Mikes return, he was confronted with his own personal drama of a fairly serious proportion!

Mike then followed Matt, Me & my bike home, helped unload the bike & me, then came to the hospital with me all freaking night, and made sure i got home, got fed, and got into bed safely......enormous effort, turned into an 18 hour day....

It does not stop there folks! These guys are legendary.

On Monday afternoon, after i had a very long sleep, induced by exhaustion & serious painkillers, i realised that all was still not right with me...and eventually, by Monday night i realised that i needed to get back to hospital quick teary phone call to Mike, and next thing i know, Mike is at My doorstep, ready to drive me to Hospital at 11.30pm at is a 30 minute drive from Mikes house to my house....Mike then proceeded to stay with me till 5am in the morning!!!!!! He only left once he knew what was going on, and that i was going to be staying at the Hospital!!!!

It does not stop there folks! These guys are legendary.

Yesterday was a very long and trying day at the Hospital for me, and amongst his own family health issue's (A very sick mum in Hospital herself), Dave found the time to come & visit me, make me laugh, and share a ciggy or two with me.....and then today, once again, whilst dealing with serious family stuff, Dave found the time to come & pick me up from the Hospital and bring me home!!!!

Everyone, i did not know these guys from a bar of soap a few months ago....and it's only through this forum that we met, and have become riding buddies...we are now much more than that, these guys are true friends.....and with the full meaning of friendship.....

3 very good things have come out of my little accident.

1. I was very graphically shown how important the best possible gear is in an accident..without full armoured leathers, and decent boots, i am positive i would of ended up much worse off!!!!!! ALWAYS WEAR YOUR RIDING GEAR FOLKS!

Ozzieboy & Stumbles....THANKS MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY! :thumbup:

2. How fantastic this forum is, and that the people in here are the salt of the doubt as a result of a damn decent Admin team, that keep it a great place to visit, and post....Thanks Dennis, J, Sportrider, and all the mod's for keeping this place real, and making this forum what it is....the best forum i have ever been involved with!

3. How many great cyber friends i have made, how many great new local friends i have made.....South Australian Boys - Ozzieboy, Stumbles, Aussiejules, Ozfazer6, Apollo, and our new friend, Adusanju.


I just thought this post was the best way possible to say thanks to everyone...this forum, and the good people in it, have made the last couple of days a lot easier for me to deal with....

FZ6 Forum Members...give yourselves a great big pat on the back, YOU ROCK!

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Ain't pain meds great??? :thumbup:

Sounds like you are feeling much better Jamie and your mates are truly the best. That is what a real friends do for one another.

Hang tough "crash test" and you'll be back on your bike before you know it. :rockon:

I'll respond how I wish. :Flip:
Ain't pain meds great??? :thumbup:

Sounds like you are feeling much better Jamie and your mates are truly the best. That is what a real friends do for one another.

Hang tough \"crash test\" and you'll be back on your bike before you know it. :rockon:

I'll respond how I wish. :Flip:

Sorta just realised that if no-one responds, not many of the people who i want to read that, will see it.....and it aint the meds talking in that post!

Thanks Pete!

+1000.Lets hear it for Mike and Dave :cheer:

If (and I hope not)it ever happens to me I would rather have these guys around than anyone else. Well done guys :thumbup:
Dude, just doing what mates do... look out for each other.

If the shoe was on the other foot, I'm dead certain you'd be doing the exact same thing.

I'm happy to help out, you are one of the friendliest, cheerful, never-say-die fellas I know, and feel it is my privelidge to know you.

Just heal up, so I can go riding again with ya... OK!!!


Gawd, and I got a tear in my eye again reading your post, Thanks Jamie, and you're welcome.

Those are some great friends; as the saying goes, friends in need are friends indeed. Glad you are doing better and thanks for sharing your story. We all need constant reminders of what a potentially dangerous sport this thing we call riding can be...and yet we love it so.
Glad to read you are on the mend. Very touching post, you are lucky they were with you and to have them as friends.

Love your new avatar, good to see you still have your sense of humor.

Get well soon.

Reckon I'll make a quick reply

Just doing what I expect of me. I'd be a pretty pee poor mate to leave you in the lurch:spank:.

Who else do you know who's usually up 'til 3 or 4 in the morning bored any

I gave Matt "The Big Handshake Talk" while you were in getting checked out the first time. Told him he was a good lad and was mighty impressed at his drop everything to help out attitude:cheer:.

If it's late at night and you need anything (even just shoot the you know I'm up for it...although they're going to put me on days over xmas:eek::(.

Was glad Dave could hang in there while I went phone calling up the you said, he was expected elswhere.:thumbup:

I'd also like to thank people for all the pats on the back. I just did what I am supposed to, but it's nice to hear folks care...Thankyou. :D

BUMP! I wanted to be sure this is seen by all.

I hope everyone here is blessed with true friends like these guys! Hats off to all your mates Wolfman!
Good to hear you and the bike came off fairly lightly fella.Hope you are up and riding real soon dude :thumbup:

:iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer: To your new found friends

Top fellas by the sounds of it.:thumbup:
Nice little postscript to my original post..... Am in hospital on Christmas day, have had 2 visitors, other than family, guess who.....Dave(stumbles) & Mike(Ozzieboy)....thanks for the continued support boys!

Nice little postscript to my original post..... Am in hospital on Christmas day, have had 2 visitors, other than family, guess who.....Dave(stumbles) & Mike(Ozzieboy)....thanks for the continued support boys!


No wukkas mate:thumbup:. Did that nice Nurse come in to play Moto GP with you?
No wukkas mate:thumbup:. Did that nice Nurse come in to play Moto GP with you?

nope, had another visit from my ex, the paramedic, though, just a solo visit tonight! Came in about 15 minutes after you left!

The nice nurse finished at 10pm... Am hoping she will be back tomorrow!
nope, had another visit from my ex, the paramedic, though, just a solo visit tonight! Came in about 15 minutes after you left!

The nice nurse finished at 10pm... Am hoping she will be back tomorrow!

Mate, I'm glad you said solo. If I thought I'd missed Charlie's Angels by 15 mins
I'd be beside myself.....and you know what that means???? Two me's:eek::D.
Sorry to hear Wolfman's still on the mend - sounds like Australia's healthcare has at least some of the same issues Canada's does - equally (poor sometimes) care for everyone with long waits. I definitely pay more now that I live in the US but I feel like the standard of care is much better - kinda like where it sounds like you've ended up in the private hospital.

On the other, the banter between you guys is pretty funny so you must not be in too bad of spirits despite the setback.

Missing Charlie's Angels by 15 mins....
Nice little postscript to my original post..... Am in hospital on Christmas day, have had 2 visitors, other than family, guess who.....Dave(stumbles) & Mike(Ozzieboy)....thanks for the continued support boys!


The least we could do mate.

Damn, SO, I'l have to remember to visit a bit later, I didn't see any nurses... only the afternoon tea lady :(

Sounds like you made the best of the crappy situation Jamie, good onya. You mentioned "Charlies Angels" when I was there, spewing I missed a part of that :rof:
