The "Copy Cat" Mod


SS1000 Veteran
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Nov 24, 2008
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Danmark, Near Aalborg (GMT+1)
OK, - so since I feel the need to spread the word about this forum here in Denmark, I have been looking into some sort of "" marking on my bike.
Since the Licence-plate frames most likely differ from country to country in size, - the only option was to find a Danish supplier of the frame.
This proved to be bit tricky, - I have only managed to find one in the entire country ....

Anyway, - here's what I got (and I admit to be a copy-cat):


Had to drill the holes myself, - but I don't think there is any standard for the placement of em, so that was expected.

On the bike:


Just what I wanted! :)

If any of the Danish members want one, - PM me and I will hook you up :)
Awesome idea.... I might have to see whether I can do something similar that fits aussie plates, the official forum ones don't fit

Am sure dennis(admin) would not mind the free promotion of the site.:thumbup:
I already tried it Jamie,none of the frame printers have SA frames :(

I did find one that will print it for you if you send it to him,I have the link at work but I think it was called I WAS FRAMED.
If any other country's plates should match, - here's the measurements:

The Danish frame measures 16,5cm * 24cm or 6.50 inch * 9,45 inch (the inner measure where the plate fits).
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Looks great! Good job! I think you're right, the license plate is a good choice. If you're going faster than everyone else, the part that is in sight longest is your license plate :rockon:

Other members a while back were looking into printing custom forum stickers that could be put anywhere. One that looked good to me, although I never got around to getting it :spank:, was a large one for the swingarm.