The "Off Topic" thread...

Am moving stuff into new house tonight & all day tomorrow, if any of you SA boys are feeling pretty organised right now, everything that can be boxed up, is, and there aint that much big stuff, and most of it aint that heavy....modern appliances seem to weigh lots less than i remember Fridges, etc, weighing when i was in share houses, with some 30 year old dunger fridge!

Am moving stuff into new house tonight & all day tomorrow, if any of you SA boys are feeling pretty organised right now, everything that can be boxed up, is, and there aint that much big stuff, and most of it aint that heavy....modern appliances seem to weigh lots less than i remember Fridges, etc, weighing when i was in share houses, with some 30 year old dunger fridge!


I can come give you a hand after I get Amy from school.

I'll give you a ring later.

I can come give you a hand after I get Amy from school.

I'll give you a ring later.


Thanks for the call Dave, but as you know, things went a bit "squew iff" this arvo, and am now starting to move all my stuff at about 12 tomorrow, if your about???

I think Matty is coming, so we will probably be witness to Fridges getting the "one man lift" treatment...strongest bugger i ever met!

Lol! Mikey and me saw this the other day! POSL!:rof:
View attachment 22999

My son managed to get a snap of it on his mobile phone...after we just had to turn around and go back for a second look!

You cant see them in the photo, but there is a cop car behind that trailer....they had pulled them over to "have a look" and i suspect, book the silly bugger for having such a load on his trailer....

Gotta say, i am pretty impressed with the "Skills" of the guy who managed to pile that amount of crap into a trailer with no's a freakin' work of art!!!!

Oh, and you know what....The cops let em drive off back down the road with the load still packed as it was when they pulled them over...

My bike just told me I have ridden 10,000kms!

That's 6 Months almost to the day riding in the worst weather. Now lets see how many I can get during the next 6 months of better weather!

Bet you wont catch Mikey! I have done 14500km's this year, but most of that was during the early part of the year, when i was doing lots of touring...and that times coming up real soon again...

Yeah,I have had my bike 2 1/2 years and put nearly 40k on it ,he did about 15k more than that in 18 months FFS !

Yeah it was well over 50000km's....the man was a machine on that FZ6...and it shows in his riding these days, super confident, smooth as silk, and bloody hard to catch, as he has no fear....none whatsoever!

Maybe we should set him up with a couple of kids...they will slow him down! Nothing like Daddy duties to make you think about the consequences of a "big one" as you tip into a corner, fully committed, with a tree or armco staring back at ya, about a bike length or two away!

Yeah,I have had my bike 2 1/2 years and put nearly 40k on it ,he did about 15k more than that in 18 months FFS !

40,000km in the first year. Just over 10,000km in the next 3 months.

50,000km+ in 15 a tragic case.:eek::spank::D

One of the reasons I'm not in a hurry to pick up a new much as I tell myself I'll not go nuts........I day and night rain hail or shine:rockon:

Wanna stop riding in the rain as much as definitely deteriorates the finish on the pipes and matt black areas.:(
as he has no fear....none whatsoever!

Maybe we should set him up with a couple of kids...they will slow him down! Nothing like Daddy duties to make you think about the consequences of a "big one" as you tip into a corner, fully committed, with a tree or armco staring back at ya, about a bike length or two away!


I have plenty of's what keeps me alive:thumbup:.

I don't do Gorge Road.:spank:

I generally do roads I know very, very well (I can't begin to stress enough just how important track knowledge is) and never as hard as I would go at the track. I don't power out of corners up to high speeds very often so the risk of a tail end lose and high side is less and I don't brake hard going in, so there's little risk of dropping the front. I just ride round bends at the speed I'm doing:thumbup:.

I easily got 40,000km out of my brake pads and they were still going strong when I swapped them out for my track day.(Should have kept least another 10,000km in them):cheer:

I just hang off the bike and scrape stuff through corners. As long as the roads looking clear it's nothing too crazy....If there's debris or it's night I slow down.:thumbup:

And I usually choose my spots to go hard (track knowledge again).

The two biggest worries on my mind though, are dumbfreaks with car keys and petrol money, and bike failure.......if something breaks mid corner things could get

But there is plenty of fear there....stops me doing stupid stuff.........mostly.
And makes me appreciate the track an awful lot. Long live track days:rockon::D
I have plenty of's what keeps me alive:thumbup:.

I don't do Gorge Road.:spank:

I generally do roads I know very, very well (I can't begin to stress enough just how important track knowledge is) and never as hard as I would go at the track. I don't power out of corners up to high speeds very often so the risk of a tail end lose and high side is less and I don't brake hard going in, so there's little risk of dropping the front. I just ride round bends at the speed I'm doing:thumbup:.

I easily got 40,000km out of my brake pads and they were still going strong when I swapped them out for my track day.(Should have kept least another 10,000km in them):cheer:

I just hang off the bike and scrape stuff through corners. As long as the roads looking clear it's nothing too crazy....If there's debris or it's night I slow down.:thumbup:

And I usually choose my spots to go hard (track knowledge again).

The two biggest worries on my mind though, are dumbfreaks with car keys and petrol money, and bike failure.......if something breaks mid corner things could get

But there is plenty of fear there....stops me doing stupid stuff.........mostly.
And makes me appreciate the track an awful lot. Long live track days:rockon::D

All sounds fair enough to me Mikey , my biggest fear is also a dumdfreak with car keys :spank: and track knowledge is a HUGE advantage , hence the reason i hate being a ride leader..... There is still nothing like Daddy duties to slow you down though , go on Mike give it a go :rof:
nothing like Daddy duties to slow you down though , go on Mike give it a go :rof:

:eek::eek::eek:Not Like I need some evil, smart alec little snot machine taking up my riding

Edit.....I should add that I'm happy to practice kid manufacturing on short notice any old day with the right kind of
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I have plenty of's what keeps me alive:thumbup:.

I don't do Gorge Road.:spank:

I generally do roads I know very, very well (I can't begin to stress enough just how important track knowledge is) and never as hard as I would go at the track. I don't power out of corners up to high speeds very often so the risk of a tail end lose and high side is less and I don't brake hard going in, so there's little risk of dropping the front. I just ride round bends at the speed I'm doing:thumbup:.

I easily got 40,000km out of my brake pads and they were still going strong when I swapped them out for my track day.(Should have kept least another 10,000km in them):cheer:

I just hang off the bike and scrape stuff through corners. As long as the roads looking clear it's nothing too crazy....If there's debris or it's night I slow down.:thumbup:

And I usually choose my spots to go hard (track knowledge again).

The two biggest worries on my mind though, are dumbfreaks with car keys and petrol money, and bike failure.......if something breaks mid corner things could get

But there is plenty of fear there....stops me doing stupid stuff.........mostly.
And makes me appreciate the track an awful lot. Long live track days:rockon::D

Sounds like good advice for any rider!
Well after 11 days ofcleaning, moving, argueing with a toss bag of a landlord....i finally finished moving house today!!!! Left my old house way better than when i moved in, and my new house, craps all over my old house, in terms of modern convenience, and ease of day to day living!!!!

I cant tell you how happy i am....moving sucks!!!!!

Huge thankls goes out to the 8 people that helped me in various ways!!!

Massive thanks go to Mikey (Ozzieboy) for going nuts with the whipper snipper, helping me move and set up stuff, etc, etc, same goes for Dave (Stumbles), for helping me move stuff, and everyone else who aint in this forum!