The "Off Topic" thread...

Do something rash and look what

I'm visualizing that place looking a little like this by

Jackson Jackson - Eliza on Vimeo

Posting from my flash player, but it's more like dusk to dawn style in here right about now...freaks, ferals, weirdo's...and lots of hot girls...must be girls night out tonight! They are everywhere! :cheer:
Posting from my flash player, but it's more like dusk to dawn style in here right about now...freaks, ferals, weirdo's...and lots of hot girls...must be girls night out tonight! They are everywhere! :cheer:

All the guys have been watching racing all day and are passed out on somebody's front
Well folks i get the distinct displeasure of moving house this weekend! Yep, that's right, The Wolfman is picking up sticks, and moving myself & the a more sensibly sized house, with a low maintenance tree's, and only a small lawn, within 1km of the workshop!

Why am i telling you all of this....well i was hoping that maybe a couple of yoiu SA Fizzers.....might be interested in lending me a hand to move....any hands makes light work.

Already enlisted mp & her best buddy to pack up my old house, and unpack everything at the other end...

What i need is a few sets of hands to help me move the BIG stuff this weekend....

Oh and if anyone knows someone with a truck.....i would rather give a friends friend the cash to hire a truck...

Anyone that can help in any way will be very much appreciated....

Damn man,I just quit my job .I could have got hold of a little 4 tonner .Doubt if my boss will lend it to me now :(

Them's the breaks! Lol! shouldnt be too harder move, i dont have half us much stuff here as i used to....workshop, and Missus leaving and taking lots of stuff with her!

does anyone know anyone that's into fish...i have a truckload of fish tanks, and equipment here, in good order that i am going to sell very very cheap...6 tanks here in total....all set up for tropical fish.

does anyone know anyone that's into fish...i have a truckload of fish tanks, and equipment here, in good order that i am going to sell very very cheap...6 tanks here in total....all set up for tropical fish.

My wife wants a tank mate,PM me the sizes and a price and I will ask her :thumbup:
well i was hoping that maybe a couple of yoiu SA Fizzers.....might be interested in lending me a hand to move....any hands makes light work.

Already enlisted mp & her best buddy to pack up my old house, and unpack everything at the other end...

What i need is a few sets of hands to help me move the BIG stuff this weekend....

Oh and if anyone knows someone with a truck.....i would rather give a friends friend the cash to hire a truck...

Anyone that can help in any way will be very much appreciated....


I thought Matty could go there, pick up the whole house, carry to the new place, tip the contents out then put the old house back.... Job done... lmao.

I'll see what's planned for the weekend, I'm golfing Sunday, but may be available on Saturday.

I thought Matty could go there, pick up the whole house, carry to the new place, tip the contents out then put the old house back.... Job done... lmao.

I'll see what's planned for the weekend, I'm golfing Sunday, but may be available on Saturday.


Are you dead set this weekend, with collingrove on snday.

House is almost packed up already.....we start moving stuff out on Thursday morning...hoping to get everything to new house by the end of Thursday....

So if anyone has some spare time, willing hands, and could help me move on Thursday, i would be very appreciative...

So Jules, dont worry i will be there on Sunday! Probably wont be able to move a muscle by then, but i will be there!

