The Riding Game!

While that's a great challenge, that's not how it works. You have to meet a challenge to post new one. So it's up to Nelly now.
Your bike in a stream.

how about we start posting a goggle street view link to our pictures?


Next challenge: Your bike in a stream

Well I know the perfect spot, just 200m from home, so I could give it a go but don't think I should really qualify as the ride is "not really there"and I would really rather do the ride and post a pic as an"extra bonus"

so its still "your bike in a stream"
Ok I went for a short 80km ride, beautiful day warm and very mild wind.
I went up the mountain to find a stream. I got to this track.


The track was 1 km long and very bad. I dropped the bike three times riding through the dried ruts. Being 5'6" and not being able to flat foot the bike was a bike problem. The ruts were about 1 to 2 feet deep as I got along it. I couldn't turn around so had to just plough on. Eventually I come to the end and a locked field gate. I tried to pivot the bike around to face the other way and I dropped it again.
By this time I was knackered. I could not pick it up. I was knackered and at one point seriously thought about walking back the 6 km's to the last house I saw. So I had a bit of an A-Team moment. After a quick reccie I found a plank of wood and a water butt.
Using the plank I pushed it under the bike and put my gloves on the plank to protect the bike from scratches. After two attempts I levered the bike up enough to get the water butt under the plank. After this I was able to get the bike upright. I was sweating like a pig 20C today.

The ride back down the track was uneventful as I stayed in the ruts nearest the bank. So if the bike toppled I just let it land on my leg and I could easily push it upright. All this to find a blood stream lol.
Anyway I found a river, I did not put the bike in it as I thought I would not get it back out. So my picture is my bike as close to the stream as I could safely get.


What a great days riding I loved it.

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Sorry to hear about your (mis)adventures, but so glad you and the bike got home safely.
Thanks for the new challenge! I like it! :cheer:
Blockbusters are dropping like flies around here....but they had a nice picture window :)

Next Challenge: At a Park, bonus is you can get kids in the background practicing sports!
where are you reflected in the window?


LOL! It wasn't easy to get the bike, reflection, & me all in the shot, so I did everyone a favor and and made the 'me' part as tiny as I could!

Next Challenge: At a Park, bonus is you can get kids in the background practicing sports!
Next challenge: Your bike on a dock with a lake/pond in the background.

Well, I missed this message!!!!!!!!

I took the bike to see my nephews playing soccer on Saturday and, of course, I remembered the Riding Game and snapped a picture (of the previous challenge).

At least it will work as a bump !!!!!

View attachment 35576

Next challenge: Your bike on a dock with a lake/pond in the background.

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