The wind blew over my bike...


Coffee Drinker
Elite Member
May 31, 2012
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We had some pretty nasty storms, yesterday evening, high winds, power outages, etc. I only have street parking, the fizzer stays pretty exposed. Anyway it felt like some very heavy rains were coming, so I left the bike cover on.

Everything seemed to be fine. A few of us watched the storm from the porch with some brews, which was fun. I turned in to read ....and get a text from the roommate. The bike was laying on the curb, on its right side, cover blown off. Bummer.

We picked it up. It seems like I got out of it pretty lucky, as the frame slider & pegs seem to have taken the brunt of it. Front turn signal is a bit loose, no big deal. A few scrapes here and there. No tank, engine or fairing damage...phew.

Anyway, is this a pretty noob mistake, to leave the cover on when there are very high winds? I'm just curious, because we do get storms like this, from time to time here. All said....I'm stoked the bike had no major damage. No trees fell on it!

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Leaving the bike on first gear next time i think it will help a bit :p but damn i want to put some peg protectors also
My son lives in Arlington and was enjoying the show last night, too. Now he's been without power for over 24 hours and it's hot as hell. Sorry for all the VA/DC/MD folks who have no A/C, property damage and/or were injured.

Surprised the bike blew over, but I'd have done the same thing you did. Is there anything to chain it to? A bike lock could secure it to a sturdy object, I guess.

Darn good thing it didn't cushion a tree's fall.

Stay safe.
Sorry to hear about the bike. We had the same winds here in Ohio. It tore our gate off its post.

My mothers house 2 hours north of Cincinnati did not fair as well. She lost part of her roof.

My bike is also out side during riding season (no garage here)
Always leave my bike in first, with the forks locked, and on the side stand. Is this the best position for the bike?
I'd opt for cover being off as the wind can cut through allot of that area, otherwise it acts a sail!!! I mean think of holding a sheet of plywood out there. You wouldn't stand a chance so the bike is better off w/out. Anything solid comes down the cover is not gonna stop it no how. . .

Sorry, glad its OK tho!
My son lives in Arlington and was enjoying the show last night, too. Now he's been without power for over 24 hours and it's hot as hell. Sorry for all the VA/DC/MD folks who have no A/C, property damage and/or were injured.

Surprised the bike blew over, but I'd have done the same thing you did. Is there anything to chain it to? A bike lock could secure it to a sturdy object, I guess.

Darn good thing it didn't cushion a tree's fall.

Stay safe.

Im in South Jersey and without power for the same amount of time.
Glad that your bike wasn't damaged too bad. I live in McLean VA(next to Arlington). I also have to park in a parking lot. I was also afraid that the bike would blow over Friday PM. I went out during the storm and took the cover off, moved the bike between 2 SUVs and put it in first. Worked for me!
Glad the damage was minimal, I would have done the same as you and left the cover on, the thought of the wind blowing it over would never have occurred to me :(
I just put it in the the living room for the hurricane last year.

Glad it's not hurt too bad and hope the power is restored soon.

Driving up I59 to Chattanooga saw lots of power company trucks headed that way. Some from Mississippi Power, after taking a direct hit from Katrina they know about storm damage and how nice it is to have people come and help.