This sucks...

Well, don't come to California because the weight of the budget deficit/debt is probably as heavy as your snowpack. Unemployment here is at least 12% (much higher but many have given up, etc.) and it's still not really clear which way it's going. Unless there's some miraculous turnaround it's going to get still worse because CA politicians have been rosy forecasting/borrowing foolishly. Forget about starting a public teaching career here right now. At least you have a teaching job there.

How is the HVAC job outlook out there? I Fabricate and Install ductwork for LARGE residential homes. 90% of my work is with Geothermal
your right, it is my decision... but last year i think we got snow once.. like 6 inches.. the year before it was like a few 2 inch storms, we have gotten more snow TODAY, than we have in teh last 5 years COMBINED lol... This was not my choice haha :spank:
lol, and here is my back up...


Our average snowfall for a winter is 18.2 inches... SO FAR we have gotten 80 inches!! and its suppose to snow mon/tue and next wed/thur... this is beyond nuts... lol... all you people who get this normally, i bet you know what im talking about, but imagine doing what you do yearly, on a weeks notice. People are panicking, nobody has ever seen this much lol... road crews dont know what to do with it. Yesterday they shut down the entire COUNTY to non emergency vehicles. Its like a state of emergency lol.

might be normal to some, but to people like us who never see anywhere close to this much, its crazy.

I just heard my brother in laws neighbors deck collapsed because of the weight... it sucks, but people just dont know the realities of this much snow at once.
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