Thugs and Hooligans give us all a bad rap

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Sorry bastards. The one guy that busted my window out would have been met with a 160grain .357 mag round to the face and anyother dirty mofos. They better hope their bikes can get up and move faster than 1300+ fps.

This gets my blood boiling!!

Actually, everyone is fortunate that both parties were not armed. It could have escalated into a shootout possibly hurting the wife and child. You have no idea what mental state anyone is in.

Major failure in both parties. You think that the SUV could have called 911 while they were travelling down the thruway? I understand that they were fearing for their lives, I can't blame them for running, but no excuse plowing through riders. At that point, they needed to call 911 because it was obvious that once they stop, it was going too get ugly.

As another member mentioned, most people must understand the dynamics of a motorcycle, there is a good amount of deceleration by just rolling off the throttle. You wouldn't even have to brake check if you wanted somebody to rear end you if the following distance was to close.

Riders must learn that they have to share the road.
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Can some explain whats the difference between a hooligan and a thug? Its seems the violence came after the driver of the RR took off. He turned that RR into a monster truck. One of the bikers could have been killed. There two sides to every story and the video doesn't show either very well. They where both wrong and responsible for there actions. It could have all been avoided. It seems to me that people are making judgement based on there on biases.

IMO the video shows one side very well. As stated numerous times in this post, we don't know what caused the initial altercation as that's not part of the video.

"One of the bikers could have been killed"? If you don't want to be killed by a RR running you over....don't park your bike in front of it on a freeway while threatening the driver.

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Can some explain whats the difference between a hooligan and a thug? Its seems the violence came after the driver of the RR took off. He turned that RR into a monster truck. One of the bikers could have been killed. There two sides to every story and the video doesn't show either very well. They where both wrong and responsible for there actions. It could have all been avoided. It seems to me that people are making judgement based on there on biases.

I'm a motorcycle enthusiast, so my opinion is not biased in the least little bit.

Actually, everyone is fortunate that both parties were not armed. It could have escalated into a shootout possibly hurting the wife and child. You have no idea what mental state anyone is in.

Major failure in both parties. You think that the SUV could have called 911 while they were travelling down the thruway? I understand that they were fearing for their lives, I can't blame them for running, but no excuse plowing through riders. At that point, they needed to call 911 because it was obvious that once they stop, it was going too get ugly.

As another member mentioned, most people must understand the dynamics of a motorcycle, there is a good amount of deceleration by just rolling off the throttle. You wouldn't even have to brake check if you wanted somebody to rear end you if the following distance was to close.

Riders must learn that they have to share the road.

-Hands wife the cellphone- "call 911"
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Can some explain whats the difference between a hooligan and a thug? Its seems the violence came after the driver of the RR took off. He turned that RR into a monster truck. One of the bikers could have been killed. There two sides to every story and the video doesn't show either very well. They where both wrong and responsible for there actions. It could have all been avoided. It seems to me that people are making judgement based on there on biases.
I think we can quite clearly see from the video there is really no difference between a hooligan and a thug.
Wikis view: Hooliganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thug - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As a new motorcycle rider, this type of video makes me wary of ever going on a group ride. I am all for defending my space around my bike, but I'm also cognizant of the need to NOT set myself up for failure because of distracted motorists. That shouldn't require being a punk on a motorcycle, IMHO. It should be the regular practice of focused, alert riding.

Perhaps I'm naive and haven't had a bad experience with a car to justify this level of "F___ YEAH MOTORCYCLES!" anger towards car wielding motorists.

That said, the SUV driver -- I'd have run over the motorcyclist too if I'd been terrified of 20-30 bikers surrounding my car. It sucks, 'cause the squid in question is now a paraplegic. Also, the guy who was originally rear-ended for his punk-ass behavior is getting charged...hard:

?Road rage? biker may be paralyzed | New York Post

How do we know that that's not a made up picture by some attention seeker wanting to make the bikers seem innocent? You can probably find pictures of people in a hospital bed all screwed up and use photoshop (or some image editing program) to add the text beside it. Plus, you didn't provide the source.
How do we know that that's not a made up picture by some attention seeker wanting to make the bikers seem innocent? You can probably find pictures of people in a hospital bed all screwed up and use photoshop (or some image editing program) to add the text beside it. Plus, you didn't provide the source.

Source is in previous post with link to NY POST article regarding charges. Assuming they checked their sources, it's a legit pic of the squid who was Range Rover'd by the terrified SUV driver.
“The motorcyclists are being uncooperative, those that have been interviewed. They’ve spoken to two of them [Cruz and another] and they’re full of crap. They’re saying they didn’t see anything. They’re saying, ‘I was just standing there.’ It’s a joke. They’re tracking down the others. They went out to Brooklyn last night to look for a third guy.”

This, this right here would sum it up. Your buddy has just been paralyzed, you then keep your mouth shut? What is this logic?

Upon the endless traffic infractions I have witnessed within the whole. 6 minutes of that Video the bikers are by no means "innocent victims", we may not know what led up to bikers problem with the SUV, but if it was THAT BIG OF AN ISSUE TO CHASE SOMEONE DOWN, GET INTO THEIR LANE AND ENGINE BRAKE CHECK THEM. Well who's fault is it? Because if they where riding along and a maniac in a range rover ran them over for no reason I would be more inclined to say the guy getting his ass beat was justified, but it wasn't. According to the story no one was ran down, ran off, or ran on. Before the camera started rolling.

I'm sorry and my heart goes out to the biker and his family because of his injurys due to his hot headedness.

He clearly slowed down a lot. They where all lane changing going left to right, slashing his tires. So I can't say I would do anything different. As terrible as it is guilt by association wil play this out.
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Interesting that fear is one of the most powerful and manipulating experiences that we as humans are governed by. It's very sad that we can misunderstand each other and end up in harms way so quickly. Beyond who's right or wrong is the ability we have to live in peace if we just examine ourselves a little deeper. Much harder to do in a crowd but we don't know that there weren't riders in this group that tried to calm things down or keep the SUV driver from being severely beaten or killed. Unfortunately in this case emotional reactions occurred first and ruled the day. I don't see any courage displayed here and I'll bet you there are a majority of people that identify themselves as men that totally failed here. I don't mean men as in gender but instead as adults persons. I mean beings that we as people in a claimed civilized world, are proud and glad to be.

All the technology in world means nothing when our first option is to wack each other with our termite sticks to solve something we don't understand. :spank:

Think about how fast and easy life and limb are expendable items. In a split second....

I now return you to your regularly scheduled program......:)
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Watch it again. The guy who got hit kept a steady speed on the motorcycle, he did not brake or slow down.

This video is turning out to be a visual skill test.

1) Obviously the rider who got hit did not brake, just look at the brake light not going on.

2) Things to notice: The rider who got hit was maintaining his general relative position with the rider on his right (green bike) and in rider front of him. No, significant changes at all. The rider was not slowing down.

3) The rider with the camera on the motorcycle was accelerating quickly. You can see him gain quickly on yellow motorcycle in front of him who was also accelerating, he had to move to the left to avoid hitting him.

The reason some of you are being fooled into thinking the rider was slowing down is because the rider with the camera was accelerating.

You could see the guy drop speed, you could see the brake light come on in two separate instances.

The camera wearer was on a dirt bike/super moto and there was NO BRAAAPP!!. Watch the rest of the video when he tries to accelerate and it's a lot of BRAAAP and not very much go.

Ride Apart even breaks it down.
Range Rover-Chasing New York Bikers Video - RideApart

The only thing I can think is "Cocaine is a hell of a drug"
I don't usually like to get involved with stuff like this but your comment above is clearly incorrect.

Did he hit his brakes? No.
Did he slow down substantially? Yes!

Take a look at the attached screen capture in less than a 2-second time lapse:
*Note: It goes left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

Take a look at the relative distances in the short time period. The guy filming does not really change position with respect to the three bikers in front of him, the two bikers beside the RR, or to the RR itself. Same with the RR; the relative position with respect to every bike around him does not change (or changes minimally).

The only object that changes position is the white bike; he gets further away from the three bike in the lead and ultimately closer (too close) to the RR.

He definitely Slowed! I could argue that it may not have been intentional but, given his stare down of the car in the previous few seconds, i would not be surprised.

Skooter can you go back more and capture at around 0:19- 0:24 seconds you can see his brake light come on. He tapped the brake and that is what starts him slowing down, he then looks back over his shoulder.

I really like that line program you have that breaks it down.
I don't even have the energy to summarize all my thoughts on this. What a clusterfook!! :rolleyes:
Would someone please explain why 911 wasn't called immediately? If it was, why did the video not end with the bikers taking off at minute 5 to the sounds of sirens?
I think we can quite clearly see from the video there is really no difference between a hooligan and a thug.
Wikis view: Hooliganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thug - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When looking up hooliganism it refers to the act of vandalism and bullying.

"Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively to impose domination over others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power"

These riders are delusional thinking that by shear numbers that they are something to be reckoned with. The reckoning came back on them. This is not the first instance they have ran the streets, causing property damage to motorist vehicles while threatening and intimidating them.

These riders are assholes and deserve whatever sh!t comes there ways. You want respect in this world you give respect. You want safety in this world you give safe passage. You want to threaten anyone, you get what's coming to you, when it comes back. It's like that Aussie kid that was bullied, then eventually picks up the bully who was smaller than him and dumps him on his head. Justice is bitter sweet.

On a happier note, Green Street Hooligans is an awesome movie.
As a new motorcycle rider, this type of video makes me wary of ever going on a group ride. I am all for defending my space around my bike, but I'm also cognizant of the need to NOT set myself up for failure because of distracted motorists. That shouldn't require being a punk on a motorcycle, IMHO. It should be the regular practice of focused, alert riding.

Perhaps I'm naive and haven't had a bad experience with a car to justify this level of "F___ YEAH MOTORCYCLES!" anger towards car wielding motorists.

That said, the SUV driver -- I'd have run over the motorcyclist too if I'd been terrified of 20-30 bikers surrounding my car. It sucks, 'cause the squid in question is now a paraplegic. Also, the guy who was originally rear-ended for his punk-ass behavior is getting charged...hard:

?Road rage? biker may be paralyzed | New York Post

After reading that article that the "motorcyclist are uncooperative". Charge each and every one with inciting a riot, criminal mischief, intimidation, reckless driving, menacing a child. F#ck all of them, they are scum. Bunch of pussies to use a mob to attack one man.
After reading that article that the "motorcyclist are uncooperative". Charge each and every one with inciting a riot, criminal mischief, intimidation, reckless driving, menacing a child. F#ck all of them, they are scum. Bunch of pussies to use a mob to attack one man.

Agreed. It's scary that a man's wife and kid could've been hurt with the rage going in here. Could he have done something to provoke it? Absolutely. In this case though, he never had the numbers vs. the gang of riders around him to sanely defend himself if things went south.
Well it made CNN, however like any news report take it with a grain of salt.:thumbup:

Bikers chase Range Rover driver after rider is hit, viral video shows -

I think they guy that slowed deserved to be hit for being completely dumb. You corner a scared animal it WILL lash out in fear, fight to survive. Groups that big need to have respect, not try to control the road. A group that big will intimidate almost anyone. Mob mentality is never a good thing.
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It's hard to pass judgement one way or another because the video starts at a random point in time when things have obviously escalated. If the bikes had been harassing the car for a while that still doesn't give him reason to run them over. On the other hand, these groups of idiots are known to get violent and stupid. I wouldn't have run them over, but I agree that they'd be looking down the barrel of a gun if they started bashing on my window.

Do you really think a group of 100+ bikers aren't carrying weapons? If you had pulled a gun your SUV would have been lit up like a Christmas tree!

The best thing for the driver to have done instead of running over a bike to try to escape is to 1. Not engage a group of biker thugs in road rage 2. Call the cops instead of escalating it by running a biker over!
Do you really think a group of 100+ bikers aren't carrying weapons? If you had pulled a gun your SUV would have been lit up like a Christmas tree!

The best thing for the driver to have done instead of running over a bike to try to escape is to 1. Not engage a group of biker thugs in road rage 2. Call the cops instead of escalating it by running a biker over!

I don't think the SUV seemed to be in a Road Rage state. He was going slow, trying to maintain his lane, then the jackass decides to cause an accident. It reminds me of asshats in NY bars, they would bump into you to see if they cold instigate a fight.
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