Today I realized what I would do if I got cut off by a car.

So would a crossbow, Axe, sledge hammer, sword, butcher knife, rock, 2x4, etc. Guns are more convenient weapons for criminals and criminals aren't going to stop shooting people because guns are outlawed...they will just have more helpless victims to choose from.

LOL The Art of 8 Weapons always got my back over the years... but unfortunately it's not bullet proof!:eek:

Sorry, I didn't mean to high jack the thread for a gun thread. I was just saying be careful, never know how a piss off nobody will react!
LOL The Art of 8 Weapons always got my back over the years... but unfortunately it's not bullet proof!:eek:

Sorry, I didn't mean to high jack the thread for a gun thread. I was just saying be careful, never know how a piss off nobody will react!

It's true. I've heard of plenty of incidents like this where the person jumps out with some other form of weapon, like a tire iron. There are a lot more people with hair trigger tempers on the road than we realize!
Or you could always run out the back door and get in your car and drive away..

I am NOT going to run out my back door & drive away in my car like a coward! I am going to stay & defend MY home in any way I can! I worked hard to pay for this house & everything in it (yes, it is fully paid for) & I'll be damned if anyone who's not invited is going to enter & do as they please! The way I see it, if you illegally break into my home, you have no respect for the law & should not expect protection from the law. By entering my home with ill intentions, in my eyes you have lost any & all "rights" that you may think you have. You have done as you please & now I will do as I please! I'll make sure in court that there's only one side to the story, mine!
I'm sorry about my rants, but I do take my & my family's rights & safety very seriously & care about them much more that some sleezeball criminal who doesn't.
this happened to me once, well sorta-kinda. i'd only had the bike for a few months, and it was about 5-6:00 in the evening. My dad and i went for a quick ride to the bike shop (2-3 miles each way) and on the way there, just getting off the highway, a dude in a truck cuts the old man off. Dad lays on the horn and guns around him into a parking lot. Immediately i look over and some chick is coming over on me! She's texting and not paying attention, and all im thinking is S**T WHERE'S THE F***ING HORN??? So i look over at her again, look down at the bars, look back at her; and it happened, i kick her passenger door. It wasn't an enraged panel-bash, just an attention grabbing "HEY! I'm here!" She swerved back into her lane and waved that she was really sorry about coming over on me. I didn't have an "out" so yeah the kick was necessary.
I've done the same a few times, but i can hardly say it's right, smart or life enhancing ... it's kinda natural.

Just a few things to think about:

1. Kicking a fender can leave damage, which is called 'evidence' in courts
2. If he had decided to drive over you, would you have escaped safely?
3. A flathand slap to the window is more effective in getting attention without causing any damage
4. Don't make it a habit, you're riding the same route tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after.
5. Don't make it a habit, what goes around goes around you know?
6. Nobody here doubts that he did deserve a wake up.

Keep it safe :thumbup: