Today was a bad day...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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...but it could have been much, much worse. :(

I had a 2:00 appointment in SLC this afternoon to spoon some new tires onto "Pig". Since I just bought it this spring, used, I also asked the tech to give it a good look-over for any problems. There was a commotion in the garage area, several people were looking at something on my bike, and the tech motioned me over.
The rear subframe of the BMW R1200 GS is bolted to the engine block in four locations, two on each side. On my bike, both bottom bolts... weren't there!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
When I installed a set of bottom crash bars on my bike a few weeks ago I noticed that one arm attached to the block had a hole drilled in the center. I thought that was a bit odd so I checked the other side, it also had a hole, so I figured that's how it was designed and didn't give it further thought.
The shop owner told me he could trailer the bike back to my place, but he would not let me drive it; had the shoulder on the arm slipped out of the cast collar on the engine block, the bike would've snapped in half, not cool on the interstate (I've put over 2,000 miles on Pig since getting her). The threads in the left-hand hole were completely destroyed, and its obvious the previous owner sold the bike knowing of this fault; I'm considering legal action.
After working on the bike another hour or so the tech was pretty confident they'd be able to heli-coil the holes and restore the bike without too much effort. I've got a non-refundable $300 hotel room reserved for next weekend in Jackson Hole (was gonna ride the Beartooth Highway) but there's no guarantee the bike will be ready by Wednesday next week (they had to order the two bolts).

Today was a bad day. But I'm alive. Damn.
You're right, it was a bad day but it could have been catastropic if that frame had given way whlie you were riding it a freeway speeds. You should count your blessings that the technicians were so diligent in their duties. :thumbup:
That's nothing, man! Watch "Long Way Round" if you haven't already.. you just need to find a welder in South East Russia.. he'll have you up and running in no time! :D
That's nothing, man! Watch "Long Way Round" if you haven't already.. you just need to find a welder in South East Russia.. he'll have you up and running in no time! :D

Own both the "Long Way" series, that's hardcore stuff. :eek:
Glad your guys saw that! :eek:

When I visited with Kenny (VegasRider) here in SD the other night, he told me you were going to both hook up and ride. Hope you're able to make your ride!
Best thing is you're okay and the bike will be okay. :)
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obviously you found a GOOD motorcycle mechanic! :thumbup::thumbup:

I believe you owe them a nice bottle of Jack.

glad it was found before something bad happened.

on your thoughts of legal action: im no lawyer, but I think that since the bike was knowingly sold in an unsafe condition without it being disclosed that you may have some leverage.
That sucks man! Sorry to hear that. I think legal action may be tough since you were able to look at the bike prior to purchasing (I'm assuming).

Hope the shop can sort everything out for you and it isn't a total loss.
I hope your guys can get it repaired in time for you to take your trip Botch. Beartooth is a good ride and if you can, put Chief Joseph on the list.
And I'm so happy that nothing happened to you while you were riding it!! Your guardian angels were definitely doing their job!
Please keep in mind that missing parts can mean very little to those who hire someone to do everything for them. Even if they do it themselves, not everyone sees the value in "a bolt" ((Bolts = life??))

Perhaps a more pleasant beginning and lead into a discussion whereby you ask for reimbursement of the repairs or 1/2 the repairs, refund off purchase price ect? I'd suspect the lawyer thing is only going to work if he admits to knowing its a safety issue. Did you sign an "as is with no warranty/statement of condition" or anything like that?

Glad you're safe and not reporting from a hospital bed!
Really sorry to hear about your bike Botch, but very relieved that nothing happened and you're safe, this story could have turned out very different :eek:
I hope you can claim back some of the money and that it can be fixed soon :thumbup:
---- BUMP! ----

Today was a good day. :D

Got Pig back this afternoon. The threads that were mangled only went in a couple millimeters, there were enough good threads behind it that they just chased it and it was good to go, no Helicoil needed (which would've required dropping the engine). They removed, inspected, and re-torqued all the other frame bolts, just to make sure, so I'm good to go.
Think I was overdue on getting the new tires too, it steers totally differently now. Wanted to wring it out a bit but it's in the upper nineties again this afternoon, maybe tonight.
Great news! What's the problem with 90's and wringing it out? When I ride in the 90's I wring my gear out when I'm done! :)

Have a great time in Jackson Hole. We went there and Yellowstone this summer, saw lots of HD's, met a really nice dentist in Jackson Hole, another one in Bozeman and finally an endodontist in Bozeman! Beautiful country