Twin light wiring.


Wakin up the neighbours
Nov 25, 2009
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Godalming UK
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Not one of my strong points.

Ok,I've now got the twin light fighter headlight to replace my stock N one.
How do I wire up both lights,from the three wires I have left on my loom?
Any help,links would be mucho appreciated.

There is a standard twin light set up from something like an old Suzuki on e bay at the moment going cheap,with a mini loom fitted.Could I just use that?


Or could I use the light loom from an FZ6 Fazer (Faired)

Jesus,I hate electrics!
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Here's the lighting diagram from my FZ600, It has twin lights so maybe of some help :thumbup:

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The electronics will be the least of your worries. I'm thinking you might want to go the route a lot of others have with a dual headlamp setup from the Buell. It looks like the assembly you're showing would need some plastics to finish it off. As a quick answer. One wire will be ground or return path for both the high and low beam filaments. There will be a wire for the low beam filament and a wire for the high beam filament. Also you may find some more important info from a headlamp modification on this forum that was done by BD43 who is a member here.
Hope this helps.
I'm confused. The light you posted.. is that what's on eBay and you're thinking to use the harness from it or is that what you actually got to use for your bike??
If you got a Dominotor, it's pretty easy to wire it up. I don't know what FZ6N harness looks like.
Can you take a picture of your current harness (the part that plugs into the headlight) and the picture of the wires coming out of your new headlight?
Sorry guys! The unit I've got is a Puig Shadow


I've bought it off of e bay,but I'm not sure if the wiring is included,so what I'm looking at is the possibility that it hasn't.Can't contact the seller as he's away and my light is winging it's way across the pond so I need to hook this up asap so if I can sort out something to wire it up when it arrives,that would be cool.
Very hard to tell without seeing what the connections look like on new one.
It's pretty easy to figure out Yamaha wiring. As you mentioned, basically 3 wires come out, right? If you plug looks like the one on FZ6S, it's a 3-prong female. The bottom wire is your high beam. That leaves you with 2 top connectors.. the black wire is the ground (I don't remember if it's the left one or the right one.. just check for color).
Not a good idea to jump the gun on wiring on the new light though. Wait till you get the thing and then see what's up.
If you post up pictures, you'll get very good help here.
Looking forward to seeing how this thing will look! I bet light output will be very good.
Cheers Erci,I suppose I'm jumping the gun a bit till I see what I've got :spank:

Should be good.It's from the same company that Wolfman bought his light set up from. Twin projector lights,so I'm hoping they will be ok.