Valentino Rossi Plays Videogames With His Girlfriend

cool pictures , i was wondering if he was walking around at his home with 1 pc leather suit :)

totally out of subject , i see ur from calgary , i was there to visit my sister last week,,,they are asking me to move there,,but it was freaking -26 C when i was there,,,,when does the motorcycle season start and finish there? do you have at least a good 4-5 months or not even that? (may to september?)
I can think of several ways of spending time with that young lady; strangely enough videogames wasn't one of them.:p
That suit he's wearing is the new W-Frame. It replaces the 'old' T.SUKHOI from Dainese. I've decided that 2-piece suits are more practical, but the W-Frame is definitely the best! $2500-3000 US.

Motorcycle Season Calgary- Mid March to Mid November.
However, I enjoy the challenge of winter riding.

Motorcycle Insurance is WAY cheaper in Calgary, but the city has been inflating drastically over the past year.