Very squeaky breaks


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Minneapolis MN
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I did not notice them squeaking when I put her away for winter, but they day I broke her out and was moving her around I noticed the front break seems to be very squeaky. I had the dealership look at it while it was in for service and they said that everything looked alright (shocked me, I expected they would suggest replacing them). I thought may be the squeaking would go away after a few rides but it is still there, should I have someone else look at them or is there a way someone who is not mechanically inclined could check them?
Little bit of surface crap, no need to worry.

I recommend spraying water between the disc and pads on both sides to try and wash it out, when you wash the bike. (always do this when cold)

If it continues you might try removing the pads and wiping a little anti squeal brake compound on the back of the pad and reinstalling them. You can also get a piece of sand paper (120 grit) and on a flat surface, lightly scuff the face of the pad. Re install pads and gently apply brake to let the pad re-seat. You'll notice the brakes will not be as good until the pads re-seat so be careful. As they break in you should have normal feel and hopefully this will cure the squeal.
Don't hit the brake lever with the pads out and mark the pads so they go back where they came from. :D
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Tell us about how you ride. . .

Making an assumption that mechanically all things are good - it could be squeaking from the way you ride. Pads/rotors that don't reach temperature to burn off deposits on the rotor can become glazed.

Pads/rotors can also get glazed from drag. Example; if the lever is not adjusted right and it prevents the pads from retracting, they drag. Not enough to slow the bike or heat the pads much but transfer brake pad material to the rotor which in turn makes them noisy. If they are adjusted right; i.e. master cylinder has some freeplay on the piston rod, this should not be factor unless the brakes are ridden on a regular basis (very light use, like covering the lever).

So I have to ask how do you ride? If you are Gentle on the brakes, ride at slow speeds and rarely do high speed full brake applications (hard quick stops) they can glaze and squeak.
pads are fairly cheap too, you can just replace them if it is really bothering you, but the solutions mentioned above for dirty or glazed pads are the same, light sanding of the surface of the pads and re install and re seat them and you should be good to go
If you have an air compressor, blow air about the pads/calipers and blow any dust / debris out.

I'd also pull the pads, spray some brake cleaner around the pistons. For the pads, I scruff them up on a flat, smooth, side walk in a circular pattern, then spray those with brake cleaner to get rid of the glaze. A little anti-squeel grease on the back of the pads won't hurt either.

I'd make sure your brakes aren't dragging either. You should be able to get at least a full rotation when spun by hand (off the ground). If it stops immediatly, its time to service the calipers...

Just an FYI, Yamaha recommends new caliber seals and rubber brake lines every two years. The seals tend to harden up over time and not let the pistons return fully causing dragging.