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Apr 29, 2008
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annapolis, md
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so i'm a WD-40 nut. i'd brush my teeth with it if i could. it's just, next to gorilla glue and gin, the greatest stuff anywhere. what i would like to know please, is what everyone does with it on their bike... or perhaps what some people have heard others doing with it that shouldn't be done? for example. i squirt it into the throttle cable from time to time. i have read here that some people are for it, and some are against it. so many scattered tidbits of WD-40 goodness throughout the forums, and not a whole lot focused on just the stuff itself. :cheer:
Well from what I know it's made for displacing water (WD) and was the 40th solution tried by the people who made it (hence the name). Other than lubing door hinges, I wouldn't use it to lube anything as it degrades and actually causes sticking. Can someone confirm this?
Use WD-40 to displace moisture or as a cleaner....it is NOT a very suitable lubricant, as it contains kerosene which actually dries out the part you're trying to lubricate.
Keep it away from cars, motorcyles and guns.
Fish like it, however. :D
Cleans chain, gets the squeak out of the door, helps remove stickers, etc. - WD-40 is great.
If you spray it on a bagel it will taste really bad. LOL

I use it to clean the chain and thats about it. PB blaster for breaking bolts loose, dupont teflon lube for lubricating things.
I recall reading that using WD40 wasn't recommended to clean the chain because 'it might damage the O rings'.

My O ring chain lubricant instructs to clean the chain using Kerosene and since WD40 has kerosene in it, then it shouldn't be a problem right?
WD40 for cleaning the chain. Wax type oil for lubing it.

I've read on another forum that many R6 riders use WD40 for both cleaning AND lubing, without problems.

WD40 for light surface rust removal.
I use WD-40 to keep my dogs off the garden :eek: , just spray it around the edge of the garden and they'll never go near it :thumbup:......Dogs hate the smell of the stuff so your garden stays nice , neat and tidy :cheer: :D

Seriously WD40 is the root of all evil and except for a few exceptional circumstances should be kept away from the bike at all times ;)
I use it to protect my winter bike (the FJ 600 not the Fazer), that has to sleep outside in the street, from salt and moist. I spray it on the parts like engine, exhaust etc. Occasionally I also use it on the fairings en tank, however some say that it dries out the paint and rubber so i'm careful with that, haven't noticed any problem though. It protects the metal surface from moist and salt and it makes it easy to wipe of the dirt next time I clean it. For the fairings and other painted surfaces I use some other spray, which doesn't dry out and lubricates, I forgot the name of the stuff.

Also use WD40 on hinges ofcourse.
Where I work, we use LPS-2, which is apparently aircraft grade, as its the only industrial strength lubricant spray allowed on our flight line (I did see it available at Home Depot) . . . though I do love me some WD-40 at home! PB Blaster seems to work well also, I used it to free some stuck 3/4" bolts from the frame of my car to attach a tow receiver . . .

I noticed that locksmiths generally use TriFlow to lubricate locks . . .
WD-40 is okay if for some reason you are limited to one can of stuff to do everything. Better than nothing.

There are far better penetrating oils out there: Kroil!!! :thumbup:
There are far better light oil lubes too: RemOil :thumbup:

FYI: I think Kroil might actually work better that Hoppes :eek: Really loosens up carbon deposits

I have seen the attraction of fish to WD-40 :confused:

What I want to know is: Who was the first guy to say "Gee, the fish aren't biting today. I think I spray my worm with WD-40 and see if that helps."???

View attachment 12857
I have seen the attraction of fish to WD-40 :confused:

What I want to know is: Who was the first guy to say "Gee, the fish aren't biting today. I think I spray my worm with WD-40 and see if that helps."???

That's a new one on me, but I have a fishing trip planned for April. I'm putting a can in the tackle box tonight!