What would you do...just came into some money

Sorry man.....

I feel like Dave on this.... This person needs professional help. I understand people make mistakes. I'm not free of making them and will certainly make more but I want to work hard on the parts I think need worked on.

I understand your plight and taking advantage of this but if this guy is trying to stay under the radar because of passed events linked to DUI, he will hurt or take out another being if not himself.

I'm happy that you have the opportunity to choose a nice bike but it's the cost that's got me hurting. The cost may be far greater than a dollar amount.....:(
I totaly agree with this.... :thumbup: :thumbup:
Be careful, if there is no police report, and if you don't have anything signed by him saying he hit you, he doesn't have to pay you a dime!!!

Edit- forgot you had it all on video so nevermind, but ask for more of he is loaded!!!
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Edit- forgot you had it all on video so nevermind, but ask for more of he is loaded!!!

they both go to jail....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5RtlpXsl8k"]YOU BLEW IT!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

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Shhhhhh but i won't say anything if you cut me in for....ummmm..........let's say, no wait, yeah $20,000.57
Didn't mean to gang up on you but it's a very sensitive subject. I'm sure we all know someone that has been affected by a drunk driver. I spent 4 years working the criminal courts and the "everyday" people that just can't control themselves. I remember taking a guy (in custody) down from court that said, "Whew, that was my first DWI." I said, "The first time you've been caught?" He didn't answer nor talk the rest of the way back.

Yeah, no one is perfect and sinless. That said where do you draw the line? If you go by that you never draw the line and just look the other way at all times. It's been my experience that everyone who drives drunk has done it before (but there's always a first time). Doesn't matter. Each time is against the law, first or one hundredth. It's my belief that so many folks drive drunk and only a small fraction ever get caught. By the time they do get caught they're alcoholics. Many alcoholics you wouldn't even know if you met them. I can look the other way for some things but not driving drunk. Obviously you can and defended your reason for it. That's your choice. We can't predict the future, don't know what this guy will or won't do if he continues to drive drunk.

In Texas it's 3 and a felony, as in going to prison for several years. If this guy already had 2 DWI's (or DUI's, same thing) then he hasn't learned and a slap on the wrist as mentioned before just means he can do it again. Williamson County, TX, just sentenced a guy to life in prison after his 5th DWI. That's the county just north of mine.

Yes a DWI is expensive, costing well in excess of $10,000... a suspended license, insurance hike, possible loss of job, all the bonuses. Everyone knows that and yet people still drink and drive.

But only you were there, not me or anyone else on this forum. We're just reacting to what we've been told happened. Obviously it's frustrated several people thinking this guy is getting off scott free (albeit forking over $20,000 directly to you to keep your mouth shut). After all, he has a nice career and a family I suppose.
At this point, I don't think any law enforcement is going to be able to charge and definitely can't convict him since no officer was there to conduct a sobriety test/breathalyzer. However, you can definitely file a claim against his insurance company and I would HIGHLY suggest you do so. This is to protect yourself against any unforeseen medical issues (sounds like you already have enough of those) AND you can bet your ass it'll stick with him for at least a few years for his insurance. You might not get $20k to take to the bank BUT you'll know that their check won't bounce.
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The motor is a gem, so immensely strong in the 4,000-7,000rpm you really don’t need to rev it out to get the most from it, though it happily will spin harder if you feel the urge. On the kinds of twisting country roads we rode around Portugal’s new and fabulous Portimao circuit this bike was breathtaking, pure KTM-shaped excitement and probably as quick as any other bike you could name on this type of terrain. But it’s not being quickest that matters, it’s the pleasure of using the bike’s thrust which is the real joy: the throttle response at these speeds is absolutely precise and crisp, and the motor drives you out of corners so eagerly it has you giggling into your helmet.

Then there’s the riding pleasure, something no touring bike comes remotely close to – one tug of the handlebars and the SM T is transformed from stable, comfy tourer into highly flickable sinuous road weapon, beautifully balanced from high speeds down to full lock U-turns, which are trial bike tight and so easy on this machine, you can come to a complete stop without putting a foot down.

I thought bike of the year had been sewn up by the 1198 S, and that’s still the ultimate track tool, but as far as real world road bikes go, the KTM dark horse has just reared its head: it has everything from cosseting comfort to supreme agility with an overdose of excitement and saturated satisfaction. It ain’t cheap at almost £10,000, but think of it as so many, so good bikes in the one package and suddenly it looks like a serious bargain.


$20K is very tempting to anyone, but he is a drunk driver and I have to say you owe it to the little kid whose life you save by stopping this mongrel from getting behind the wheel again.
Sounds like you are doing ok, you can ride, you can work, I hope you have special people in your life that make it all worthwhile.
but if you take the cash and then that suckhole runs someone down, how you going to feel?
sorry to put such a downer on the possible windfall, but if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
screw his behind in court, you'll still get whats due to you and prob more than that 20K
I am determined to ride this season and for the foreseeable future no matter what the doctor tells me. Here's the thing. I was involved in a minor accident with a drunk driver who is kinda loaded. He didn't want to go through insurance as he was bombed. I've got it all on video. He knows next to nothing how much motorcycles cost. I was riding a friends Honda 959 at the time. Got doctors records and he is willing to put this behind him. I just found out today that he is willing to write me a check for $20k to repair my bike. I'd end up giving my friend with the 959 my FZ6 so we're good there.

I know you all hate "which bike to buy threads", but I've been out of the loop so long, I don't know what's in nowadays.

Couple of things: Don't even mention the FZ8. FZ1 is possible. BMW R1200R used. Honda CB1000RR (that's the naked one) or should I really step up and go for the new Fireblade. It looks sick. And I'd have enough left over to pay for the insurance and chiropractor for a few years. I like the Z1000 and Ninja 1000 without all that chep plastic fairings, which I assume I can remove. And the ultimate, wet dream inducing motorcycle, the new, wait for it, Speed Triple R. One bad mother****er.

And with the money left over, I am thinking about holding a few raffles after making a modest donation to our favorite FZ6 community.

Advice please. Kindly comment only if you've had seat time with the bike in question.

Is the video permissible as evidence?
How long ago did this happen?
Were there any other witnesses?
I think a good lawyer would get him off of this if you just had the video.

Sorry guys.....been away collecting some well earned hush money. He was very apologetic. Went by his house. Nice family, you could see he had his **** together. Looking at his house, I could have asked for me. :BLAA:

I talked to him and he seems like a very decent guy. Nice family. Glad I didn't get the cops involved. I've been through that system before. It ain't fun for no one.

And unless you've been through the system, please, don't opine.
This is one mean machine. Haven't ridden an R, but the s3 w/o the Ohlins kit is a beast.

I've always wanted one. Justin, you are the man. I wish I had your job, bro.

This is my calendar. Head over to MotoUSA to check it out.

Now, this FZ1 I found somewhere on the internet. If anyone knows who owns this and could put me in touch with him, I'd like to buy it. That is if it's a real bike and not some Photoshop creation.
You should forget everything ever happened and delete the video. You left the scene of a accident, aided in a drunk driving, took blackmail money and probably didn't report it to the IRS.

I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same think but posting it on a public internet forum. Thousands of people are reading this and I'm sure google has all read indexed this thread.
You should forget everything ever happened and delete the video. You left the scene of a accident, aided in a drunk driving, took blackmail money and probably didn't report it to the IRS.

I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same think but posting it on a public internet forum. Thousands of people are reading this and I'm sure google has all read indexed this thread.

There's not a thing illegal about what he did. It's not blackmail money, he chose to let the guy pay out of pocket, rather than use his insurance. There's no law saying you have to use your insurance if you're in an accident... in fact, your insurance is a 3rd party. You can't sue another driver's insurance company for damages, because you have no claim with them, you have to sue the driver. And there's no requirement to report anything to the IRS... you ever get a 1099 for an insurance check? Didn't think so. It's money to replace something you already bought, not income.

I sure hope you're some kind of saint. :rolleyes:
Yea, but what about leaving a accident without reporting it, covering up a accident involving a drunk driver, taking money well over the cost of damages in return for not reporting the accident with a drunk driving.

Like I said I may have done the same thing, I just would of kept it to myself.

And you are still suppose to report it to the IRS. Doesn't matter if it's a gift, winnings or 20G you made by getting in a accident on your friends motorcycle. When it comes to profit you are suppose to report it.

Again I probably wouldn't report that either. And again I wouldn't tell anyone what I did.
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You should forget everything ever happened and delete the video. You left the scene of a accident, aided in a drunk driving, took blackmail money and probably didn't report it to the IRS.

I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same think but posting it on a public internet forum. Thousands of people are reading this and I'm sure google has all read indexed this thread.

I think they call it "settling out of court" :spank:
I think they call it "settling out of court" :spank:

Exactly. We simply settled out of court. Without the expense of having to hire legal aid. Without getting into a discussion of the justice system in this country, the end result was the same. One party was injured, the other party was responsible, and a small monetary award was received for pain, suffering, and damages.

Except, I didn't need to A) consult a blood-sucking attorney B) he didn't need to go to jail C) we were able to settle our affair like gentlemen.

Same end result. And no harm done.