Where would you rather park?


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Oct 5, 2009
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Long Island, NY
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This is my first bike and I managed to put over 1000 miles on it without ever having to park in a crowded lot.. until Thurs.

There was a wide walkway with moderate pedestrian traffic and also the dream spot right up front. I chose the latter. It feels a little selfish taking a full size spot for just my bike. On the other hand I could get a ticket for parking on the walkway and parking there would guarantee people were going to walk over to it and do who knows what.

Is there some protocol to follow? What spot would all of you chosen?
i would have taken the parking spot. No difference between riding there or driving there, even if you took the car it would take up a spot for 1 persons transport
I don't park on sidewalks, and prefer to park out away from crowds, PREFERABLY in the shade if there is any around. I don't want anyone knocking a shopping cart into my bike or having cover to vandalize it..

I park on the side stand unless its fresh pavement where as the kick stand is likely to sink into the fresh asphalt. Then I'd use the centerstand..
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I prefer to park in a parking space away from congestion but still in sight of the local populace. Some places don't like it when we park on the sidewalk/concrete walking area even when there is a great deal of room. The possiblility of a ticket is not worth it. I also don't park it on the center stand. It's easier to knock over.
Hi Ryan,
Interesting about the center stand. I had been thinking the centerstand is better. Seems like the side stand would tip it easier. Also, maybe it is just my bike the side stand folds up a little too easy (not enough resistance). I am open to other opinions.. centerstand or side stand?
Hi Ryan,
Interesting about the center stand. I had been thinking the centerstand is better. Seems like the side stand would tip it easier. Also, maybe it is just my bike the side stand folds up a little too easy (not enough resistance). I am open to other opinions.. centerstand or side stand?

To me, the center stand allows the bike to tilt and sway too easy. I think it would take a lighter bumb to tip the bike over from the center stand than the side stand. With the side stand, all the weight must be moved in the opposite direction to tilt the bike.

If you side stand doesn't work properly then of course, this changes things. Mine folds up quite easy but I have to get it out of the "locked" position. It doesn't really lock but there is a point that you have to move it past to get it to spring back up.

Final note, if the bike is in 1st and on the side stand, it won't roll forward and therefore the side stand won't be retracted. Of course this is my opinion.
I would take the parking space because if you bike ever does get hit by someone the insurance company will ask you where you were parked and if it was in a marked parking space. My truck was hit at the bank one day when I was setting in it waiting for my friend. This is when I found this out. I would try to park as far away from everyone else as I could though. Too many dummies out there that never see a bike. I've learn't that the hard way too.
Guess it's down to local laws.... Here in Denmark it's not legal to use a marked car parking space for a bike ...... and in many areas it's not legal to park on the pavement either .....

I would normally use a marked car space (knowing it's not legal), and park as dead centrer in the space as possible. If given a choice, I would always choose the space at the end, - less traffic there.

Guess we just have to come to terms with the fact that the only safe place to park is on your own plot, - in a dedicated Fazer spot.....
I don't park on sidewalks, and prefer to park out away from crowds, PREFERABLY in the shade if there is any around. I don't want anyone knocking a shopping cart into my bike or having cover to vandalize it..

I park on the side stand unless its fresh pavement where as the kick stand is likely to sink into the fresh asphalt. Then I'd use the centerstand..


I'm the complete opposite on which stand is more stable..... I believe far more in the center stand.

Instead of relying on two spring loaded contact points (suspension and tires) and one folding leg with a surface area just slightly bigger than a book of matches..... I'll trust in two rigid points locked together holding up almost the entire weight of the bike, with the wheel for a 'stabilizer'.

I can see where the side stand might be as stable if someone bumps into the bike..... and I can't recall ever seeing a bike blown over that was parked on th e side stand. I just don't trust the 'bounciness' offered by the suspension's action.

As far as the OP's question..... I'd take the car spot, and I would park at the 'open' end, dead center. That way, any car that might think about using that spot would be more likely to see the bike sooner, and so avoid whacking into it.
If someone wants to knock it over, its going over wether its on the center stand or side stand.........

Also, most times when I "mount up", I do so from the kickstand side, while its on the kick stand literally using the left peg and swinging my right leg over.

Just habit as the FJR has wider seat and the KLR is considerably taller.
I would have chosen the parking space over your other choice. When i do park on a sidewalk its never in the path of pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians have the right of way and some business owners/managers dont like bikes up near their store entrances. They call the cops. When i park in lots i try to park next to an island far away for added protection. I'd rather walk further than have some dummy swing his car door into my bike. Common sense prevails when parking your bike in public.
Not even a question. Park in the parking spot.
In this lovely city the parking patrolmen will be swift to issue a $75 fine if you park on the sidewalk.
interesting question, i was faced with this dilemma when trying to find a spot at a restaurant near a mall, a lot of traffic, and a prime area for bike theft.

i waited around unitl a spot opened up near the door and i took it, dead center.

as i sat down to order, some guy pulls his bike RIGHT behind mine in the same spot.. now, i dont know if this is proper since ive only been riding a week, but it was extremely difficult to get my bike out of the spot, as i left before he did.
I don't like to park in a parking lot, but looking at the two spots, I would park in the parking spot. Not enough room for me to park on the sidewalk.

However, I would have backed the bike all the way to the back end of the stall. Reason is, more people are likely to use the extras space to back up from the other side, and if they don't see your bike because its much smaller than a car, they might hit it.

Most people don't know how to back up properly in a vehicle. I'd rather trust people driving forward and see my bike and stop, then take a chance from people driving backwards.

Plus I like to piss drivers off thinking that the space is unoccupied but in realty, they see that it's not. Making the driver say what a waste, the bike should have parked on the sidewalk.

At least you backed the bike in, as your bike is much more visible from the front versus from the rear. :thumbup:
I would agree with everyone here who said take the parking space. The sidewalk looks to small to park at without having people walk to close to your bike. I've had things stolen off my bike out in front of a hotel parked on the sidewalk next to a bunch of other bikes. If your worried about something being stolen lock it up or take it with you.

As for the center stand vs kick stand I tend to us the kick stand the most. It's easier for me to us and I try to keep a kick stand puck to put down on me so it doesn't sink into pavement on a hot day.
as i sat down to order, some guy pulls his bike RIGHT behind mine in the same spot.. now, i dont know if this is proper since ive only been riding a week, but it was extremely difficult to get my bike out of the spot, as i left before he did.

He blocked you in? I dont mind two bikes in the same spot, but he should have given you a little more room I think. Are we supposed to leave a little extra room for another bike if we take a car spot? I always park a little back in the spot, hoping no one will bump it or bash it with the door, but always am nervous.

I would take the car spot and :Flip:to the cagers who glare at me.:thumbup: